
Verdict Quotes

There are 292 quotes

"Every account, every defendant found guilty on every count. Unanimous verdicts in record time."
"It took us longer to order lunch than to find this man guilty."
"I did not expect guilty on all charges. But that is something. Unbelievable."
"Absolutely definitive unanimous guilty verdict on all three counts against Derek Chauvin."
"After nearly 5 hours of deliberations, the jury announced it had reached a verdict... James Rackover from New York was convicted on all counts for the murder of Joey Kali."
"The jury unanimously find the defendant Lisa Joey guilty of murder."
"Jesse Smollett found guilty on all four charges."
"But at the conclusion, a jury of his peers found him guilty for the crimes for which he was charged."
"Guilty, absolutely guilty." - "Guilty absolutely guilty"
"We don't care about the verdict, we love you regardless. I believe you and stand with you always."
"Nathan Matthews was found guilty of murder and Shauna Hart guilty of manslaughter."
"At the end of seven weeks of trial, the jury came back guilty on all counts."
"'Guilty. Scotino was found guilty of multiple manslaughter, causing a shipwreck, abandoning ship, and lying to authorities.'"
"After nine days of deliberation, they finally came back with a verdict. Harvey Weinstein was found guilty of rape and sexual assault."
"They knew what the verdict was going to be. It's all because of public outrage."
"No fingerprints, no murder weapon, no motive."
"We the jury find Mark Hauck count one not guilty."
"The importance of the verdict I think it cannot be overstated for the Trump organization."
"The jury deliberated, and it only took them three hours to determine that Billy was guilty."
"The jury in the British Columbia Supreme Court finds Robert Frisbee guilty of first-degree murder in the bludgeoning death of 80-year-old San Francisco socialite, Muriel Collins Barnett."
"The jury deliberated for only four hours and they came back with a verdict of not guilty."
"The Jonathan Majors verdict is in, not guilty on counts one and three."
"Count one, malice murder, we the jury find the defendant Travis McMichael guilty."
"Felony murder, we the jury find the defendant William R. Bryan guilty."
"The jury found housekeeper Ellen Panketh not guilty."
"Guilty on all accounts: Derek Chauvin guilty guilty guilty."
"That's when the jury found Anthony Clark guilty."
"After a 10-day trial, William Keane was found guilty of the murder of Jenny Mevin."
"After a dramatic trial, the jury came to a decision: 'Guilty.'"
"The jury didn't take long to deliberate and came back with their verdict finding Chris guilty."
"The Cosby verdict was incredibly unjust... when you consider what they're doing for black people."
"The jury deliberated for 3 hours before they found him guilty."
"If the jury comes out of this in six weeks and says this woman is Looney Tunes, she's crazy, she drank the water the Kool-Aid of her husband but she aided and abetted and conspired to kill her children they'll find her guilty."
"I do accept the verdict of the jury because that's the bedrock of American judicial system."
"A unanimous jury has found Galaine Maxwell guilty of one of the worst crimes imaginable."
"Overall, I think this one is a winner."
"If there's a reasonable doubt in your minds as to the guilt of the accused, then you must bring me a verdict of not guilty."
"Cases can be solved with evidence; they can be solved with lack of evidence, and when there's lack of evidence, the law calls it not guilty."
"Drew Peterson is found guilty of murder in the first degree."
"Steven was found guilty of first-degree murder."
"...the jury returned with a unanimous verdict of guilty. Arthur Freeman was responsible for the murder of his daughter Darcy."
"The court declared Christine innocent of all charges."
"We, the jury fix the sentence at death."
"The verdict is in: animal protein all day."
"The jury finds the defendant Leon Philip Jacob guilty of solicitation of capital murder as charged in the indictment."
"we the jury find the defendant Leticia Stout guilty"
"We are all of us profoundly disappointed with the verdict."
"And the verdict: I believe this is 100% a Christmas movie."
"In the verdict aftermath, Nicholas's cousin Shannon Brady told the media that she was stunned by the verdict. Brady noted he in an admission from Ashley that Nicholas had never laid a finger on her."
"Our verdict: Can you have fun in any car on a track? Yes."
"So then, what's my final verdict on the BMW 4 series grand coupe?"
"So then what's my final verdict on the new Audi rs7? Well, I like it."
"Just because you can accept the verdict doesn't mean you have to like it. You can even feel very strongly about it, but it was based on the laws of Wisconsin."
"There are two words that Justice demands in this case, and those two words are not guilty."
"The verdict was a relief for Michael however devastated family members who had hoped for justice were overcome with tears."
"The jury came back after just a few hours with their verdict and Gilbert Berto Nunez was found not guilty on the charge of second-degree murder."
"It was hard, but when they read the verdict, it was a happiness in a way. A happiness that justice was taking place."
"That's enough! I don't need to hear no more, uh, uh, jury, which what you have for me? Guilty. Send them to the back."
"My verdict: guilty of being a classic."
"The jury went into deliberation and it only took them nine hours to come back with a guilty verdict for Jeremy."
"The verdict is guilty. Guilty on both Federal counts."
"The Assizes Court of Bergamo reached their verdict: Massimo Bisetti was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison for the murder of Yara Gambirasio."
"The Bergamo Court of Appeals denied his appeal and published an explanation for the sentence: 'Yara's killing was a homicide of unprecedented gravity... The presence of the defendant's DNA is what proves his guilt.'"
"John Daly was found guilty of all five murders."
"We find him guilty of murder in the first degree. The verdict was unanimous."
"Ultimately, the jury agreed with the prosecution and LeAndre was convicted."
"Once they read the guilty verdict, you just heard it was just emotion, it was pure emotion."
"...he thought the attorneys are going to get her that not guilty verdict so I'm going to kill her on the spot with a ballpoint pen through the eye. He didn't care if he had to go to jail for the rest of his life to do it. This is what he had to do."
"Verdict after bite one: my verdict is that this is a nine out of ten meal."
"In a unanimous verdict this week, a Santa Monica jury found O.J. Simpson liable for the wrongful deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman."
"The jury found Mr Underwood guilty of two counts of first-degree premeditated murder."
"The verdict shows that our system can work, and it did work. A jury of 12 people, from a cross-section of Cook County, held a Chicago police officer responsible for an in the line of duty shooting and the murder of Laquan McDonald."
"We find the defendant not guilty."
"So then what's my final verdict on the new Kia Sorento should you avoid it should you consider it should you shortlist it or should you just go right ahead and buy it well I reckon you should shortlist the Sorento it really is a good all-round quite posh feeling seven-seat SUV."
"...the trial only took about 6 weeks and he was found guilty of the crimes."
"Your verdict, whatever that verdict is, it must be unanimous."
"So then what's my final verdict on the Volkswagen Arteon Shooting Brake?"
"We the jury in the above-entitled action find the defendant not guilty."
"'This is the verdict of the spirits.'"
"When I heard the verdict, my gut reaction was yes, thank you."
"I didn't expect the verdict to happen so soon. I was really skeptical. But it was kind of surreal. It was a relief."
"Thankfully as soon as the jury came back with the correct verdict it was able to bring the focus back to ashing Murphy."
"After over 3 hours of deliberation, the jury unanimously found Lamb guilty of murder."
"The jury retires to consider its verdict. Shortly after 7:00 p.m. they return, the foreman rises from his chair and says, 'Guilty.'"
"We the jury find the defendant Chandler M. Halderson guilty of first-degree intentional homicide as to Bartae Halderson. We the jury find the defendant Chandler M. Halderson guilty of first-degree intentional homicide as to Krista R. Halderson."
"So, they got all of that, then they went to lunch, and then about 15 minutes after coming back from lunch, they arrived at their verdict."
"This verdict marked the end of a long-running saga of high-end car thefts that had plagued the region for over a decade."
"on May 3 after seven and a half hours of deliberation Lawrence Horne was found guilty on three counts of first-degree murder."
"We find the defendant William Jody not guilty."
"Let this case be a wake-up call and not just a verdict on one individual's actions. I urge you all to vote not guilty for if Aiden's guilty, we're all guilty."
"All four defendants were found guilty."
"...since he's Presumed Innocent that the verdict of not guilty is the First Choice."
"Seth Harmon is a free man after deliberating for only 30 minutes, the judge declared Harman not guilty."
"Our coroner's verdict on True or False Pope: Death by massive stupidity."
"My final verdict of this collab with Rita Ora is that I give it Roxxsaurus approval."
"We the jury find that the deceased came to her death through the agency of a person or persons unknown."
"So yeah, conclusion: I was found not guilty. Yay me!"
"The jury returned to the courtroom at 9:00 PM that evening, and it was later learned that they spent all night in that jury room. They returned to a verdict: guilty."
"As for the defendant Dennis Reardon, we find him not guilty."
The jury was unanimous in saying that Duntsch was guilty of "intentionally or knowingly causing serious bodily injury to an elderly individual."
"Having weighed up all the evidence, Dr. Shepherd delivers his final verdict."
"We were very pleased that it was guilty, just plain guilty."
"After a lengthy trial, on May 6, 2015, Khan was found guilty of culpable homicide not amounting to murder, rash and negligent driving, and driving under the influence of alcohol."
"I find no fault in Him." That's a "not guilty" verdict.
"the jury finally came to a verdict and they found Lyle guilty for the second degree murder of Leslie Herring and was sentenced to life with a minimum of 15 years."
"The jury just didn't believe them."
"We, the jury, find the defendant innocent."
"Thanks to the overwhelming evidence against the perpetrator, on October 29th of 2002, it took the jury less than a day to reach a guilty verdict."
"We, the jury, find the defendant not guilty of the crime of Murder in the First Degree."
"My final verdict on the Note F3C: this is great value."
"Guilty or not guilty? But this is Love & Death, where the verdict in the Candy Montgomery case... not guilty."
"In announcing the guilty verdict, Judge Melford Stevenson uttered, 'In my view, Society has earned a rest from your activities.'"
"What's the verdict? Was Wesley blacklisted?"
"You must base your verdict on the law."
"It was then after the case made it all the way to Australia's highest court and seven high court judges unanimously overturned his conviction at seven to zero that he was acquitted and finally freed."
"Imagine hearing not guilty and feeling a sense of peace."
"We find the defendant Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Parks guilty of first-degree murder for the killing of Amy Beth Sawyer."
"You may base your verdict on direct evidence or on circumstantial evidence, or on both."
"We the jury find the defendant, Ashley McArthur-- guilty of first-degree premeditated murder with a firearm as charged in the indictment, so say we all."
"A very mixed reaction to OJ being found not guilty."
"As to the defendant John Gotti... we find him not guilty."
"Have you reached verdicts on all 76 counts?"
"The jury only took 40 minutes to see through his lies and find him guilty."
"They found her not guilty and she was released that day."
"I find in favor of the plaintiff in the amount of $2,000."
"I order her to pay you the money. That's my verdict."
"The judge informed the packed courtroom that he had come to the inescapable conclusion that the defendant was guilty. He then passed a sentence of death."
"I'm gonna order you to return the fifteen hundred dollars to her, that's my verdict."
"He was found not guilty on any charges."
"The trial lasted 8 days after 4 days of deliberations they returned a unanimous verdict not guilty."
"He was declared because the jury was unable to reach a verdict."
"We obviously have to cover the George Floyd trial conclusion which is that Derek Chauvin is guilty on all counts."
"The jury reached the verdict. Lesley Murphy, Gary Murphy, Michael Murphy, and Michael Murdock were all found guilty."
"Anyone with common sense that paid any attention to the trial... he did it. A jury found he did it."
"My verdict for this one is Brian Wilson presents smile."
"My verdict: Brian Wilson presents smile."
"When the verdict was read, the place exploded into cheers, people were beside themselves, and that euphoria spread from the courtroom out into the waiting crowd outside."
"Whatever you think of this verdict for black Americans, it was not speaking about OJ Simpson per se. He didn't speak to the black community in the ways that other black icons did."
"...the jury returned and announced that they had come to the conclusion that the death of Maude Eliza Marsh was caused by antimonial poisoning and that the poison was administered by George Chapman."
"The jury came back and actually acquitted Cullen of capital murder."
"The jury less than a half an hour to come to a complete decision. All hands voting for death by hanging."
"...it was a mixed vote six found him guilty of the obvious charge of murder 18 pairs unbelievably found him not guilty and the remaining 40 found him only guilty of manslaughter."
"November 22nd 2012 the Supreme Court of Washington rendered their verdict Roger will finally have the rights to a new trial concerning what type of sentence he will receive return to death row life sentence or liberation in the near future."
"We the jury find the defendant, Ann Diggs, not guilty."
"We're the jury in the above entitled cause, find defendant Scott Lee Peterson guilty of the crime of murder of Lacey Denise Peterson."
"The courtroom fell silent as Judge Albrech delivered her verdict."
"The jury reached a verdict: Russell Cordier was found guilty of murder and hate crime."
"The verdict... guilty of the offense of murder."
"It was just complete disbelief. I remember seeing the look on the judge's face when the verdict came back, and the whole courtroom outside of the jury was just in shock. It was heartbreaking."
"The only verdict that is consistent with both the law and the evidence is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt."
"The jury found David Westerfield guilty of first-degree murder, kidnapping, and possession of child pornography."
"Based on this new evidence, I find the defendant not guilty."
"The jury found Betty guilty of both murders and her sentencing was 15 years to life."
"Jurors found Holmes guilty of all 24 counts of first-degree murder, 140 counts of attempted first-degree murder, one count of possessing explosives, and a sentence enhancement of a crime of violence."
"The jury has reached a verdict. They're on the way back in."
"Duck's mother expressed happiness and relief after the verdict was concluded."
"I'm going to ask that you find Jennifer Crumbley not guilty of involuntary manslaughter, thank you."
"Despite his repeated request for him to stop, the jury found Allen not guilty of aggravated malicious wounding or use of a firearm in the commission of a felony."
"After just a few hours, the evidence was completed, the judge had finished his summing up, the jury had considered their verdict, and Albert Murgatroyd taken to the holding cells below," the narrator described.
"If you return a verdict of guilty, it should be for the highest offense on the verdict form that has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt."
"The only issue with the verdict form is, I do think that there should be a slot for whether they find it's torturous."
"A verdict must represent the individual consideration of each juror."
"It was a verdict that was cheered by the men's many supporters in the courtroom."
"Felix Vale was found guilty and was sentenced to life imprisonment."
"The jury found Nick furcus guilty of murder."
"Chandler was found guilty of all charges including first-degree murder."
"He's guilty of second-degree murder for recklessly causing Harmony's death with extreme indifference to the value of her life."
"There's one verdict in this case, ladies and gentlemen: not guilty."
"The jury finds him again guilty of murder and false imprisonment, used for a deadly weapon, kidnapping which I didn't say that the first time. They found him guilty of all those things."
"The jury returns a verdict: guilty of five counts of first-degree murder and one count of kidnapping."
"We have reached the verdict. The verdict is innocent."
"On the 19th of July 2019 Stephen was found guilty of murder at Winchester Crown Court."
"I'm gonna ask you to return a verdict of not guilty because the evidence is not proof beyond a reasonable doubt."
"When you return a verdict here you will return a verdict of not guilty thank you very much."
"The verdicts in both cases were 5.5 million dollars, I believe."
"The gavel will come down in favor of the defendant."
"The guilty verdict made Sokka Locke the state's worst mass killer."
"The guilty verdict, although adding more sorrow to Joan Porco's life, ensured that justice was served."
"Please find him guilty of the crimes of first-degree murder."
"The judge read the verdict relying on the jury's decision: Vietti was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment."
"That's the verdict, weird but acceptable."
"In most criminal trials, when the jury returns a verdict, there are two possible outcomes: guilty or not guilty. But in Scotland, you may hear a third verdict: not proven."
"The jury deliberated for just 30 minutes before announcing their verdict: not proven."
"It's best not to take an absolute biased stance until you actually get a verdict."
"Final verdict on this release: it's way better than the other Strife, it could still be better, but it is a perfectly solid release."
"We the jury find the defendant guilty of the crime of murder."
"The perfect jury is one that will deliver the verdict that they want."
"On the charge of manslaughter, how do you find the defendant? Not guilty."
"We the jury find the defendant Fiona Frisco not guilty."
"We the jury find the defendant guilty of murder in the first degree."
"The courtroom was filled with tension and anticipation as everyone awaited the verdict."
"Justice in this case, ladies and gentlemen, is a verdict of murder in the first degree."
"We would like to thank the jury for the correct verdict."
"Ladies and gentlemen, I submit to you Jimmy Ray Rogers is guilty of first-degree murder."
"The jury shall not be punished for bringing back a verdict right or wrong."
"Elon was found not guilty in the funding secured trial."
"I'm more than excited to see the verdict."
"Judge Chatham in his instructions just told you, plain and clear, that you are allowed to use your common sense in reaching a verdict."
"The jury returned with a verdict."
"Gentlemen and ladies of the jury, have you reached a verdict?"