
Military Victory Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"The repulsing of the Allies was considered a major victory," a moment of triumph.
"The Soviet flag was raised over the Reichstag that evening by two of Zhukov’s men."
"Ideal win conditions for Liberty are winning in the Medieval, Renaissance, and Industrial eras militarily, before the late-game science gets too overwhelming."
"The legacy of the battle is that of a huge victory for air forces over a superior naval foe that was also superior in number with his land forces."
"Ukraine has won the Battle of Kiev, has won the Battle of Kharkiv. Ukraine has defied Russia's expectations at every single turn."
"Against great odds, she led the country to one of the greatest military victories in its history."
"Japan's unexpected victory in the Sino-Japanese war showcased to the world just how far the country had come."
"The eventual attack on Pearl Harbour... was an overwhelming victory."
"Nelson's victory at the Battle of the Nile made him a national hero."
"This victory over Russia significantly concerned the Kremlin."
"The Ukrainian Army gained a significant victory in Bakmut, demonstrating that Ukraine's emancipation is simply a matter of time."
"The North defeats both the Confederates and the British, forcing their surrender even earlier."
"Well, probably to Showcase just how impressive the defeat of the Amorite King Seon was."
"The psychological effect of the Battle of Hamel was electric and startling."
"Ukraine prevailed in the Northern Front and the Battle of Kyiv against all odds."
"Ultimately, as we know, the loyalist forces are victorious."
"The Allies finally won the Battle of the Atlantic."
"They've won a stunning victory in round one defending their capital, inflicting horrific losses on the Russian advance."
"Hannibal's victory became the beginning of the end for Carthage."
"For the romans, this was a most glorious victory that surely would clean the disgrace of Teutoburg."
"The Ukrainians have won a major victory in the south very close to Mariupol."
"Bolívar defeated the previously invincible General José de Canterac at the Battle of Junín, a fierce skirmish decided by the superiority of the Colombian cavalry."
"The Romans drove the enemy from the battlefield."
"The Liberation of Lothal would be the first decisive victory of the Rebel Alliance."
"In the entire world, the name of Stalingrad is connected with the triumph of historical justice."
"This is the way the world ends, a victory for the golden Legion."
"The decisive victory of the Ukrainian forces for freedom is very close."
"Utter victory for the French and just complete defeat for the allies."
"Taking leadership of the republic forces on world, this attack proved successful and provided one of the most shocking reversals and dramatic Republic victories of the war."
"The first crusade was one of the most spectacular victories of the Middle Ages."
"I recommend us being committed not to Ukraine's survival but to a more rapid Ukrainian Victory."
"This was a decisive victory on behalf of Ukrainians. They threw everything they could at probably what is Russia's most backed up position on the entire front line."
"Ukraine just had a pretty decisive victory in the Karkov region. We just kind of outlined what we're going to be discussing in so far as this decisive victory."
"Company forces there the British won a decisive victory against the Indians at the Battle of Plassey."
"Octavian triumphed over Antony and Cleopatra in the Battle of Actium."
"The Battle of 73 Easting lasted just over 23 minutes and resulted in an absolutely lopsided victory for American forces."
"Napoleon utterly defeated the Allied Ostrow Russian army at the Battle of Austerlitz."
"On that day the Rashidun army achieved a victory that would change the course of history forever..."
"We kicked the ass of his army when it was bigger than it is right now, which is beautiful."
"The collapse of the guard triggered a rout of the entire French army, and just like that, it was all over."
"The victory at Talavera was celebrated all over Britain."
"It is a great example of how smart planning and brave action may work in tandem to produce a significant victory."
"Mountains snowy Italy to the jungles sweltering Pacific, the dream of victory was now becoming a reality."
"The Gulf War was one of the most striking victories in modern land combat."
"It was a decisive and surprising English victory."
"Despite the odds stacked against him, Frederick won two decisive battles in November and December."
"So the victory at Kharkov is against 8 to 1 ratio, ... that's why it's a miracle."
"The Swiss, who had lost around 1500 men, obtained a stunning victory against a numerically superior enemy."
"The battle was won, German soil was underfoot, and the war in Europe was almost over."
"The German defeat at Cesis on June 23rd was a decisive moment in the Estonian and Latvian wars of independence."
"The Ukrainian Army had an absolute victory in the region."
"The Battle of Montgisard was a consummate victory for the Crusader cause."
"The world was startled to learn of the amazing victory of the Ukrainian Army."
"Our military arm has defeated an alien warship. Victory for the academy."
"The Ukrainian forces retook robotine after weeks of fighting through what many U.S defense officials claimed to be the most heavily defended area in Ukraine."
"The Red Army's Triumph at Kursk had also been the result of a quiet Revolution."
"Under the weight of such a relentless and brutal assault, the shock and awe unleashed by the companions' charge was easily enough to scatter an entire army."
"We have captured the capital city, they surrendered overnight! Yes, yes, oh yes!"
"The battle of Tarawa was over and the Marines were victorious."
"A moment of victory for Libyan government forces..."
"The Ukrainian Army would now achieve the victory it deserved and practically corner the Russians."
"Jones first major military Victory came in the siege of Orleans in 1429 she led the French troops in a series of Daring attacks on the English forces and she broke the siege and liberated the city."
"We captured 310,000 prisoners, 3,000 tanks and the same number of artillery pieces."
"The Six-Day War was a miracle of biblical proportions."
"During Elizabeth I's reign, the English defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588."
"The Battle of Gettysburg was a hard one but it was a complete Victory we whip them at every point I think it is a good thing that the rebs went up into Pennsylvania I wish they was farther north I think we would lay the whole of them."
"The allied forces won a great victory in 1701 at the battle of the Gwathló"
"Calais capitulated to Edward in one of the greatest achievements of his reign."
"Edward delivered a crushing defeat to the Vikings."
"What we did that day was nothing short of a miracle. We stopped and forced the retreat of the most powerful army in the world."
"We poured such a deadly fire into them that they left their last piece and ran for their life."
"He had just won another crushing victory against Austria at Wagram and imposed a humiliating peace treaty."
"Victory was mine, but they didn't know how to run."
"Victory never before in Naval History had an armed Merchant vessel defeated a cruiser in open battle."
"He delivered a decisive defeat to a large Persian and Greek mercenary army at the Battle of the Granicus river."
"The Battle of Cannae was the most impressive victory of Carthage in the Second Punic War."
"Our losses were light, the capture of this stronghold will give us command domination of Dutch New Guinea."
"He was the hero of Ayn Jalut, he defeated all Mongol attacks on his domains."
"The victory over the NATO command is considered by the historian Basel Davidson to be the most significant victory of any liberation movement since the Vietnamese victory at Dien Bien Phu."
"Following his success in Operation Battleaxe, Rommel now made a new attempt to capture Tobruk and captured the city in June 1941."
"The American victory at Midway crippled Japan's air power and the tides of war shifted."
"Despite the conflict having been a clear Eritrean military victory, the PCA determined that most of the archipelago rightfully belonged to Yemen."
"We forget that he, Thomas Atkins, and his splendid officers were instrumental in the victory and a staggering victory it was in 1918."
"That glorious victory was a result of common operations led by the seventh and the third corps."
"The conquest of Melitene was a great victory for Byzantium, no two ways about it."
"The Polish took a decisive and important victory."
"The battle of Gaugamela was a stunning and complete victory for Alexander."
"The Bretons, mostly consisting of highly mobile mounted horsemen, made light work of the Franks, defeating them entirely."
"The victory at Kings Mountain was considered a turning point in the war in the south."
"The Battle of Gaza was Ptolemy's greatest battlefield victory."
"The battle is often seen as the greatest achievement of Scipio Africanus in battle."
"They're breaking, Wellesley shouted, they're breaking."
"How could a group of 12,000 poorly equipped, under-armed, malnourished in some cases, without any training together, destroy in the span of four or five years a civilization that goes back seven centuries?"
"He had done what no Greek before him had done and vanquished their primary enemy."
"The German 8th army was able to beat both Russian armies one after the next, even though clearly outnumbered overall."
"Bonaparte had just scored a major victory against the Austrians."
"By 1918, incredibly well-trained and incredibly well-led eighteen and a half-year-old conscripts defeated the German army."
"It's enough of a victory for the Emancipation Proclamation to be issued so in some ways at least strategically this is a decisive Union victory even though it's a frustrating tactical battle."
"The American carrier pilots, with the odds stacked high against them, will score an incredible victory."
"The Battle of Levounion was nothing less than the single most decisive victory achieved by a Byzantine army for more than half a century."
"The young Jewish nation, to the surprise of analysts, had defeated the armies of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt."
"He does win this large victory over the Goths as a general in a period that was clearly a bad time for the empire."
"The British were ecstatic about the battle's outcome. They had achieved a seemingly impossible feat."
"The fall of Atlanta – combined with other more local military victories in Virginia, is sure to result in Lincoln's re-election."
"The greatest battle ever won, in my opinion, is the Siege of Kya of 1450."
"It was an important victory that had finally put a stop to the expansion of the German knights to the East."
"He managed to drive the Parthians out of the area, his military victory inaugurating his reign as the first king of what can now be called the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom."
"Through tenacity, courage, and good fortune, the army of Italy has turned a grim situation into an astonishing triumph."