
Theological Discussion Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"The closest we find to any declaration of unity and diversity within the Godhead is first John chapter five verse number seven."
"Everybody expects seventy books. Why sixty-six? Well, technically the Book of Psalms is five books."
"God is traditionally imbued with the following characteristics: omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence. What does that lack? Limitation."
"Mercy is the point: salvation through God's mercy, not our works."
"It's not impossible to make a game that's fun to play and also generates good revenue."
"That's hell. It was bad dude. No, that's what the Catholic Church teaches hell is. Well, that's what God's up to bro. He's up there by himself. It's pretty [__] sad."
"You couldn't get the idea of Jesus being an incarnation of God himself if it weren't for the fact that you had much earlier in the religious DNA things like cult statues of the gods."
"The Trinity is not beyond understanding. Three can be one, there's nothing irrational in the Trinity. It is quite possible."
"Genesis 1 and 2 are complementary rather than contradictory."
"God's religion has to be multiple and has to have respect for different views, different interpretations."
"Hebrews 11:1 is a description of faith, not a definition of faith."
"I don't think theology demands you turn your back on science."
"You could improve the Quran and you could improve the Bible in five minutes to the benefit of everybody, and yet we can't rewrite these pages."
"You don't have to live according to Romans 7. Well good luck because First John says if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us."
"Eschatology is not something we should divide over."
"We need to hold the companies accountable. We also need to invest in our communities. It's not a matter of people need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. It's a matter of the system being broken and we need to fix it."
"God's love affects the family, and God's love affects Éros, and God's love affects Philía."
"It's a system that exalts Mary... with pseudo-christianity."
"He came from Sinai, God didn't come down to Earth and start walking around from Sinai."
"In the end with these contextual issues of the state as well as the theological underpinnings..."
"The doctrine of the virgin birth works better with the Greek."
"The development of the Trinity could be argued as a result of surrounding Platonic, Stoic, and Greek mythological sources that came together."
"Allah did make his verses clear are we confused about what the Quran is no and that's the point."
"There is some sort of interim disembodied state that Jesus and Paul both talk about."
"I don't think anything was put into the Bible by accident."
"There's never been and is not now a single Christianity; there've always been Christianities."
"But if the similarities don't point to duplication, then what are they pointing to? Then why are the stories so similar? Why not just do a miracle, but a feeding miracle that's so similar to the 5,000 one?"
"In closing, the works of Christ here are always meant in Mark to point to the person of Christ and the greater work of Christ."
"Do you want to explain to them that they are theologically confused when this flatterers made them realize that they were created unique and special in the eyes of God instead of just being some insignificant speck in Carl Sagan's pale blue dot?"
"He went from being picked 41st to the best player in the world, damn."
"And I think he means what he says, right? So his theology is that God Once Upon a Time was all alone."
"The Quran's view is actually quite inclusive, so when we read the crucifixion verses or any other verses, we have to keep in mind all of the Quranic data."
"Like if he flooded the earth then you gotta take all the water and put it somewhere."
"Now my argument for Fainus and the primordial one being two different entities comes from the fact that there is no variation of Orphic or Greek mythology where Fainus or Eros is the first god to appear."
"We've spoken for about 20 to 30 minutes about hellfire...and I've shown you how it's cogent."
"Saint Paul is talking about a post-mortem purification of the man."
"The Bible does invite a conversation or a reflection on the relationship of the father and the son. It's on Jesus' lips that he and the father are one."
"Why do you reason about these things in your heart which is easier to say to the paralytic your sins are forgiven or to say arise and take up your bed and walk."
"This is complex enough and if God is the end all and be all, the salvation, what difference is his color?"
"When he spoke to the woman at the well, uh they were talking about physical water and the water that I have that he spoke about the living water you won't thirst again."
"Jesus tells a Jewish man that 'the Lord our God is one God,' confirming the belief in a unique personal God, the Father."
"If Jesus was God, he should have known the hour."
"It's just sad because like Kevin was saying a thousand percent agree with you Kevin it just speaks to the character and the nature of God."
"Wokeness tweaks the doctrine of humanity, losing sight of the imago day, the image of God as our constituent identity." - Owen Strachan
"It's written that we're partakers of divine nature so don't take that away either to say you're not a partaker of the divine nature."
"Any church or denomination that preaches a reconciliation other than that which occurs in the heart."
"The real reason why we should be rejecting this is because it's rebelling against the way that God created the world."
"The comparison, if there's any comparison that can be or should be made, it's Jesus's second coming with Muhammad in the Medinan period, not in the Meccan period."
"Jesus is not just like them, he's superior to them."
"The doctrine of Our Lady's co-Redemption doesn't put her on the same level as Christ."
"Lucas calling the view of hell that's been taught by the vast majority of Christian churches for almost 2,000 years a straw man indicates that it is you that hasn't done your research, not me."
"I'm simply desiring to interpret rightly the Word of God as I assume all of us are as Christians."
"Satan is allowed dominion over the earth so that we can strive against him and overcome our own evil natures, and thus be made more righteous like God."
"In the Bible, where the man and the woman are in view, God creates distinction."
"So, he does have something, he's really an heir of the Old Testament unlike the Gnostics who repudiated it."
"There's a human tendency to diminish Jesus, but at the center of Christianity, we have who Jesus really is and what Jesus really did."
"These laws are not simply describing the way that the ancient Hebrews kept slaves, they were prescriptive. God was telling them how he wanted them to go about it."
"Muhammad Hijab's response to Ehrman's claims."
"He just started asking him questions about like the sacraments, like, so you believe in seven sacraments as an Anglican, he's like, well, yeah, but like, there's two of the gospel and there's five of the church."
"Attributes of God and man are in complete contradiction."
"Satan was an angel who fell from heaven because he wanted to be like God there are millions of people who are worshiping a fallen angel who wanted to be like God that's why he got kicked out of heaven in the first place so."
"So you can't have Chuck E cheese Mass it's theologically impossible to have the Chucky Cheese Mass and that's all I got to say today."
"Who is the being that brings the most people to God? Probably the devil, actually."
"Isaiah's context is Israel's Exodus, a Redemption for Israel."
"Even if all this chaos that Pastor Brett's talking about if that's part of God's plan to get the world where it needs to be for his second coming I still don't need to be afraid."
"The catechism is clearly not condemning the notion that the kingdom can come more fully on earth than it has yet."
"This doesn't become Enoch because God caused it."
"God isn't always like that... God's sovereignty means it's impossible everything, including evil itself, will serve God's good and perfect ends."
"Jesus was absolute Divinity but he was also full Humanity at the same time."
"The resurrection of Jesus would be a miracle of God."
"If God exists, is benevolent, is all-powerful, wants us to have a relationship with him, and there is actually a good solution to the problem of evil, then he would share the solution."
"That's a human attribute, not a godly aspect."
"Islam, I think, has a tremendous role to play in salvation history."
"Miracles can disprove naturalism if they're authentic."
"What explanation best fits all that evidence? And I think the answer is obvious to me: it's the resurrection of Jesus Christ."
"Genesis is not to be taken literally. It's a science text. It's a story of mythology and legend to make theological points."
"The devil is simply a figure who refuses to be boxed into a category, he refuses to have limits placed on him."
"The problem with Jesus's failure to return in the first century is that we have failed to understand the genre of the prophetic utterance."
"When you look at the Genesis 6 account and take it as a literal interpretation... it traces all the way throughout the Old Testament."
"So unless you see, let's work with what the Bible says is that true. Do you believe the Word of God? You believe is the final authority and you believe is a more sure word of prophecy so let's examine the Word of God."
"The majority of scholars believe that when Peter refers to Simon, he's really addressing Paul."
"Faith is essential and when you say works, here comes the evidence of our faith."
"Jesus is more than just about being good and avoiding evil."
"He shows more Mercy than if he merely spared his life by exercising some decree."
"Was Christ crucified? I have shown from the Quran that he was."
"If Yeshua is the Messiah, then you can certainly be a Jew and believe in Him."
"Science doesn't undermine Islam theologically; it doesn't under undermine God theologically."
"Who should we honor without a doubt? There is a relationship between the creator and the created, right? The creator and the created. This is the relationship between God and man."
"It's about love, love of the creator. How can you reject him? If you reject him, I didn't say that, you said that. So why are you rejecting him? Accept!"
"Jesus was both human and divine... Jesus created everything... the head of the global Body of Christ."
"There's an ideology behind it, there's a theology behind it."
"Live and let live and leave these discussions to the advanced lectures and advanced theology classes."
"Satan did not create anything... he has taken advantage of the things that God created and used it for demonic purposes."
"How in this these first few verses do we live in light of the fact that we live in this world where God has ordained government?"
"What if these are all different interpretations of the same gods?"
"Navigating theological controversies with biblical wisdom and discernment."
"Two people can disagree on certain aspects of theology...but still have a healthy dialogue without any sort of disrespect."
"A real believer... can have attachments... but a real believer cannot be demon possessed."
"Why are there so many denominations of Christianity? The things they agree on are a lot more significant than the things they disagree on."
"Jesus can be your savior, but is he God? No, he's not. Of course, he's not God."
"We're not talking about emphasis or disciplines, we're talking about doctrine."
"The angels here are not pinnacles of perfection and whilst they are ranked higher than men in their closeness to God, they are not flawless and certainly appear to possess free will in the same way we do."
"The Jewish people have an identity that is not political, it's not racial, it is theological."
"Jesus said, 'No man knows the day and all the hour.'"
"God isn't really a villain or a monster; he's a human that arcs these questions."
"Grace doesn't lower the standard; grace ratchets up the standard."
"We know that second Thessalonians chapter 2 tells us that... the reason why the antichrist can't come on the scene is because Christians are the restraining force."
"We believe Jesus Christ is God and when it says seed, it's speaking specifically about Yahweh."
"Eschatology, the study of end times, can sometimes become an excuse for you to do nothing."
"Islam means 'submit to God,' I'm a Jew, 'Israel' means 'struggle with God.' I rather struggle with God than submit to God."
"I don't think all falsehoods are sins, I don't think Jesus sinned."
"He makes something better right but you can say that about the plans of God you know forever and always they can always be made better because you know the power of God is such that he can improve upon what he has presently done."
"You get the Virgin birth in Luke as well, the stories are completely different. It's almost impossible to reconcile Matthew's account with Luke's account."
"Forget for a moment about people being predestined to hell and just think: Calvin is putting before you the vision of a God who is constrained by nothing except his own nature."
"If you submit to Allah and so some Christians say well I submit to God because Islam just means submission and surrender to God so Jesus himself was a Muslim because who did he submit and surrender his will to God Almighty."
"When you read that word that God repented that he was going to destroy Nineveh it broke his heart because they repented and he was not going to do it."
"So God can do all of this and then God freely forgives us. He does not require somebody else to be penalized in our stead."
"Correct interpretation leaves it an open question of how God brought about life."
"God has multiple attributes, all of which are separate and distinct."
"Mary did crush the head of the serpent through Jesus."
"You're talking about Satan being the thief? Yeah, only the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy."
"We're all Gods now, it's the same story from the garden."
"These are not tough questions... don't be fooled into thinking every one of these answers can be packaged in 90 seconds and now it's all buttoned up." - Response to discussing foundational theological questions
"So God cannot, you know, it doesn't benefit God to cease his characteristics, his glory, as God cannot cease to exist, you know, God is always there."
"The Bible never explicitly says that Jesus had a birthday."
"The idea of worshipping the god man who sacrificed himself for us and worshipping the god of infinite love that is the source of reality is there to moderate the dangerous effects of these patterns of participation."
"You're either going to get justice or you're going to get grace. We don't deserve grace, it's a free gift we just have to accept it."
"I submit that they did not believe that Yeshua was deity, they believed he was the Messiah."
"Do you really think it's a matter of whether God can do it? The very nature of omnipotence means that there cannot be a degree of difficulty for God."
"He makes an unremarkable argument: the Lord came not just to wipe away the offense on God's record books, he came to transform us, to not only to heal us but to deify us, to make us like God."
"I know that the blood of Christ flowed down that old wooden cross and onto the soil and the ground of Golgotha, but do you think it was any problem for an eternal God to put that blood in a container? I don't see any problem."
"The discussion framed around those passages misses how they are part of the whole."
"Jesus stands in continuity, not contradiction with the Old Testament revelation."
"That's why I was eager to talk to Carmen Iams about her new book 'Being God's Image: Why Creation Still Matters'."
"Our goal is just kind of suspend our presuppositions, get outside of our theological echo chambers, and learn from our brothers and sisters in Christ whom we disagree with."
"Our goal is to suspend our theological presuppositions and to break out of our echo chambers."
"Everything depends on our overcoming theological talk about Christ, so that in all reality we can move forward to an understanding of him."
"It's not about winning an argument, it's about seeking the truth of Scripture."
"The story of Melchisedek doesn't end in Genesis; the writer of Hebrews picks up his story and compares Melchisedek to Jesus Christ."
"The problem of understanding the incarnation and the transformational aspect of reality appears very clearly in that moment."
"This sounds historical because Christians with high Christology would not have invented this."
"Jesus is Lord, regardless whether he's Michael or not."
"When you talk about God, we talk about evidence, we talk about ability that is beyond human ability."
"We try to create a safe space to think theologically, controversially, and even more so, peacefully about some of the deep issues within Christianity."