
Agents Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"The President would often call his agents by their name in this instance, Colin Koop is as a good representation of that relationship."
"For recruitment rather than getting in bed with agents, do you know what that's a fantastic point."
"The future of agents is making it something that's production-ready and real-world."
"Ain't no other agent doing stuff like that."
"Agents in Lang chain are a powerful concept for extending its capabilities."
"We will literally have agents doing business on behalf of us with other agents, a Preston agent and a Jeff agent making a decision that then we can agree or not agree."
"Within a few hours both agent number one and agent number two offered representation."
"These movements are also, you know, we have agents in our midst and we have people whose mission in life is to cause disruption and confusion. There's nothing new there."
"God has used it to be agents of healing for one another."
"The story is not Platte and Maddox's. It's not important who they were. It's important to recall the courage that was shown by the agents, that they and the FBI, they did their job."
"That's right, I know awesome reliable agents all over the country and I'd love to connect you to somebody who can help you search for that perfect home."
"How do we make communication work between two agents that almost surely have two completely different models for how the world works?"
"Real estate agents are not what you think they are. They're hyper disorganized. They don't have any experience. They're not trained."
"Conscious agents have finite capacity... that means that most of the processing of all the agents that constitute what I call me is beyond the consciousness of the agent that's talking to you."
"After 15 months agents noticed the people of Paradise Hill becoming uneasy."
"Now people are going to need an agent even more and they're going to need a good agent."
"We are agents of that redemption, we are agents of that light in this world."
"Why use agents? They're more flexible, powerful, and allow recovery from errors."
"Agents are more flexible, powerful, and handle multi-hop tasks."
"Agents help circumvent edge cases in tasks."
"Lights go out and in complete darkness a group of Agents center and forcefully take away my backpack."
"Most agents don't actually understand real estate investing. They're people that think they're getting into real estate, agents being an agent is going to make them rich."
"This video is also great if you’re someone who wants to submit their graphic novel or picture book idea to a publisher, and would need an agent to get things moving."
"It can also mean a weak relationship with the agent; one of the biggest reasons I left Lemonade."
"I did all this by myself, no agents."
"...building relationships with real estate agents."
"Retrieval augmented agents are incredibly powerful."
"The agents that I've always talked to have been super nice and extremely knowledgeable."
"They are truly the best agents I could have ever hoped for."
"We're gonna make sure everybody recognizes who the agents are."
"I couldn't even get agents to represent me, I had 130 rejections from agents."
"The pilots never had a relationship with the agents; they didn't know their names, were never introduced... the pilots always knew them as 'Joes'."
"Reinforcement learning deals with agents acting on an environment, causing some change in that environment and receiving a reward in the process."
"Agents should not be taking money from you upfront. Legitimate agents only make money when you make money."
"The fight against insanity is just as harrowing for these agents as the fight for their very lives."
"Oh dreamy breezy, we go. Easy, easy on our tiptoes, undercover agents of the other."
"The ability to model how agents work together can be used in many different ways."
"What should I expect from an agent? There is a lot of misconception about this one."
"Reinforcement learning is this very different paradigm for machine learning that allows us to build agents that learn to interact with environments over time."
"The goal in our group is to create autonomous agents which can accomplish goals in complex dynamic environments."
"When agents are on the hunt, they'll do whatever it takes to track down their target."
"There's actually much we can do to ensure the stability and reliability of parallel agents even when they are combining all the elements of the deadly triad."
"The agents didn't really get their own main base, they absolutely got this entire place a playset."
"All agents are special agents with the FBI."
"Old-school spies have had their day, and MI9 must create a new breed of skilled undercover agent."
"All rheological agents can be classified based on how they function."
"Travel agents can sometimes get special agency rates."