
Cliffhanger Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"It is a cliffhanger movie, ends in a massive cliffhanger."
"And then we get a good cliffhanger, holy [__] we get a good cliffhanger."
"It didn't feel like an ending but more of a 'to be continued'."
"Will this be the end of the world as we know it, or will season 2 have something even crazier in store for us?"
"Ubisoft knew how to leave us on a cliffhanger that would have us begging for more."
"The 1980 season 3 finale would become one of the greatest and most talked about cliff-hanger moments in television history."
"Season one then ends with a hype-fueled shot of Rengoku and the boys ready for season two."
"The conclusion by the end of this season is not at all an ending; it's just opening up a whole nother [ __ ] world of possibility."
"The end of season 2 is a jaw-dropping cliffhanger."
"This is actually the Cliffhanger though right so in the next video we will cover what happens next thank you guys for watching and I will catch you all later peace."
"It's not over yet. The one who killed Sakura is..."
"The cliffhanger of the command center explosion, a two-part series premiere."
"I think a cliffhanger with him staying alive would actually be kind of cool."
"Part one ends with a pretty big cliffhanger."
"It's an interesting way to leave things off and allows the fans to run wild with possibilities."
"But this of course does not mean that the story is over."
"It leaves you hanging at the end so you wonder what the hell is going to happen next."
"I thought it was interesting how she gets to this point of acceptance and then you kind of have this cliffhanger ending which feels malevolent, you know?"
"I can finally find out what happens next we left off on a pretty big cliffhanger."
"That is one hell of a cliffhanger ending, I can say that much."
"But we'll have to save that train-sition for part two."
"I thought it would be a good idea to leave it on a cliffhanger."
"Ending Empire Strikes Back on a massive cliff is a big risk."
"You know it's really literally a cliffhanger. That's what I love, the visual pun of him standing on a cliff."
"They're going to need a decent enough cliffhanger to make people want to see more."
"Every other episode of Attack on Titan is a goddamn cliffhanger."
"Interesting cliffhanger, I wonder if they'll ever make a sequel?"
"So let's build to one, we leave off episode three with Claire stopping Danny and Jessica from killing each other."
"It just feels like a cliffhanger now rather than it being like an ending, like a full ending with Superman and Lois kissing, they're now together that's been resolved but no, Lex Luthor's alive like that's so annoying."
"Shane Dawson is a genius at giving a cliffhanger that has no resolution."
"Bring a bucket and mop for this part 40."
"The movie ends on a cliffhanger with CJ running off by herself to jump back into time and try all over again."
"We kind of left off on like the biggest Cliffhanger of the season so far."
"It was a massive cliffhanger and fans were craving a second season given how much they loved this first one."
"... one of the greatest cliffhangers of all time."
"The message just reads 'to be continue...'"
"That surprise uh it's like the cliffhanger."
"This is where we'll do to be continued."
"The story ends with 'There's only a few minutes until midnight now. All I can do is refresh the page. I'm exhausted but I can't stop. I'm afraid to leave the computer until I know what happens next.'"
"How will Batman and Robin get out of this jam? Find out next time, same bat channel, same bat time!"
"I can't believe this, a cliffhanger ending to the Baja 1000."
"I don't know how people waited 2 years for this next book to come out. Like, that is a crazy cliffhanger."
"That's a pretty [__] cliffhanger, man, for [__] sake."
"This show has done Cliffhangers as good as I've ever seen them done."
"This is how you do a cliffhanger."
"Excited for the next one so we can clarify some of these things because there's a lot of, like, on the edge cliffhanger things in there."
"It's a great Cliffhanger to leave people clamoring for more in the wait for July."
"Just as Tony's late arriving daughter Meadow enters the diner, Tony looks up and the show suddenly cuts to black."
"When we go to bed, they... they..."
"This is how to make a cliffhanger ending impactful."
"What a great ending. It just leaves me wanting to know what happens next."
"Well, of course, they have to end on some sort of a cliffhanger, some drama." - Other person
"Option four will completely shock your world. I'm kidding. I have to leave some kind of cliffhanger to keep you guys entertained."
"I genuinely think a big reason why I made a third one is because I put a cliffhanger at the end of series two."
"...that's how you do a cliffhanger good great media cannot wait for season two."
"Leo to Piper: 'I'm gonna go meet the folks.' That's the season finale. What a cliffhanger."
"When losing control the drama of season 1 ends with Sheila receiving a call from a client."
"I don't mind the cliffhanger if it's done right but I just don't want it to be used as like a tool to promote the next season."
"That feels like such a cliffhanger way to end an issue, you know, very ominous."
"That definitely could have been a finale and if they left us on that cliffhanger for another year, I think my mind would have melted."
"They have ridiculously enticing cliffhangers that make you want to read more."
"I guess I'll be joining you as from here the screen pretty much goes to Black and Naruto is the only thing that's standing there in that crater left."
"The first season concluded with a thrilling cliffhanger, leaving fans eagerly awaiting the reunion of these beloved characters."
"No, no, that's not on the table. Now we're just leaving people on a massive cliffhanger now."
"The Cliffhanger at the end... it was solid and it was really cute and really good."
"What will happen? I don't know yet. Tune in next time to find out."
"I left it with a cliffhanger, let you guys have some fun with the imagination."
"I'll end it here on a cliffhanger. What's gonna happen in summer? Follow along for more!"
"Where a particular person is, presumably a member of Juniper or Crow. And we'll leave it there for today."
"The cliffhanger ending for this season is gutsy. They better get a season 2."
"That is how you do a cliffhanger."
"This might be the most dramatic cliffhanger we could probably ever conceivably have."
"What a freaking set up for the finale. What an incredible cliffhanger."
"Does she get taken in for murder now? Even though she... well, I don't know if he's dead. To be continued."
"Oh, and this cliffhanger? Holy [ __ ]."
"Every chapter ends in a cliffhanger."
"It's so cruel of OP to end the story right at that point, but I think it's pretty safe to assume what happened."
"I love that but my biggest gripe about it is it ends on a huge Cliffhanger and we never got to see what happened next"
"The first book was so fun: the enemies to lovers vibes, the hunger games trial vibes, the vampires, and the way it ends was just so intense."
"So far I've read a page 48 and I love how every chapter ends on like a mini cliffhanger."
"Wow. What an ending that was. Talk about a cliffhanger. There are so many questions."
"I might continue; the ending of book three kinda got me."
"I like endings more like Empire Strikes Back where the cliffhanger is a narrative thing."
"How will fans feel after watching [Series 4]? Hmmm… desperate for series 5."
"It's meant to be a 'Wow' moment, it's meant to be a hook for the next one."
"The ending was so explosive that it made me excited to read the next book as soon as possible."
"I love the story world and characters, the ending screams for it to continue."
"It also leaves off on this kind of wild cliffhanger sort of ending that I think a lot of people would enjoy."
"We're going to find out next time on Deal or No Deal."
"I'm engaged. I have to know what happens next."
"It's a cool hook to end your first volume on."
"What happens next time on Dragon Ball Z?"
"I do think this is a very fitting cliffhanger."
"Every single chapter leaves you on a cliffhanger."
"The shadow monster hovers overhead in the night sky; this time the gate is closed, but the monster is locked inside with us."
"It felt like it was a 'to be continued' moment."
"And they lived happily ever... or do they?"
"It's a cliffhanger that caught everyone off guard and wondering what is happening next."
"The cliffhanger of Josh's wife Renee realizing what's happened had audiences flocking to the cinema for the sequel's opening weekend."
"Leave them on a bit of a cliffhanger, let them know that there's going to be a part two to that conversation."
"It's time for Luke's downfall, and we're left again with the big cliffhanger."
"It's all a trap! They kidnap Inej. That's how the book ends!"
"When the 'To Be Continued' comes across the screen and I didn't know, my heart drops."
"Reliving my life with a boyfriend who doesn't remember me; the end of chapter 1 had me entirely hooked."
"Well, for me, that is the most frustrating thing ever, not knowing what happens next in an amazing story."
"That's a good cliffhanger because then it gives you something to think about."
"Halloween 4 ended on one of the best cliffhangers I've ever seen."
"A Dance of Dragons left us hanging more than any of the other previous books."
"The Way That season one ended just left me wanting more, which is exactly what you want from a TV show."
"She really knows how to end a chapter."
"I'm really excited for chapter seven, but also I'm a little like, because I know we're gonna get hit with another cliffhanger."
"This book does end in a very shocking way and definitely makes you want to pick up the second book."
"I love a finale of Criminal Minds, they always give me a good cliffhanger."
"And on that bombshell, that's the end of part one."
"I got so invested and I can't believe the cliffhanger at the end of season one."
"I never would have expected this book to leave me on a cliffhanger like this."
"That's how you end a season, leave people wanting more."
"It was insane, we left off on a mad cliffhanger."
"Well, another great cliffhanger ending for our characters."
"It was a roller coaster, I had no idea that it could have even ended on a cliffhanger."
"Last chapter's cliffhanger was pretty freakin' savage."
"I think they'll probably end on another cliffhanger."
"I don't know about you, but I always enjoyed a good season-ending cliffhanger."
"It's like the greatest cliffhanger ever in the history of comics."
"Is this the end for our heroes, or will they live to see another day?"
"You can't end it like that, it's called a cliffhanger."
"I am super intrigued by him, he better not be dead because I am super intrigued."
"When you see 'to be continued' that means that the story is not over."
"Stay tuned next season for those answers and more."
"The second entry in the season is packed with a lot of Easter eggs and hidden details as well as an ending that's somewhat of a cliffhanger."
"Well, she permanently change her gender to female? Find out in the next season."
"If you read 'Three Dark Crowns' you know that that book ends on like an insane cliffhanger."