
Backups Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"A digital life is an immortal one, where backups and distributed minds make even death by accident or malice, not just aging, nigh impossible."
"I suggest always having two saves so you have a backup."
"All hard drives eventually fail, and if that's the only copy of your pictures, then you're going to lose all your pictures, and that sucks a lot."
"Whatever's running the government would have so many backups upon backups and they would just start churning out propaganda."
"How do we avoid bugs like this happening all the time? The simplest way is if everyone every single human being has backups of their world."
"All in One WP Migration is probably the easiest backup and migration plugin."
"There's no excuse for not making any backups. You need backups."
"Always, always have a backup of your data."
"I try not to keep too many backups but perfumes I do have backups of are this one in Monger lawn so two of my favorites."
"I want backups on some different medium but also I might just have replication if there was some just disk failure."
"...automatic backups with no performance impact... access to a serverless option... not having to worry about servers is definitely a plus."
"Big city backups, and it's there immediately."
"It does make me glad that I went and pulled the videos that I really enjoyed, so I do have backups myself of some of the content that I produced while I was there."
"Immutable backups allow you to create storage areas that cannot be deleted or changed... creating truly immutable backups that cannot be changed in the event of a ransomware attack."
"It's not a good idea to use the root file system for backups. You should have a different storage media for that."
"The only way to be sure those backups are actually valid is to test them. We'll create an automated script to install SQL, restore the backup, and even sanitize the data if desired."
"Cloud Storage for backups, Cloud Monitoring for logs, and Cloud VPN for secure network connectivity."
"Redshift is a fully managed service. It takes backups incremental backups at every eight hours or five gb of data change."
"The advantage of doing full and incremental backups like that is they're much less load on the file system and much less overhead to process."
"When it came to restoring backups, having a faster CPU helped a reasonable amount, especially if large chunks of empty data were likely to CPU's faster compression speed helped a lot."
"synchronization or mirroring options are not backups."
"Make sure you've got backups of your data."
"Test your backups, make sure you can restore them."
"I'll be discussing also a little bit of information on snapshots and the importance of backups."
"The importance of backups is this: if you are upgrading, that would be one of the reasons or that you want to back up things."
"Keep backups. If you don't test your backups and have a tested recovery plan, you do not have backups."
"Backup is not the problem, recovery is the problem."
"Your best protection against virus and ransomware is to use actual backups, preferably offline backups so they can't be corrupted."
"It's really worth it to make backups because restoration is so much easier."
"Put all your photos into the cloud and make sure that you turn on automatic backups."
"Test that your backups actually restore."
"Everybody should be doing backups all of the time for all of your data, just to make sure that you don't lose it in case something goes wrong."
"Keeping backups and thinking through the failures and the impact or implications of those failures is very important."
"Cloud SQL also provides you with both automated and on-demand backups with point-in-time recovery."
"Backups help to protect your data from loss or damage."
"No matter what you do, you should always back up your system no matter what, and you should set that process up so that it's automatic."
"Remember, back up your data on a regular basis and store it in three different locations."
"Windows Defender should be perfectly fine to use in 2022 as long as you know what you're doing and you're making regular backups of your data."
"It's always good to have a backup of your files."
"Whatever the problem is, it's never a complete disaster, especially if you have backups."
"Enabling backups is a really smart thing to do."
"Many people don't think about backups until it's too late."
"Backups are absolutely vital to cybersecurity."
"Backups are always a good thing to do."
"The cloud storage provides the user with backups of data to alleviate data loss."
"You can export the vault, which is really important for backups."
"Backups are only as good as your last restore."
"Your backups are only as good as your last restore."
"Verify the backup when it's finished."
"Perform checksums to validate that the information read off the disk is the same as the information written to the backup media."
"Compress your backups because it makes them faster to backup and faster to restore."
"This will easily save you a lot of time if you create these backups on a flash drive or a hard drive."
"Please remember to back up your work."
"Data backups are only useful if the integrity of the data remains intact when an unfortunate event happens and we need to restore data from backups."
"Having full control over when and where your backups are stored is something that I think is vital."
"T-SQL actually brings the primary power of what you can do with backups."
"Please always make a backup, guys. I cannot stress this enough."
"If anything ever happens to your website, you're going to want to have backups that you can easily revert to."
"If you do get hit with ransomware, you'll always have your backups of your data."
"Backups give you a multitude of different means to backup your data."
"My personal preference is to always be restoring my backups."
"Creating backups of information is really important, because sometimes things will go wrong that you don't expect."
"That's one way of creating backups which is something that you should consider."
"It's a good idea to make backups of really important poses if you're going to be editing them because the work can be lost easily like that."
"A good web host backs up your site by weekly or daily backups."