
Alteration Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"The only reason Maki wears different glasses from the ones she wore in volume zero is because ghetto smashed her original pair."
"Wanda maximoff erased the x gene from the majority of the mutant population simply by uttering a simple phrase."
"By removing it from the laws of our reality, we take away its definitive meanings."
"Wanda appears to be in control as she simply says no and rewinds the footage to their previous moments at home, updating the entire show into glorious technicolor."
"There's no actual logistical way to just scrub something out of the history books like that."
"Go ahead and switch up the colors, change up the roof heights, move the roof angles around, change the areas that stick out of the building to different heights, shift them around, make alterations and change it up the way you like."
"The act of modifying it has an effect on the perception of the person."
"The Vatican edited the Bible beyond recognition."
"This is a classic example of the operator game that we played in first grade and how the message gets altered for each person that hears it and repeats it."
"It becomes very difficult for the authorities to detect, because it's not only invisible, it's actually changed."
"It comes time where you can do too much to it, and you lose the casual nature of it."
"Change one thing, everything changes."
"You just make a tiny little change to something and it can alter this."
"In what's one of the most famous panels in comic history we watched as Wanda uttered 'No More Mutants'."
"You're one decision away from altering your life."
"The audience didn't have a problem with this alteration in the storyline as it wasn't a downgrade but an upgrade from the real-life version."
"Memories can't be erased even if the loop is altered."
"Does that mean the trajectory of the past or the future could be altered through this?"
"I've altered him, he can protect you now."
"Idle Transfiguration essentially allows the alteration of the human soul in pretty much every way."
"It's all part of the indoctrination and the isolation and the alteration, just you know how are we going to get you to be like we are? Well, we're gonna change your identity."
"I have altered the Metaverse and in turn the multiverse."
"...I think what I might do is hem it even more and even it out to make it shorter."
"According to Lungay, this process is done by altering the focal crumb of someone's identity like removing a map's coordinate axis."
"I definitely am going to cut the back out."
"You're changing some ancestral fate here."
"Even Professor X is a murderous genocidal madman in this world."
"The Master uses the tissue compression eliminator to resize Perry's costumes."
"Just by adding that little block in the corner we've changed up the Ohio star a little bit."
"It would change the color to a blue."
"There are some changes in this original version."
"Viruses can make us ill but fungi can alter our very minds. That's terrifying, actually."
"Impactites are earth rocks that have been altered by a meteoric impact."
"The world is what you make of it, friend. If it doesn't fit, you make alterations."
"I wish that the world... would be immediately altered so that any changes made to it as a result of wishes made since the appearance of the Genies should be undone and such alterations should be referred to hereafter as the refreshing."
"...there's a scene in season 2 where professor x alters night crawler's image inducer a little and the result is well see for yourself..."
"I had to cut this line a little short to have a natural bend."
"I love how easy it is to alter things and put it on the internet."
"He's the kind of guy who, when you alter another, fundamentally change them. Do you understand?"
"Arbitrarily changing history because you don’t like how it turned out the first time? That’s more than audacity. That’s hubris."
"The black light virus can rewrite your cells all the way down to your DNA."
"The overall dynamics of the solar system could be altered."
"Wanda isn't creating a false reality, she's literally altering this one."
"My greatest love is altering pieces into something unique that you can't find anywhere else."
"It almost looks lifted... we're going to lower this one."
"Granger things would be a lot different."
"...the possibility of changing that altering that opens up pathways to most awful forms of aggression..."
"Divine intervention that alters our natural circumstances."
"If you have a shirt that you want to wear untucked but it's too long, you can have it shortened at the tailor."
"We're about to change her damn name to the snow roller, not the toe roller."
"...it's certainly not a cosmetic improvement or alteration, but it is a functional, effective, alteration."
"He was even able to alter himself to be about six foot and built pretty well, especially for a 15-year-old."
"Such endless possibilities still before her, such opportunities to bring out the latent graces of the old place without a single irreverent touch of alteration."
"This Nintendo Switch... instead of filter, it's a rli."
"This entire concept would actually alter Dragon Ball Super quite a bit."
"Things would have been dramatically different."
"Every date has been altered, and the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute."
"...treating a piece of music as a vehicle for personal display and invoking a right to alter sometimes to the point of almost unrecognizable 'ti what's on the page."
"Your visions can be altered, make sure that you open them up in scripture."
"It goes over about three quarters of an inch so now you have the sleeves, this glues on permanent."
"Let me change the color of this rose real quick."
Now the doll is in a museum and no longer says the phrase "dream with me." Instead, it has been replaced with the much more terrifying phrase "die with me."
"Physics is altered by extremely massive bodies like huge stars and of course black holes."
"Regular 90s film, but we've changed the title by one letter."
"Project change, form to alter the project slightly."
"It completely alters people's perception of what they should expect from the brand."
"Anything that alters the gospel comes from the darkness. It comes from the darkness."
"It really makes it look like this is how the sweatshirt always was as opposed to just cutting it."
"Something about history, they're doing something to history, they're switching it up, they're changing it. I'm also picking up on the Mandela effect."
"We're gonna cut all of my dresses in half."
"I decided to take the whole thing apart I've taken it apart I've decided that I'm gonna actually make it a cardigan."
"The results that we get in our life can be altered because on a conscious level, you have a choice."
"The mural is still there but there is a butt."
"The doll was intact except for one thing: the left braid was cut in half. Not torn—cut."
"This person takes people and turns parts of them into robots."
"Replace all of the like buttons windex with olive oil."
"If you could put the F-word in any Disney movie, where would you put it? 'Beauty in the [__] beast.'"
"The very act of observing alters what you're observing."
"Historically, before man in his infinite wisdom diverted its waters to feed his golf courses and strawberry patches, the Colorado River used to run all the way to the Gulf of California."
"Life-binding magics... imagine if you could alter or mold the biomass around you."
"Using moral outrage porn invites us to instrumentally alter our moral belief systems and moral life for pleasure."
"This is going to change the amount of groove in the beat."
"When we're letting out, that's when it gets really creative, alright, tricky even, because we got to figure out where are we going to get that fabric, how are we going to make it sit so that it looks like we didn't alter it, but we did."
"Time is fickle, Luther. The slightest alteration in events can lead to massively different outcomes in the time continuum."
"Once you jump from a 3D to 5D reality, you're now able to really alter what you perceive as a very limited reach in your reality, and you can alter it real-time."
"Augustus Gloop will not be harmed, although of course we must admit he will be altered quite a bit."
"...truth would be altered in the latter days."
"The Cosmic Cube is basically the ultimate genie, allowing you to alter anything."
"The ether is the reality stone so can actually alter all of reality."
"Even if you alter something or someone, you cannot take away from its true feelings, its true instinct."
"Your imagination alters your physical reality."
"The function of the cedilla is simple: it changes the pronunciation of the letter 'c' from a 'k' to an 's' sound."
"You can actually demodulate the consciousness and alter states."
"You can't alter and distort your relationship with something as all-powerful as the entire structure of reality and hope to get away with it."
"Kotodama magic allows its user to alter physical reality with just his words."
"It is a foundation for you as the maker to dream it up and alter it."
"This is a skill. It's not hard, but if you can master closing garments like this, it helps a lot with altering clothing."
"If you've added more than 1 inch (2.5 centimeters), you're going to need to make some changes to your bodice at the front and the back to make sure that the sleeve still fits into the armhole."
"This is probably one of the most common alterations to let out or take in the waist."
"I'm curious, why are you painting all the white roses red?"
"I really love seeing this on wood, so we've got prize ribbon on there, love the back and how that really alters that vignette tray."
"What does it mean to be human if that can be fundamentally altered by tinkering with our biological instruction book?"
"I knew this skirt was going to need to be altered because I couldn't get my size."
"Making history opinionated is like ripping open the pages of time with a big sharpie and crossing straight through them."
"The money you spend on having something altered just to customize it to your body is a hundred times worth the expense of the alteration."
"Loki can literally warp reality; he can retcon history into anything he wanted to."
"It looks like certain parts of the facade have kind of melted a little bit."
"Everything the Observer does alters the information that flows."
"The year shall be shortened, and their seed shall be tardy on their lands and fields, and all things on the earth shall alter, and shall not appear in their time."
"We changed up the look of our background stamp by cutting it into little pieces and popping it up on our background."
"The biggest change of this what-if was that it was two sagas compressed into one: the Cell saga and Buu saga."
"It's a contemporary story; it's about today, and therefore I want to make it out of existing things that everything there is real, only altered slightly in order to give it a kind of alien look."
"You take that really happy, rainbowy major scale and you just dial in a little bit of blues by flatting the seven."
"When he altered Superman's family history... Dr. Manhattan ended up doing this in an attempt to better understand Superman's seemingly natural sense of goodness."
"Reality strains to rewrite itself under your wish."
"I could feel my grip on reality slightly alter in a way that I've yet to regain to this day."
"Scarlet Witch... has the ability to change reality based on her own desires."
"They've somehow managed to break time."
"This concept fundamentally is very simple: you look at a scale or a group of notes that you're hopefully at least familiar with, and you change one thing about them."
"Jim Jaspers... was a mutant with reality warping powers."
"There's a lot of changes going on right now."
"Thanos was able to rewrite reality, reverse time, and kill half of the universe."
"The anti-spiral can alter the reality of their universe and effectively do anything."