
Controversial Topics Quotes

There are 250 quotes

"With your help, light will be shed on subjects that have been debated for years."
"SAT scores and crime correlate to race, falling in line with hypotheses about genetic differences."
"Pedophilia is intrinsically wrong. We know this. But they come along and say maybe it's not wrong."
"If you operate with a scalpel, there's no topic you can't touch."
"I feel bad that we're gonna go here, but I hope you guys understand."
"Don't ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or what Volkswagen, Hugo Boss, BMW, and FN were doing during World War II."
"The evidence is overwhelming on the Wuhan lab."
"MK Ultra involves ritual abuse, drugging, and hypnotizing victims."
"People want to be led, they want to be seduced."
"He's taken all the hot buttons that you're not supposed to say and put them all in one place."
"The mainstream media and social media are also working in lockstep to censor any and all doctors, scientists, and investigative journalists who have an opposing view."
"When the law allows a baby at 42 weeks to be aborted, then someone can go, 'Well, better not let the living baby go to waste.'"
"A single tweet can start a massive misinformation wave on covid, Election fraud conspiracies, and more."
"It's not exactly perfect, but it does a commendable job showing all sides of this touchy argument."
"Did scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology run the sort of gain-of-function experiments that could have ended up creating something like COVID? Now that is a good question."
"It seems to me logically... very likely that it came from the lab."
"Have you ever talked about something that’s kind of controversial, and people call you crazy, and then it turns out you were right all along?"
"Perhaps, the truth may be found buried in the Byzantine events of Doris Duke's final days, days which some believe may have ended in murder."
"The other primary purpose of the abortions is eugenics which is the science of selective breeding the breeding of a master race."
"It kind of sounds like Havana Syndrome isn't a thing."
"My body my choice is it's a loser of an argument."
"Immunity is the best thing for you, especially if it's a dead person involved."
"YouTube is all like [__] you, my aunt died from you know whatever Therapeutics."
"What if I throw out the word Jesus, is that gonna make everyone feel uncomfortable?"
"The people advocating for the term's retirement are following the same logic murderers go by when they want to bury the body."
"Whatever it is that they don't want us talking about we should be talking about."
"Transitioning a child increases the risk of suicide."
"Their book on Belgium's X-files shook the country."
"Hate speech is just a made-up subjective term used by butthurt people."
"But yeah, I don't know. Would you let your wife start an OnlyFans?"
"I will ban genital mutilation or chemical castration."
"Dorothy became the first major journalist to suggest publicly that the CIA and mafia may be working together."
"The facts don't care about their 72 feelings."
"The truth will set you free, even if it's controversial and offensive."
"Welcome to Epstein Island. Ask yourself, is this normal?" - Q
"As it usually works is I say something people get outraged by it and then with time it is proven to be true."
"Freedom of speech means defending even incorrect or dangerous speech."
"The success of Po World proves that the only thing customers actually care about is a good game. AI slavery, bestiality, copyright infringement – it's a video game. These are pretend problems that people don't actually care about."
"Here's this uh this thing called gender theory."
"We're debating people's right to exist, which is just insane."
"Always write for yourself, don't be afraid to touch controversial things."
"It's the so-called extreme speech that pushes the envelope... truth is always the thing to think about."
"It's weird to have your life exist for so long that there are these chapters that nobody even knows about."
"Four-year-olds don't need to know about sex and gender and all of this stuff."
"Creationism is a form of religious extremism."
"Creationism demands a degree of deliberate deception."
"You can convince anyone to do anything you want including Build-A-Bear BDSM or puberty blockers for six-year-olds."
"There are some topics that might involve a certain amount of nuance. If you feel compelled to wrap up the question of Nazism versus white supremacy in a tweet, I have some questions about your judgment."
"Grooming is happening, and it doesn't matter what your opinion on it is, it literally is happening."
"Disney movies have fighting, people dying, but if I made a YouTube video, 'Lion kills baby lion's father in brutal fight,' that would be flagged as too controversial."
"I'm pro-choice on these things, but each one of those times it was because I asked her why didn't you just take the morning after pill."
"Disney effectively shut down the story on Jeffrey Epstein."
"The American people hate critical race theory."
"Some say these camps awaken painful memories from human history, how do you respond to that?"
"Refuse to take your own child and trans the kid without any evidence."
"Extraterrestrials have always been a controversial topic, however, as more evidence keeps showing up proving their existence, more people are beginning to accept the fact that we may not be alone in this universe."
"It's not really something you want to be doing letting off nukes and stuff but um hey you know if you want to make an extremely large explosion out in the desert I'm not gonna stop you."
"These institutions function they include and exclude certain ideas we don't have we're not teaching kindergartners eugenics..."
"Religion mandates slavery, rape, and genocide in holy books."
"People engaged in contemporary debates about sex and gender identity have been harassed, intimidated, verbally abused, gratuitously offended, viciously smeared."
"There's no such thing as a safe abortion. It is inherently unsafe."
"Graphic novels with story lines about psych wards homophobia eating disorder self-harm are marketed to young teens."
"So there is no right to kill your baby and that doesn't matter what the procedure is right whether it's a pill whether it's surgical."
"This is the one that makes heads explode and that's why I look forward to it."
"When I read a description of a partial birth abortion, this was the thing that blew his mind." - Dominic Kalana
"There is a line we should not cross, talking about someone's father, talking about somebody's children, talking about political issues you have no business talking about."
"It's such in my opinion a double-edged sword."
"Instead of doing anything that had to do with proper banking, all you do is bring on trans Hitler to talk about pronouns."
"Abortion, particularly here in America, if you go look at the percentage of how many black babies are being destroyed in the womb, you're actually co-signing your genocide and death."
"The revelation about the comments about the skin coupled with the rest of the interview would throw all of that into a ball of chaos."
"I'd rather choose guidance over a racist pedophile."
"He asks questions that the powerful people, the super State, the unelected state, don't want Tucker to ask."
"They wanted maybe to let people in on the human trafficking... that's something they really want to come out."
"I dare say I'm the only person in this room who's both owned a slave and had dinner with General Franco."
"Trends are fun. This is revolting and nauseating."
"This goes beyond the usual kind of work that I do. Believe me when I say that I have a more personal stake in this whole Cuties fiasco than some people might think."
"In a democracy, killing abortion doctors would be immoral."
"One man's kink, one man's perversion is another man's just horrific work."
"The right to bear arms is a very sensitive topic but most people would agree that everyone has the basic right to protect their home."
"Men will communicate in more depth and frequency on controversial issues."
"Free speech is under attack and the thing is that the things that you're not allowed to say represent forbidden topics."
"We've been gaslit into believing that if we are to say anything... we are then transphobic, we are bigots, we are TERFs."
"Question everything. We've been miseducated on many topics, including vegetarianism and the shape of the Earth."
"Pineapple belongs on Pizza ten thousand times more than stuffs like chicken and sun-dried tomatoes."
"When it came to him and his antics they shut him down they said you're not gonna do that you're not gonna push that type of narrative that young white girls are [ __ ] to just be used and disposed of like garbage."
"If Lolita isn't a bad horrible no good disgusting book... what's it trying to say?"
"Do you think the Nazis just had really really great taste in badass images?"
"It wouldn't be a dumpster fire without covering the Haitian cannibalism."
"I don't have to answer this question about the great replacement theory as it relates to Jewish people."
"I bet that channel got dummy views just because people have such a morbid curiosity about serial killers in the same way that he did."
"A lot of these hotter topics I am prone to talk about because, in reality, we talk about them here at home."
"The mere mention of certain truths stirs up rage in mainstream society."
"That kind of [ __ ] always is good, see people getting worked up."
"The main thing people were really upset about wasn't even the movie itself... they shot him right out the gate, that was wonderful."
"This one is definitely not going to be monetized by YouTube due to the controversial content."
"They don't want to talk about the leak... a 40 or 50 year project to take over the courts and overturn Roe."
"One candidate believes that unborn life is sacred."
"The romance community has moved on from hockey and onto bikers, some of whom are underage."
"Georgia leads the race to become America's number one death destination."
"This is one of the most polarizing topics on the internet right now and when I started it it was hardly even talked about."
"The vaccine that kills God is such a powerful premise."
"Did the Phoenicians practice human sacrifice?"
"Defund Public Schools, defund the FBI, defund gun control, defund the IRS, then defund the police."
"Who decides what's hate? Who decides what's good and what's forbidden?"
"You want people to be able to say controversial things, especially in controversial times."
"Historical facts can be offensive, and if the parallels are real and tangible and obvious to point them out is not being offensive."
"I think in an ever more globalized world something that I think is becoming like more crucial is really to create environments where people can have like high level empathetic conversations about controversial topics."
"The logical conclusion of the sexual revolution: the normalization of pedophilia."
"I support a woman's right to choose what she feel is right for her, even if it's killing the baby, I support a woman's right to choose."
"Chrono Trigger and the Bible: a controversial debate."
"I'm not saying it was definitely faked, but I should have the right to say this is a legitimate question."
"Psychedelics are literally notorious for working."
"People do not have the right to tell you what you can and cannot listen to. This is a university. If we cannot have this conversation here, we can't have it anywhere." - PSU Professor Peter Bogosian
"The most important, the most concrete, and currently the most controversial [issue]... it's this core tenet that's causing such massive problems."
"Roe v Wade was an incredible thing for pro-life."
"According to Twitter you can use hashtags like kill all men with impunity as long as you're earnest about it."
"Lots of gay guys banned from Grinder for selling weed."
"That's [ __ ] up, but how interesting would it be?"
"This is now the Democrat party which is protecting normalizing pedophiles and sex trafficking."
"If it's gaslighting the kid into believing that the parents don't have a gender or the kid should believe that they don't have a gender till they grow up and take puberty blockers, for me that is child abuse."
"Mass immigration makes me uncomfortable and that doesn't make me a bad person."
"Talk about religion, talk about politics, and talk about money."
"We live in a time where people think nothing of grown men gyrating their genitals in front of kids at Pride parades."
"Three-quarters of British school children have heard radical gender and race concepts in school."
"Who do you think is the most extreme political group in the United States?"
"The whole idea of like, 'Don't platform these people, don't give them a voice, don't give them oxygen,' I don't know, I just don't care for it."
"The abduction phenomenon is a body of evidence, definitive evidence that this phenomenon is real, it's physical."
"There you have it, an awesome embrace of the violent insurrection, anti-Semitic tropes, the reference to replacement theory."
"I think she's saying like I killed my mom and I feel really excited about that and it doesn't go across saying like abortion is just like that it seems to me that she's happy she had the option to kill her mom."
"I don't go to people and say, 'Here's why you should vote for Donald Trump.' I go to people and I would say, 'If we're talking politics, mind you hear about what the Bidens did?'"
"My show contains jokes about terrible things... but they're just jokes." - Jimmy Carr
"Aborting a baby up to the point of birth is monstrous."
"Now it's illegal to say anything against it."
"What schools are doing to our children in the name of anti-racism is in fact teaching them racism."
"You have to teach kids about gender ideology... very sexualized material."
"One side says that it's misinformation and that this is homophobic or anti-semitic or racist and then they shut you out."
"Whether you agree with him or not, I think he's worth listening to."
"The truth is not black and white always, a terrible way to phrase that in 2020."
"She loves him for the first time and wants to be with him even if it means opposing her whole family."
"If getting that value menu BBL makes you happy and improves the quality of your life, then who's to say you can't do it?"
"Wow they're they're definitely using their platform for the betterment of the good and they're definitely raising awareness towards touchy subjects controversial subjects that the fans would love to see where they stand and their support."
"Thank you, Roseanne, for spreading the information to Q."
"It's a Gnostic plot... making you doubt Christ."
"The arrogance of Dr. Fauci and pretending he wasn't doing something in terms of funding and function research when in fact he was, those are pretty important issues."
"This video is literally Ruby normalizing beating and abusing your kids because that's what real love is."
"This history of suppressing things that are deemed heretical or deemed to be dangerous ideas... it's not a new idea."
"The destruction of the nuclear family is clear."
"These fetal organ trafficking documents... shock the conscience, don't you agree?"
"Patrice was the type of dude where he could say some [ __ ], and before he said it, even if your stance was I ain't gonna laugh at that [ __ ], it's misogynistic, it's by the time he got done you went all right I see that angle."
"The stage is the one place you can't get canceled. It's a safe space for the [ __ ] up thoughts we don't say."
"Controversial, but you've got to admit there's something in there."
"Truth today has been transformed into hate speech."
"Every truly healthy church has two things: heretics and people who are sexually immoral."
"Equality right does equality only matter when it benefits women?"
"Pronouns, genitals being chopped off, all of the stuff that comes with pride is still happening." - "Although it is being pushed back against more and more and more."
"Abortion is wrong... it's a difficult position to argue not because of the absence of good argument but because of the presence of profound emotion."
"Spilling the tea about the things that are very tricky to talk about."
"The truth offends people now, people don't want to hear the truth."
"If a child is old enough to decide... how can you argue that they're not old enough to decide to have sex?"
"In a world where this is a controversial topic, I'm committed AF to giving you nothing but the truth about periods and hormones so you can make informed decisions about your body."
"What am I supposed to vote for, child mutilation, and an open border?"
"Why is it okay for women to sleep around but not exchange cash?"
"saying that gay people shouldn't be allowed to get married is not bigotry but talking about the role of AIPAC and the rest of the Israel lobby in US politics is definitely anti-semitic"
"Physician-assisted suicide should be legal, strongly agree."
"That's the thing in the United States, we're here to protect speech you might not like, because at the end of the day that's why."
"It's a fraught topic, it's a hot topic, it's the other side of our current eternal culture war."
"Come and join me on pharaoh on the Mark Stein show we cover the stories a lot of people are scared even to mention the stuff that really matters."
"This isn't my field and even I can tell that this is kind of a contentious topic."
"Two women laying up scissoring... that they now want to talk to your kids."
"This subject matter I wholeheartedly recognize is not subject matter that advertisers want to have anything to do with."
"But anyway, she loves to joke about killing wolves and things like that."
"We don't really mind pedophilia, we don't really mind people who are racist or sexist or abuse multiple women, what we care about is if someone talks about climate change and then takes a plane."
"Knowing how controversial this topic is, we want to thank you for coming on and your willingness to discuss your experiences in these communities."
"Race doesn't matter until it's a white guy, then it's the only thing that matters."
"The existence of a 12th planet - astonishing as it may sound."
"Images suggest that Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself."
"This is a country based on free speech and teachers should be able to tackle difficult and controversial issues in the classroom."
"Dark humor is sort of like cancer, not everybody gets it."
"We are going to be dealing with what is a woman, I know that's a very controversial topic."
"I've got my opinions, other people have theirs. Can you imagine telling your 14 year old daughter, 'Well I'm sorry, I don't believe in abortion so f*ck you?'"
"We got a program reconfigured to run on a white power operating system."
"Transparency is a very controversial issue because doctors don't like it, and frankly, hospitals don't."
"Share something controversial... it might get traction, discussion."
"The article triggered heated discussion online."
"You may not necessarily say anything controversial, but the topic itself could be."
"Literally forbidden history they won't teach you about in school."
"Inviting this guy onto a show to talk about Maradona it's like inviting Anton Ferdinand to make a speech at John Terry's wedding what did you think he was going to say."
"It's obscene, it's not allowed, this is actually insane."
"Free speech is for all the stuff you think should be on the other side of the line it's for the stuff you find offensive it's all the stuff you find grotesque."
"For the last five plus years, there's been a very significant debate in this community of ours over what is happening with all the TTSA stuff and the revelations coming out of the news."
"For this list, we're looking at instances where South Park went there, boldly tackling hot button topics most shows wouldn't dare touch."
"When Chris Cornell came through they told me literally to start speaking on the issue of Satanic pedophiles so that's what I did."
"The two things that everyone can agree on: daylight savings time sucks and Epstein didn't kill himself."
"It's controversial because you're killing babies, that's why it's so controversial."
"You can't go in at Jehovah's Witness Doctrine because that immediately brings up loads of red flags."
"You can't throw that term around and say 'oh we're free speech' and then be like 'oh we don't really like that panel we don't like that idea.'"
"I'm sick to death of hearing about unconscious bias."
"Conversation is everything and without people talking respectfully about controversial topics we're left with only zealous voices."
"If big tech is going to censor it, it's probably worth listening to these days."
"They want to talk about how we shouldn't ban guns because that's hurting our freedom. How about abortion?"