
Celebrity Opinion Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Joe Rogan was asked by Barry Weiss who he would be likely to vote for in the California primaries."
"Brian Cranston put out there that if you believe in make America great again this meme because make America great again when was it great for black."
"I agree with Chris Rock, what he said though, is that there were a lot of people calling him a [__]."
"Nicki Minaj is actually articulating a rather prudent and common sense position that our federal health agencies have been lying to us."
"It screams to me that she's so out of touch and clueless and ridiculous."
"I ain't even mad at Will, and I like Will, and I like Chris."
"Conan O'Brien, in my opinion, one of the best."
"You know who's the baddest dude? It's Mike Tyson, no doubt about it."
"Mark Hamill's opinions are in line with the fans."
"It's probably pretty close because I also think a lot of people just don't like Kanye right now."
"Tina Fey's not a good actress; Kristen Wiig is a versatile actress."
"Bravo to Chris Rock for not eviscerating Will Smith." - Rosie O'Donnell
"Matthew McConaughey dared to criticize the far left in their intolerance, hypocrisy."
"Dave Chappelle is spot on when it comes to this one."
"Winslet admitted that she actually doesn't like watching the film very much."
"Shout out to Drake for even Drake spoke up on this when he was like why am I winning a rap uh you know award for hotline hotline bling um you know and he did the right thing to me."
"Some of what Kanye's points... where he's saying the voice of a black man is being basically suppressed right."
"Gary Neville would make a brilliant Prime Minister."
"I believe Russell Crowe is the best actor we've had in the world in the past 15 years."
"This hurts the American brand. We don't do this in America. We don't go after the Office of the President with pornstar cases." - Kevin O'Leary
"Jim Carrey's the funniest man on earth. We could all debate number two all day long, but Jim Carrey is the funniest guy."
"Normally I hate Logan Paul, but this isn't bad."
"Blake Lively won the Met Gala of 2022. I said it."
"I love adele i think she's great think she's fantastic i don't think this is the best look ever whatsoever."
"Drake really calling Serena Williams husband a groupie like he wasn't in the crowd at the games looking like a pro father."
"It seems like a very pro Johnny Depp person." - Peter Tragos
"No, actually, despite how maybe well-meaning and well-intentioned the likes of Daniel Radcliffe or Emma Watson may be, I don't think JK Rowling is being too harsh here."
"I honestly probably would have gone on feeling the way I did about Shane Dawson."
"Woody Harrelson's not being completely conspiratorial he's not being completely anti-vaxx he's anti the way the covid vaccine was laid out."
"I'm so proud of Nicki Minaj, she thinks for herself."
"Censorship is never okay at any cost." - Naomi Osaka
"You tell me eric clapton's the guy i'm supposed to not like in this story or is it msnbc joanne reed and everybody every mindless idiot who consumes msnbc's propaganda credulously okay"
"Jesus Christ is king, you know what Kanye said."
"Under no circumstances was Will Smith 110 percent wrong."
"Bow Wow: 'Since when legends got to speak on [__]? I'm a 35-year-old father.'"
"Kanye West and his acceptance of Donald Trump is the most important thing that has happened in the United States of America since the election of Donald Trump."
"Jamie Foxx was just speaking his truth and he's been saying a little bit too much."
"If you're gonna ask me directly, I don't like the Kardashians and I don't like Travis Scott."
"I love Will Smith. I think he's a little bit misguided in life and I think he needs to seek some help because of the circumstances that he is in, but I don't think he's a bad person."
"This is to me probably the best Kanye rant that we've gotten because it's not just about him."
"Macaulay Culkin recently shared his frustrations with the current WWE product, saying they keep giving fans the same matches."
"I'm starting to come around on Jake Paul. I don't know, he's pretty unlikable, but it is insane that he's good at boxing, he's put in the time."
"Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe doesn't have to share JK's view on things, but he can be respectful."
"Did Millie say something to you at the party? Only that she didn't like George Clooney."
"If you don't like Beyonce or if you feel like Beyonce is overrated, it's proven that you're a hater."
"I kind of feel like Zoey Kravitz is like a little too good for him."
"I prefer Pellegrino, and I personally think Misha Collins might have been the best Lucifer yet."