
Educational Encouragement Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Stay focused, and you do your best to stay with me through the whole lesson."
"We want to help you ramp in and you'll certainly be able to start the course six curriculum and do just fine."
"At all points I want you to feel that you could have invented calculus yourself."
"Adults and faculty members should be encouraging young minds to at least hear something that they might disagree with."
"Thank you very much for watching. I wish you all the best in your studies and work."
"If you're able to zoom you should do that, the Moon is surprisingly small in these pictures."
"This is polemic order from top tech boy comm and we are going to learn fusion 360 or we are going to die trying. Paul McWhorter, top tech boy comm. I will talk to you guys later."
"You touched my heart, and I know there are so many students like you who are in the same boat."
"It's never too late and it doesn't matter if you haven't finished the homework in time."
"Bodhi's teachers described her as talented, intelligent, with a bright future."
"Palestinians are being erased. Please educate yourselves. The internet is free and ignorance is a luxury that you may be able to afford but Palestinians cannot."
"Don't be afraid to raise your hand and ask a question, don't be afraid to question your government."
"Just keep that in the back your mind as you're learning."
"Being an OG is telling them: go to school, learn how to read and write. Me and the OG is telling them, yeah, go to the police academy, come back with those credentials."
"Stick around, you're going to learn something today."
"Don't let people bully you into thinking that your question is dumb. Question everything."
"What is up everybody? I'm going to trade trades. We freaking talk fast and don't skip class."
"Just because you don't have a WOW factor that's clear doesn't mean that you can't get into a top school."
"If you have the means or the time you should read some Shakespeare very soon."
"Learning is not easy, but it's normal. Practice makes progress!"
"Expand your horizons educationally, don't underestimate your right to feed your mind."
"You made it all the way through! Awesome work! Make sure you bookmark this video, save it to a playlist because you'll need to come back to it and review it and practise several times with me."
"Even if you think you suck at math, all is not lost."
"I want you all to be individuals. I want to empower those that are watching to go out and research, learn your body, build a relationship with yourself."
"This is a channel where I encourage everyone, including myself, to learn something."
"To all my viewers heading back to school: You've got this! Stay positive and keep pushing forward."
"Don't let the world tell you that you're not going to understand."
"Even if it seems complicated now, keep at it. Understanding will come with time."
"The more that you read, the more places you will go."
"Stay curious, stay excited about this stuff. We're doing this for you."
"Help him learn that his special problems should not become an excuse for not trying."
"Every child can do something successfully and has the right to discover what he can do best."
"There's an opportunity for you to learn something."
"Why don't you care more about the world? Why don't you want to learn?"
"Islam always encouraged learning, that is why when Islam thrived in the first few centuries they were naming the stars they were discovering instruments of optics surgery."
"You don't need to be working for NASA, SpaceX, or these companies to at least be excited and help shape a culture of scientific literacy and critical thinking."
"Don't take my word for it, do your own homework, come to your own conclusions, read, read, read, and investigate."
"This is brilliant... do you want some homework?"
"When we praise kids for being smart... it doesn't... create that kind of frustration, that overwhelmed sense of like, 'why I don't want to try anyway.'"
"Anybody can learn this stuff, so don't give up. It'll be easy to think, 'Oh, I'll never be that good.' No, you can be. Listen, everybody is garbage when they first start. The real fun is going through that journey of improvement."
"I want you to put some respect on your own name and join the classes."
"Be mindful and educate yourself. Mother Earth is constantly sending dandelion to the earth."
"It's a wonderful thing. Their curiosity is amazing."
"Don't give up; being here right now, you are advancing your English."
"You're never too young or too old to learn something different."
"Plan for your financial future... I highly highly recommend you pause this video right now and go research it and sign up for it today."
"I think the kids should... be encouraged to develop their imaginations."
"In math, it's okay to give it a go, and just because you don't get it totally correct doesn't mean that it was a failure."
"Encourage children to naturally use the scientific process to explore and understand the world."
"Get your husbands out the way, tell him to sit his ass down and learn something tonight."
"You feel special when the teacher asks you to help."
"Knowledge is power, so it also doesn't hurt to read books, to watch documentaries."
"Strategic black man gotta be strategic. Teach that to your sons. Get them to learn math. Get them to play chess. Do things that are strategic. That's what makes them smart."
"Reading is fun, please take reading seriously."
"Ask questions and learn something, then pass it on to somebody else."
"Commit yourself to pursue knowledge men, I challenge you to decide from this night forward that you're gonna turn your home into a library. You have to do this."
"Try to teach other people what you've learned." - George
"Every single one of you can start using and literally even make your thesis even stronger becoming more knowledgeable about what's taking place in the world."
"American students must dare to study the Soviet Union and China."
"Whatever difficulty you're having in mathematics I'm telling you right now there is a solution."
"And until next time, keep learning."
"Have a fantastic day, have a fantastic year, and I will see you next lesson."
"Charlemagne was not aloof in his attitude to learning."
"Let's start learning something good today."
"Reward effort, not accuracy, with attention and praise."
"Please keep on being a lifelong learner, and until the next video, goodbye."
"I'm a big advocate of STEM, and I think it's great for young minds to be occupied with this type of learning."
"We want all children to have a can-do attitude about math."
"We hope that as you become more familiar with squaring binomials, you'll become more confident in doing them quickly and efficiently."
"If you're struggling in math, please don't give up. That's the worst thing you can do."
"I hope you guys have a great year of school whether you're in college, high school, or entering middle school."
"First step in using trig to solve problems is knowing that you can and that you should."
"Fantastic, you are going to have an edge to becoming a fluent speaker much quicker."