
Brand Influence Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"If your whole reason for working out is because you want Gymshark to notice you, that's a problem."
"If Bud Light drops off as a major brand, such that it appears more like an ancillary brand no one really pays attention to, I'll write a check for $110,000 to the charity of Matt Walsh's choice."
"People get really wrapped up in brands in a way that I find very confusing."
"It was the first time a non-athlete made a splash that large with his shoe."
"Taco Bell was more than just a place for cheap tacos and burritos."
"The UFC has been the torch Bearer for the sport for decades now."
"Josh Dorkin understood that if millions know, like, and trust your brand, you can do whatever you want later."
"Ken Levine, that's a name that will sell a game."
"Chase the hype. We have Nike, we have Disney, we have Twitter, we have Facebook, we have Discord, we have Reddit."
"Don't promote a brand name that comes from so much suffering."
"Review scores matter. But brand recognition is absolutely still what sells games."
"One of the biggest brands in world football."
"I think the most likely outcome of United-Arsenal is a draw."
"Tesla's world, and everyone else is paying rent."
"Mentioning the name Ferrari makes the palm sweat & the pulse race."
"I don't want entertainment to suck... and I really don't want it to have that Disney branding on it."
"Part of me is like did they just choose my favorites so that my Allure Best of Beauty video would be like you know approved by me I don't know probably not you guys but it crossed my mind."
"There's a real opportunity here for Apple to bring a little bit of that Apple magic into AirPods Studio."
"Yeezy has been the number one most Google brand, most valuable brand on the planet. Don't hit the horns, don't hit no claps. I'm still okay, I'm still in the midst of something."
"Once I saw Tesla, my love for ICE cars just died."
"I think a lot of that is just because Manchester United is a huge name."
"What Yeezys and what Kanye did for the shoe culture is very impressive. That that's even a conversation, it's amazing."
"Deion Sanders wasn't just a coach, he's an internationally recognized brand that will bring hundreds of millions of dollars into the school."
"That kind of proves how powerful a name is and kind of justifies the billions of dollars that Microsoft just spent on Activision Blizzard because people know by names rather than quality."
"It's brand power isn't it? They can do what they want when they're at that level."
"I'm not going to wear a white man's brand on my ass and have it somehow convince me that I'm a better human being."
"Purple mattress will have you thinking about me when you're in your bedroom."
"If it wasn't for the packaging and the person behind this brand, I don't think the products would be a half as intriguing."
"Legacy-wise, Jordan's is nearly untouchable. Not only did he lead basketball to global popularity, he helped transform Nike into an empire..."
"Culture is what changes everything, culture is what brings the brands in."
"Without McDonald's, I wouldn't be able to make new friends, make chickens."
"New Balance is so much more ingrained across the board pop culturally with so many different levels of consumers."
"They don't want to represent your values; they want to make your values. The brands don't reflect us; we reflect the brands."
"The big takeaway I think is this brand you know the Devon Archer was clear that the value Hunter Biden brought to the business Arrangement was the Biden brand."
"I'm not bragging at all when I do these videos. I am still in shock every time I get sent any kind of parcel when it's got like any brand name to be honest on the front of it."
"Louis Vuitton was able to sell you overpriced leather for 150 years."
"Everybody is trying to get you to you know buy their clothing brand and you know they want you to think that they are like this perfect epitome of health and fitness."
"Now, if there's one chain you can count on to go all out for the holidays, it's Starbucks."
"I like that, he doesn't let the brand wear him, he wears the brand."
"This was their halo brand for the automobile they built."
"The Tesla narrative is extraordinarily powerful."
"It's hard to find a pedal company more responsible for the success and calming boom of the pedal industry through the 80s, 90s, and 2000s as the brand MXR."
"The second MXR pedal ever created was the Distortion Plus, this is arguably as famous as the Phase 90."
"Disney is more than just a company; it's a way of life."
"Fashion brands make meaning beyond clothes, shoes, and bags."
"I hope hope you enjoy it... It's pretty cool to see somebody out there that we buy your companies we like your products and you're on top of the mountain."
"Just try and be a little bit more ethical when it comes to consumption because it is truly getting scary how big Shein is and how little people seem to care about it."
"She's bringing a lot of attention to WNBA and Nike who... understand that, 'Hey, this woman is going to sell some shoes.'"
"In 1999 I think phase was hitting a point of mass consumption we had this brand and this line basically being wrapped by bands like Korn and Limp Bizkit like they were the poster children on these ads."
"Richard and his brand have been a breath of fresh air in this community in 2021."
"I mean it's weird to see the McDonald's chicken sandwiches, I mean it just shows you the f*cking absolute brand dominance of McDonald's as a chain"
"Apple just single-handedly validated ultra running as a real sport now that they've designed a watch for it."
"All it takes is someone to make it appear like they're on our side and then we're gonna buy all the Nike socks in this world."
"If the long ago legendary Blizzard and Diablo names were not attached to Diablo 4, it would have faltered and died a swift death."
"Should I continue talking about this where I'm giving brands exactly what they want?"
"Disney is not just a corporation...Disney for generations and generations have been the place where dreams are made."
"Any automaker in the world would love to have the cachet and the appeal of Tesla right now. They have gone beyond a car brand to a cultural phenomenon."
"Apple products have undoubtedly become an essential part of our everyday lives."
"Bottom line, free market. You want to resell something that you bought, you should be allowed to do so without feeling the psychological pressure glooming and looming above you of that brand like whispering secretly into your ear."
"There's a reason why almost every YouTube channel that does gear reviews when they review something that's like a Fender puts, 'Oh, is this the next Fender?'"
"Opium isn't just limited to their signees though as it spreads past just solely business relationships."
"I believe Bieber has crocs." - Discussing Justin Bieber's endorsement of crocs
"Brands take the hassle out of decision-making by making them for you."
"No matter which team wins today, Coca-Cola is already guaranteed victory."
"That's a real Reese's cup, hey, that's where they got the idea for the Reese's cup."
"I think Nike has a lot of room to make political statements."
"I understand that a lot of people are going to mention the price tag on this but you are paying a premium for the name."
"I just wish that brands would let the creators be more themselves in their videos."
"I'm more angry that brands are making all this insane money to be able to afford to do stuff like this I'm more angry at the fact that brands are basically buying out people like that's what I'm not mad at the physical dollar amount."
"Nintendo with the NES really kicked off gaming for most people."
"If you take away the brand and you take away the hype behind it and the history, I don't think you're getting that much more performance."
"The power has moved away from the brands and it's moved into the hands of the consumer and into the hands of the creator."
"The effect of Yeezys is monumental, it's crazy."
"The brand name carries so much weight."
"Glossier first introduced me to like natural makeup, and I really liked it."
"If you were asked to name the most iconic, influential, and successful brand in Motocross, I think most people would answer Honda without thinking."
"Gauging your success or your impact on what brands think of you is such a dumb way to measure your value as a Creator."
"The RED name actually helps on production."
"Brand is that little boy or that little girl that puts our gear on believes that they can be a little more."
"Constellations 88 got the ball rolling for the India Pen Show."
"Nike has touched all the major athletes as long as Nike's been around."
"As soon as someone does something that's innovative, these big brands will catch on to it."
"It's become clear that as people, as customers, as citizens, we actually have a lot of power to change brands' behavior."