
Parallels Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"In a really peculiar way, I see some parallels there."
"Arcane has the most parallels of any story I have ever seen."
"The parallels to real-life drug addiction is rather haunting."
"We don't have the theatre, but there's a lot of parallels to atheism, non-theism."
"You know everybody move parallel to god damn rap, wrestlers move parallel to movie star rappers only way to be a movie star is the beings in movies."
"Both settings share parallels with how they are run, a form of thought police is in order."
"Kaido is the mirror of Luffy, a dreamer." - Ron Winter
"Offering insight into the past and the chance to create parallels to our world today."
"The parallels to Caleb's death were startling and obvious."
"It's hard not to see the obvious parallels between this and the real-life problems in the film industry."
"It's fascinating to see that tape that's that had taken place so many years ago and then seeing certain parallels to what's going on right now."
"This is fully, fully playable on a MacBook Pro in Parallels, which is pretty insane."
"It makes sense for the author to draw parallels between the Long Nights and the Doom, the two greatest magical natural disasters in the story."
"It is almost as if suppressing rebels on the other side of the world 20 years earlier had been a training ground for people doing the same thing here at home."
"Prison basketball, oh, and look, my favorite parallels are coming up."
"The assassination attempt on Padmé parallels real-world historical events."
"Turbo and Alistair Krei were fashioned as villains, serving as parallels to the darker side of main characters."
"George uses symbols to kind of link his parallelisms together. Ice and fire is the tapestry that's what he's doing."
"Interesting parallel between Emma and Viseris in the bath scene."
"I love how that just paralleled her with her bridesmaids wow this is amazing."
"The parallels between their story kind of escalates the movie because you think Bond could have easily gone down that road."
"As someone who used to hardcore babysit like basically nanny, I see a lot of parallels."
"The parallels are uncanny, the parallels are extensive, they are both micro and macro, and you cannot intelligently analyze life without looking at patterns."
"Anakin just did the same thing to Sidious."
"The same group that killed James killed Jesus, and probably for the same reasons."
"The Creed movies have brought new meaning to Rocky 5, specifically in the relationship between Rocky and Adonis, and how that parallels the relationship that Rocky and Tommy had."
"The parallels between the tribes and the very tribal nature of the alien hunter himself."
"It's easy to draw parallels between things such as the sound clash and rap battles or even sampling and the use of rhythms within Jamaican music."
"If Saba ODI is Egghead and Hachinosu is Marine Ford, then there should be a time skip at some point if that parallel continues."
"Goku and Vegeta's journey in the Saiyan arc mirror each other where one is looking for power for the sake of power and the other is looking for power for the sake of protecting."
"Their stories align in more ways than people think. M Dre is believed to be the first artist to ever record lyrics from jail."
"I think there are a lot of parallels between pinball and how you approach life."
"Osiris, cut into 12 pieces and resurrected by Isis, shares parallels with the Last Hero myth, suggesting a potential resurrection scenario for Jon Snow."
"The wildlings are symbolic parallels for the others, an otherized group north of the wall, just like the others are. They're monsters, so they have been otherized."
"There are many, MANY clear and pointed parallels between the prison system we see on Narkina 5 and the real life, horrendous carceral system in America."
"There have been some phenomenal parallels up to this point when one sinks the other Rises."
"Riley and Maya's friendship is written to parallel the same type of relationship that Cory and Shawn had."
"Dr. Barker drew thrilling parallels between the biblical accounts of Jeremiah's visions and the tumultuous times of King Josiah."
"Let me explain what I mean by letting Armin and the alliance beat him. He's essentially duplicated the very events from about a hundred years ago."
"I think it's very interesting that the Dragon Reborn is a kind of retelling of Superman."
"The Wild Horses of Patagonia have a very similar story to their Australian counterparts."
"I think Oda is trying to keep relevant, especially with all the parallels to Luffy."
"Oda is a paralleling master. He parallels things in every which way constantly in ways that we probably don't even pick up on."
"I really enjoyed seeing the parallels between them."
"Parallels show us that Aaron and Historia have similar past and struggles, essentially, Historia is a supporting character who reinforces and complements Aaron's own struggles and even individually overcomes them."
"Goku and Piccolo had an early Dragon Ball on his head as initially Goku had to fight a piccolo made to destroy him and now Picolo has to fight a Goku made to destroy him all while helping him see the light and join the good guys"
"Additionally, there are a lot of parallels between Hermione and Ron's relationship and Lily and James's relationship, and Lily and James are Harry's parents."
"There are some scriptures that talk about a falling away first, a famine in the land, the need for a restitution of all things. And in a similar way, Paul does the same thing."
"Everything about the House of the Undying is an obvious parallel to both frozen and corrupted weirwoods and the others."
"Barrick is obviously a terrific Azor Ahai parallel."
"Both were crucified, both were born from a virgin, both were resurrected."
"It's not hard to look at the Exodus story... and make a parallel to African-Americans."
"I love how Oda does the parallels. Corazon and Law, now Kuma and Bonnie. It's impactful."
"There are some obvious parallels between Skinwalkers and the European legend of the werewolf."
"There's so many lessons that are parallel to anything you're going to experience."
"And that's where the very obvious similarities to the civil rights movement come in."
"The narratives of Judah and David's stories share striking parallels."
"Lucifer's actions in the story about trying to control her obsessing over her wanting her and never getting over her it's exactly the same as Daniel."
"Parallels are variations of regular baseball cards, just the base."
"The parallels of Johnny and Daniel are going to be right there in Miguel."
"It's exciting to see that the cannabinoid research actually parallels some of this as well."
"So we have lots of parallels in our own world for the things that the people in Mesoamerica do."
"The writing process replicates life more closely, just one step at a time."
"It's interesting because I see a lot of parallels in what's happening in AI right now and what happened in crypto over the last few years."
"The Arthurian Legend parallels are everywhere in 'A Song of Ice and Fire.'"
"Ace and Asuka's story parallels Luffy and Smoker's relationship."
"Nephi saw his day and he also saw us, and he knew that there were parallels, he knew that the same cause of the same destruction of his people in the Book of Mormon time period would be the same cause of destruction of latter-day Israel in the world in our day."
"The story has basically been setting up Luffy and Blackbeard as parallels from the start."
"Parallels to the Exodus have been found in dozens of Egyptian texts and published in the literature by professional Egyptologists, archaeologists, and biblical scholars."
"There's water in both instances and there is deliverance in both instances."
"It's interesting these different patriarchs and their wives and the parallels between them."
"The Testament of Abraham and the Apocalypse of Abraham contain some rather remarkable parallels with the Book of Abraham."
"If ancient Israel struggled with something, surely we struggle with it as well."
"I'd like to now compare Kim Wexler to Walter White by aligning the clear parallels of the choices that these characters have made."
"The parallels between Heracles and Gilgamesh are widely accepted... both are deemed judges and partners of the primary protector of righteousness."
"Learning how to strum a guitar, I had a lot of parallels with learning how to drive a boat."
"The film by Andrei Tarkovsky based on an adaptation of the book Road aside picnic by the Stragatsky brothers is famous in the Chernobyl Community due to parallels it shares with Chernobyl."
"I really love the parallels of that between them all sitting down for dinner in a sense at the family table."
"...if you are able, you should be able to treat yarn decluttering very similarly to how you would consider treating decluttering in other areas of your life."
"If you're looking for parallels, you'll always be able to find them."
"Watching the Spanish guerrillas... it just kind of made me think about that parallel that we have here in the United States."
"I am a sucker for parallels being drawn between parents and their kids."
"...the parallels are quite significant I think and, if not convincing, compelling."
"I started seeing a lot of parallels between rowing and singing."
"...the story of Adam and Eve from The Book of Genesis in the Hebrew Bible has several parallels and similarities with earlier Sumerian stories."
"You're going to be probably very surprised to perceive the incredible parallel between both the predicament and the reactions to that predicament that we see today."
"It's funny the parallels between investing and chess."
"I absolutely love the parallels between that scene and the scene that was at the bowling alley in season one."
"There are so many parallels between a poker tournament and Survivor."
"In terms of intensity, in terms of emotion, in terms of what's at stake here, the semi-finals draw parallels, at least to me, of the NFL playoffs."
"It's called the architecture of bees and it's looking at the parallels between human-built environment and bee environment."
"I think there's perhaps some sort of parallel there."
"You started stand up at 23, same as me."
"Stray is a tale of rebuilding a broken society with eerie parallels to the world we live in right now."
"Wow, yeah, there's a lot of really interesting parallels that are happening here."
"Despite these stories happening 25 years apart, two different wars, they're tied together by some really striking similarities."
"The Soviet Union was brought down by three things, all three of which strike me as parallel in America."
"So what if this is meant to be an intentional parallel, and it's Oda's way of indicating that perhaps, in the Void Century, the human counterparts to the three ancient weapons were actually the three commanders of Joyboy's pirate crew."
"We end up with the same incidence of cancer, diabetes, obesity, allergies, organ failure, autoimmune disease in dogs as we do in people."
"There are 181 parallels on Earth, including the equator."
"I'm a big fan of shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Demon Slayer, and believe it or not, there's a lot of parallels."
"Jon Snow leading undead Night's Watchmen against the foe is a pretty direct parallel to Odin."
"This course in a way parallels some of the various advanced areas that get covered in more depth in graduate courses."
"There are very strong relationships and parallels between continuous time and discrete time."
"The history of this region has many parallels with the Western half of the US as much like the Wild West, the Wild East was fraught with conflict, violence, opportunities and illustrious natives."
"Whether you subscribe to religion or not, there are still stories that are documented in writing, and I see the parallels."
"Aragorn sees the parallels between himself and Arwen in the tale of Baron and Luthien."
"Educated Jews, well-read Jews were very interested in the civil rights movement because they saw the parallels between the way blacks were treated in America and the way Jews had been treated throughout history."
"As I keep expanding and going up closer to the very big idea of the Divine, I'm going to get a bigger picture and see more and more parallels within these different systems."
"I want to draw the parallels of Ichigo to Asta and provide to you evidence that Asta can very well follow a similar narrative plot."
"Raising your business... there's so many parallels I think to starting a business from scratch and also raising a kid."
"History doesn't repeat itself necessarily, but it rhymes, and you can always see parallels."
"The parallels between the Memphis creation narrative in Genesis and all that stuff is very fascinating."
"A lecture that swept across eras, drawing out parallels between them which throw real insights into what's happening today."
"Fighting the good fight, so there's a lot of parallels between the two of them that I quite enjoy."
"It's really all about emergent behaviors, and so we take this conversation to Alexis about what he sees in the early days of Reddit and the parallels that he's seeing now in Web3."
"It's like a great parallel to real war in the real world with soldiers and a lot of difficult decisions they have to do."
"Such wonderful parallels, I do like when they kind of show a little bit of what it was like when they were growing up."
"The history and conversion of the Franks is quite similar to that as the Anglo-Saxon."
"What's your favorite science fiction movie? Oh, Close Encounters. Really? Yes, I can see the parallels."
"Life, man. Golf and life go hand in hand."