
Political Movement Quotes

There are 258 quotes

"Many, many times on the campaign trail, you know we may have defeated Trump but Trumpism is not dead in this country."
"A successful political movement is an alliance of people who have different sets of identifications."
"The movement of the era was, I'm sorry, the Bernie movement in 2016 that got rebooted in 2020."
"We need a movement for the people which transcends left and right."
"It's not just about a man, it's about a movement."
"Bernie Sanders is building that movement and organizing people across this country."
"Whether you believe that Trumpism or MAGA is a cult, you have to admit that the whole phenomenon is interesting."
"You need a Maga movement out there, make Britain muga, make UK great again."
"If the Free State Project works... it's only a matter of time until you actually have a vote that passes and you have a state saying we hereby secede."
"Together we are taking back our country. We are returning power to you, the American people."
"The Great Awakening is here, but it's about far more than just politics."
"Tea Party was an expression of working men and women who were fed up."
"We can organize ourselves on the left... We moved this country across 350 cities in a matter of weeks."
"I feel like the Tea Party movement was more fixated on like things like culture and small government rather than obsession with corporations."
"This book takes heart in the activism inspired by the current political movement and offers a hopeful vision that's often lacking in discussions like these."
"We want liberation, we want the power to determine our own destiny, we want freedom from an oppressive government, and we want the immediate end of government sanctioned murder by the police."
"We are putting together an unprecedented grassroots multi-generational multiracial movement." - Bernie Sanders
"Donald Trump has joined the free speech cause. He's joined the Free Speech Movement online."
"Donald Trump has built a fundamentally oppositional grievance movement."
"The Forward Party is more of a vibe than a political movement."
"The entire purpose of the Maga movement is to take advantage of the weakness, particularly of men, white men."
"There's never been a movement like this there's never been and I'll tell you maybe I'm wrong but this is bigger than it was in 2016."
"History will have been made and we will begin anew with our pro-democracy movement and we're going to continue to fight for freedom and have fun doing it."
"In the Make America Great Again movement, we believe that every citizen of every background should be able to walk anywhere in this nation at any hour of the day without even a thought of being victimized by violent crime."
"We've been adapting as a movement to pedophiles, traffickers, and predators for a very long time, and we will adapt with the movement under this new administration."
"The greater Idaho movement, nearly 20 counties in Oregon that want to secede from Portland."
"Populist left candidates rise up. That's what Justice Democrats is about."
"This is a movement like this country has not seen since the 1980s when Ronald Reagan ran for president of the United States."
"This election was a victory for 'Barstool conservatism', a revolt against the elites in all forms."
"Here's Elizabeth Warren: 'Together we have built a movement powered by hopeful courageous people who will do the work to make the change we need know and we're just getting started. This race will be decided by people like you.'"
"We're trying to be the populist nationalist underpinnings of the Trump movement."
"A movement like this picks the president... all the ingredients are there."
"The Paris Commune is the first time in Europe at least that the working class overthrows the existing bourgeois society... Extraordinary experiment all kinds of collective decision-making... and then it's crushed."
"Anyone who's for anything thriving outside the duopoly should join the forward party movement."
"It's critical to understand that it's not just a leftist movement, it's a perfect storm of the dying mainstream corporate media and the establishment newspapers."
"It begins as something more modest, a movement of political organizations, groups, political parties, ideas, policy networks."
"The Tea Party movement happened because the president forgot that while he was elected by a majority of the population, it was a relatively narrow majority."
"The Tea Party changed politics as we know it."
"We're seeing a real resurgence of excitement, enthusiasm, and organizing."
"Our movement of hard-working American patriots is just getting started, and in the end, we will win."
"We are the movement with the ideas, we're the only movement with progressive ideas."
"The people of Pennsylvania are rising up, and there's a large core of people behind us here."
"We do see a rising movement in this nation that happened in Virginia, and I think on May 17th in Pennsylvania, you're going to see it happen here."
"They know it, that's why they're so afraid. That's why they hope that this movement dies, but we will never let her die."
"The march on Rome isn't a coup, it's a transfer of power with the intent of ending a decade of unrest."
"This is a movement of unity, patriotism, and love for the country."
"Student debt cancellation has gone from being just a demand of activists at Occupy Wall Street to the political mainstream."
"I am part of that new generation, the new right if you will that's rising up or you know we tend to trend a little bit younger than previous politicians."
"It's an unprecedented alliance and revival of grassroots democracy."
"This is actually a moment when there's a populist awakening happening."
"This country goes like a pendulum on the clock. This country doesn't move in the linear plane."
"Trump started this movement to put your own country first—America First, Sweden first, Italy first—and many more to follow."
"A thousand smarter conservatives will be building a new party after 2020 but one that builds from the framework Trump established."
"Now is not the time for small plans, now is the time for big change."
"I think the fight from the left is still very strong, this may be the strongest single electoral left movement I've seen or witnessed." - Marc Steiner
"I think the conservative movement, our movement, can save this nation, we can save civilization."
"We are the tsunami, the new change... moving towards Nigeria's new direction."
"Bernie Sanders has a strong grassroots movement."
"The ANC is one of the most important, iconic, and successful political movements of the twentieth century."
"The movement really just wanted less money in politics."
"There's probably got to be a more balanced way of handling these problems or talking about these problems."
"Bernie will die but return tomorrow multiplied ten thousand fold."
"A political tsunami of a kind, a movement, a revolution."
"What starts in Italy is something that looks very, very small, a small group of activists led by a maverick come to power."
"Defund the police absolutely mobilized and invigorated the largest racial and social justice movement in global history."
"We are part of a movement starting... defund the swamp and refund the kingdom."
"The Flames of this white paper movement may be extinguished soon but judging by the spread of protests to more than 20 cities in China, the fires could resurface in different forms at any time in the future."
"I think that any movement that tacks to the left and is successful is going to be led by black people."
"Isn't there a great deal of revolutionary potential... in a Bernie style movement... with black and brown faces?"
"Justice will be done. We will take back our country and we will make America great again."
"We're the movement that will beat Donald Trump. We're going to have to lead with kindness, humility, empathy, and not just talk but action."
"Four years ago a movement was born... you believe we could be strong again."
"Can we make a community of right-wingers that are highly motivated and have a high degree of trust between each other?"
"Trump is a movement to the extent that it is a movement."
"American workers rose up in 2016 and decided to end this American carnage."
"President Trump has launched a movement of everyday Americans... we're going to win this election."
"The citizens of this country have come out in record numbers to support our incredible movement."
"There's also question of whether you have a candidate and an idea or whether you have a movement behind it."
"This isn't about Trump the man, it's about Trump the movement."
"Trump's popularity is soaring to unprecedented Heights. It's a testament to a man and a movement that is very much alive."
"It's not just about one man, it's about an America that's had enough of being silenced, manipulated, and told what to believe."
"America First is bigger than one man. It belongs to us, to we the people."
"As soon as we embrace winning strategies and toss the losing strategies to the side we will be unstoppable."
"What Sanders did in that city is kind of a preview of what could happen if there's an actual movement behind him on a national scale."
"The national movement reached a new climax on Sunday."
"We have never had a true, honest-to-god champion of social, economic, and climate justice this close to the White House."
"This is not for any one individual; this will not be my campaign, this will be our campaign."
"This is a task for a great movement that embodies the courage, confidence, and the spirit of the American people."
"This is not a task for a politician or a conventional candidate. This is a task for a great movement that embodies the courage, confidence, and the spirit of the American people."
"MAGA is a movement, it's not just one political campaign or one particular candidate. The President has transformed this country, and we, all of us in this MAGA movement, we're carrying it forward no matter what happens."
"It's time for a populist movement to rise up and take your country back."
"There's a push within Congress for transparency on the UFO issue."
"Bernie is a candidate who can do that, he has a movement."
"There's never been a movement like this - Make America Great Again."
"Christian nationalism... movement favors... enshrine the policies..."
"The America first movement... belongs to you, the people of this country."
"Now is that time, and the convention on founding principles is our chance."
"The Bernie Sanders movement is strong, broad-based, based out of the working class of America."
"This is The Rebirth of the anti-war movement."
"The movement consists of a variety of both for-profit and non-profit organizations, right-wing policy groups, legal activist groups, data initiatives, messaging platforms."
"Over 400 million Chinese people have quit the Chinese Communist Party."
"Our historic patriotic beautiful movement to make America great again has only just begun."
"The Populist Party aimed to correct the concentration of economic power held by trusts and banks."
"The Good right-wingers, the real right-wingers, the real American conservatives, are for Freedom, they are for the Republic, they're for the Constitution."
"It's very simple, there has never been anything like it... this great movement of ours, never been anything like it, and perhaps there will never be anything like it again."
"We're more powerful than anybody in this country. The Progressive Movement is the most powerful movement."
"Bernie has the movement... that's how you win a general election."
"This is what drew hundreds of thousands of people to Ottawa - for peace, unity, and freedom."
"Bernie has more supporters than other people he has more supporters online than other people and he has more supporters that are working-class and vulnerable and black and brown than any other person in this race."
"For me, it feels kind of like the ball is moving. Trump is on track and he's making his way towards that path of actually overturning this."
"This is good news for anybody that's still part of the Yang Gang."
"I think things are changing. The walkaway movement, all these people are realizing, 'Wait a minute, this is BS. Let's look at accomplishments.'"
"Brandon has developed the tip of the spear of a movement that can and will impact elections."
"There has to be a movement... to replace this very brutal racist colonialist regime called the State of Israel."
"Rage Against the War Machine is actually reinvigorating anti-war activity."
"We want a blue tsunami to basically spread across the entire country."
"The energy that I'm seeing from the America First caucus made me very, very happy."
"America First is rising again and we are going to reconquer America."
"Bernie's movement showed that there's an appetite amongst a ton of people in this country for a really dramatic change in course."
"America First... has been hijacked by the trumpian cult... the original movement has much in common with its contemporary iteration."
"There's a new wave of Trump-supporting populist Republicans."
"In order for us to build a real anti-war movement, a movement of solidarity, we have to recognize that we're in a new political era."
"If Bernie Sanders and Nina Turner and Tulsi Gabbard started a third party, that's how you start a third party."
"He's saying this is not just a political campaign, he's saying it is a quest to save America."
"Welcome to the inaugural summit of the Progressive International."
"Creating a new mainstream is probably the single most important political project of our lifetime."
"He helped me think about how a different world could be possible."
"The progressive movement is eating itself from within."
"Bernie was never running for president just to assume the office. It was always about elevating political consciousness."
"Trump's return in 2024 isn't just a political aspiration; it's becoming a necessity for many who yearn for a secure and well-managed Border."
"They have defeated Trump, but Trumpism is not dead in this country."
"The alignment falls into place... personal responsibility... pro-freedom movement."
"Bernie's farewell is to say even though we lost the electoral battle, we've actually won the ideological war."
"It's a movement of buying for the people and it's a movement of the Bernie wing."
"Land back is not just a political movement, but a moral and ecological necessity."
"It's the honor of my lifetime to lead this great movement. A new era now, with a leader pledged to restore unity."
"Fascism is a movement that's capable of doing a much greater amount of horror and terror than anything else."
"Magga is not just a campaign slogan, it's a movement."
"The only way to address these problems is to create an unprecedented grassroots movement."
"We're not pushing the party left, we are bringing the party home."
"But there never has been a movement like this. It's a movement of loving our country."
"Power belongs with the people. Where we go one, we go all." - Q
"This is a watershed moment. People are waking up, asking the CCP to step down."
"We're succeeding in our mission to make America great again."
"Building a movement is crucial; Bernie's campaign is already generating change."
"Independence is only the beginning our struggle."
"Because of so many of the struggle leaders in South Africa were either imprisoned or exiled, the movement was held together in large part by women."
"The rise of the not left is coming, making the left shake in their boots."
"Fire Gary Gensler movement by Warren Davidson, continuing his thing about firing Gensler."
"There's something very special about what Bernie Sanders has sparked."
"The Sanders movement is incredible; he really sparked something magical, powerful, beautiful."
"Great citizens like you helped build this country, and together we are taking back our country."
"We have an opportunity going into 2024 to really come together as a populist movement."
"We have the candidate, we have the movement."
"The success and failure of Corbynism can be summed up in one sentence: it amassed unprecedented support from younger people and unprecedented lack of support from older people."
"The moment your name went live, there was no other choice. Keep the faith, Patriot, you were never alone."
"Even if Trump loses the election, Trumpism wins."
"The movement of freedom succeeds in Canada, and that will be the first official domino."
"The pro-life movement is one of the most pro-black movements in the entire country."
"We are taking back our country. The crowd thins out, but according to make one of the respondents here, Mr. Peter Obi is an idea whose time has come."
"The only thing that matters is the movement in the party. It's an interesting time in our country."
"Senator Sanders knows that transforming this country will take a movement of ordinary people like you and me working and organizing together."
"The truth of the matter is you've been waiting around for full legalization in the United States for quite some time."
"I said, 'Walk in with ideas and a plan of action.' I said, 'Walk in like you belong there.'"
"The America first caucus is another step towards mainstreaming white ethno-nationalism in the GOP."
"Regarding the Forward Party, everyone, you were very likable people started to see what you were doing and lo and behold, boom boom yang gang."
"We will take our freedoms back and we'll do it without a shot."
"We have the greatest movement in the history of our country we really did."
"A small movement called Texan has arisen in Texas, advocating for more decentralization."
"Trump's America: there is an enormous well of American patriotism American conservatism American common sense that has been building up and building up and building up and Trump came along to articulate and personify what people wanted."
"The Mises Caucus fashions itself as the Ron Paul movement 2.0." - Narrator
"Bernie held a left movement together...moving into this next phase is really exciting."
"The America First movement stands for all Americans."
"I think that this new movement is mainly about three things: freedom, individualism versus collectivism, and liberty."
"Our movement is about lifting up all Americans."
"Next week they will be beginning a new phase in their operation to fight for the people in Palestine..."
"So Cesar was a Mexican American labor and civil rights activist, and he helped build, like, one of the greatest political movements the United States has ever seen."
"He got us out of Europe, now he's going to try and get us out from under the yoke of woke."
"This isn't just a campaign, it's a movement."
"We need more people standing up... the numbers can overwhelm the opposition."
"Institutionalized centrist politics is not going to deliver the answer for most ordinary people."
"That's who Sam Blackwell was, he set up the Free States."
"This is the most powerful movement since the civil rights movement for black vote we not picking up no secondary agendas we moving for black folk and when I say black folk in this context Atos folk I shout out my allies."
"This movement is bigger than Democrats, Republicans, all them people don't realize."
"The only way we defeat the powerful special interests... is when we have a political revolution."
"Suicide cult of left-wing grandmothers launched new group to demand abortions."
"This is not a campaign, this is a movement... the greatest political victory in history."
"There are those that say this is the greatest political movement of all time. I think it is Mega."
"This isn't just about getting more people to vote for Bernie, it's about growing our movement."
"Bernie or bust thing is interesting and it's real."
"So, I think it's very important that we build third-party movements and we challenge and we stand fast for these moral imperatives."
"I think it is true that we're seeing the return of this left-wing surge."
"The Lions of the Congo rally and roar for the Simba Revolt has begun."
"We're a movement for all Americans who believe in fairness and justice, equality and dignity, opportunity and safety."
"Not me, us. That's Bernie's refrain. He knows he cannot do this alone."
"Rooted in grief and rage but pointed towards vision and dreams, these words of co-founder Patrisse Cullors described which recent political movement?"
"You cannot have a successful political movement without normies. They're just most of the country."
"The Arab Spring movement... demanded more freedom and respect for their fundamental human rights."
"I think a Leader's job is to lead and to come up with ideas that makes people want to join them, join a party and go move forward with it."
"It's far more than a campaign; it's the greatest political movement in the history of our country."