
Ancient Cities Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"What about discovering a whole city buried underground famed egyptologist zahi hawas announced the discovery of the Lost Golden City."
"Tucked away in this valley on a well concealed hill lie the ruins of Southern Africa's very first city."
"The lost golden city of Luxor: the largest ancient Egyptian city ever uncovered."
"Our architectural accomplishments are not limited to houses; throughout the Americas, large cities featured temples, central plazas, markets, and ball courts."
"10. The Cahokia Mounds: '...at its peak the city was home to as many as 40,000 people.'"
"A lost city hailed as one of the greatest archaeological finds since the tomb of King Tut."
"Ancient Sin City: The long-lost Roman city of Bahia used to be a partying hub."
"The lost golden city is located near Luxor and it was around during the reigns of some of the most famous Egyptian kings ever."
"Karanic, Iran, this long-forgotten city was founded about four thousand years ago."
"The surface pottery indicates the platform was built sometime in the mid-second century BC when Petra was a flourishing and wealthy center of commerce."
"I think it's very likely...that this structure was present in the ancient city Mr. Cabot was exploring."
"Archaeologists were stunned earlier this year when they discovered ancient Egypt's largest known city to date, known as the Rise of Aten. The lost metropolis dates back roughly 3400 years to the reign of Amenhotep III."
"Jerusalem: among some of the oldest cities in the world and a holy city for Christianity, Islam, and Judaism."
"If you love ancient city builder games, then this is definitely the game for you."
"As he dug, Schliemann uncovered not one city, but nine different settlements."
"Natunia may have just discovered the ancient lost city of Natunya."
"It's amazing to try to comprehend that this is a city from 79 AD."
"Invaluable historical landmarks are found in one place: a city that during the Late Bronze Age constituted one of the biggest metropolises in the world."
"The entire city had a form of traffic control that had escaped hard detection for that whole time - the first map of the traffic system of Pompeii that anyone had ever seen."
"Ephesus today is one of the best preserved Greco-Roman classical cities in the world."
"Thonis-Heracleion: the lost city found off the Egyptian coastline."
"Napata, a city with a very special place in both Egyptian and Kushite society."
"These ancient cities will be added to the game, and they're literally insane."
"Ancient cities are absolutely massive... breathtaking... wonderful."
"The remains of one of the world's first great cities, Mohenjo-daro, lie on the bank of the Indus River."
"Pavlo Petrie: one of the oldest sunken cities in the Mediterranean, discovered in 1967 with well-preserved ruins."
"Delhi is much, much older. In fact, it’s one of the oldest cities in the world."
"So we're sitting between middle Saxon London and Roman London."
"Around the year 1300 BCE, Yinzhu in China surpassed Thebes with a population of 120,000 people, becoming the first city outside this region to hold the title as the world's largest city."
"It's quite interesting because Sweden at that time only had about 100,000 inhabitants and the largest city in Sweden at times called Birka only had about 700 to 1,000 inhabitants."
"This is an ancient underwater city situated under Guangzhao Lake in China."
"The lost city of Ciudad Perdida is 650 years older than Machu Picchu."
"The oldest cities in the world are probably 15 or so towns around this place called Nebelivka."
"Ancient cities are not secular spaces; they are large collectivities of humans, but the defense of the city depends on its positive relationship with the gods who preside over it."
"Ancient cities are religious institutions."
"The time of Lehi... the original city of Jerusalem... a city Lehi could have walked the streets and seen lots of people that he knew every day."
"The other thing we have learned about Tikal is that these cities such as they had, were just as carefully planned."
"Troy was an ancient city located in present-day Turkey, Turkey, yeah."
"Madurai is one of the oldest cities in the world, being continuously inhabited since the third Century BC."
"The lost city of Tenea emerges from the mists of time as a bustling city steeped in legend."
"Alexandria is a great example of the importance of studying ancient cities."
"An enormous ancient metropolis found hidden beneath deep forest within Guatemala."
"One of my dreams is living in Herculaneum or Pompeii, years before the eruption, just to understand how was the real life."
"The city of Timgad... built entirely from scratch when Trajan founded the city as a Roman colony in 100 AD."
"The Indus Valley civilization stands as one of the earliest urban civilizations, with hallmark cities such as Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro exemplifying remarkable urban planning and infrastructure."
"Kara Koto is an abandoned ancient city in the huge Gobi desert in Western inner Mongolia."
"These days the ancient city on the river has been preserved."
"For decades, Alexandria was the largest construction site of the ancient Mediterranean."
"Biblos is one of the oldest inhabited cities continually in the world."
"From the dense, world's greatest mystery, a city was lost, now found."
"The city of Pergamum was built on top of a hill that was a thousand feet high."
"The lost city of Mohenjo-Daro was one of the largest urban settlements that profited from the highly fertile lands of the Indus River floodplain."
"Tell Brak is one of the largest ancient cities in Mesopotamia and among the oldest in the world."
"Most of what we know about the Indus comes from the excavation of two cities, Mohenjo-daro and Harappa."
"The cities of Harappa, Mohenjo-daro, and Lothal are all examples of incredible feats of engineering."
"Belgrade itself is actually one of the oldest cities on Earth."
"Entering Kabah from Uxmal, one would have passed between the thick walls of the arch and then down into the city on a smooth stone ramp."
"Legend says the city had 900 palaces and was home to thousands."
"The cities of Malta are so ancient and so beautiful that when you get here you even feel sorry that you yourself weren’t born surrounded by this beauty."
"Santa Barbara can boast to be the oldest known continuously occupied city in all of North and South America."
"The 1.4 kilometer Siloam Tunnel in Turkey built to divert the flood water threatening the harbor of the ancient city of Perre."