
Archaeological Findings Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"These Clues paint a picture of a world so far from our own."
"The bedrock sculpture underneath complex structure A at Nob de playa appears to be an accurate depiction of our Milky Way galaxy as it was oriented astronomically at a specific time."
"The idea that naledi buried their dead is an intriguing one with evidence supporting it."
"Thanks to new research, it seems that the ancient humans who built Gobekli Tepe may have been inspired by geometry..."
"What's interesting is that they show evidence for once being lined in Copper and perhaps this lining was connected to copper pipes running through these holes."
"Researchers also discovered that tomb one contained the bones of a man injured in the knee as well as the bones of a woman and an infant."
"The excavation work isn't complete but scientists have concluded... There's some information recorded on it that would change the course of history."
"The evidence suggests that Gunung Padang is not a natural hill but a pyramid-like construction."
"The caves of Qumran have given us some amazing secrets from the past yet while answering many questions these fascinating writings still hold many mysteries today."
"Hundreds of stone fragments were also found that had hieroglyphs as well as a carving of a coiled Cobra."
"I mean just look at the IDs of some of these fossil remains. Chagyrskaya 60. Chagyrskaya 63. There's a lot of Neanderthals here."
"But the presence of such striking stone artwork on the remains of what was once nothing more than a canal goes to show that the old Assyrian empire was likely a shimmering jewel of the Middle East."
"New research is unlocking the story of her life by uncovering the evidence contained in her bones."
"The Exodus from Egypt is not a myth, following a real pattern of evidence it has been rediscovered."
"Finding this kind of history for this time is significant."
"The brutal nature of these discoveries contradicts other Mesolithic hunter-gatherer burials, which tend to reflect a deep respect for the dead."
"It's the combination of sloth tracks and children's prints that are so intriguing in this case, showing that not much has changed in human behavior in thousands of years."
"Archaeologists have discovered some of their buildings and architecture."
"This was a real civilization right in the middle of the Sahara."
"Stone tools discovered in a cave in Mexico suggest that humans inhabited North America much earlier than we previously thought."
"Archaeologists believe this was part of three mass sacrificial events interpreted as offerings by the Chimu people in response to El Nino events around 1250 AD."
"The great pyramid mystery only deepens as two startling eyewitness accounts from 1837 may well change the narrative."
"Certainly, we would never have come here if it hadn't been for a handful of finds deposited by a group of people worshiping a completely different set of gods two thousand years ago."
"This is a real breakthrough. The impressive headdress shows that the mummy must have held a high position in his society."
"The remarkably intact bear lived alongside woolly mammoths and saber-toothed tigers."
"Metal is not found outside of this boat-shaped object."
"Minoan settlements extended beyond Crete, showcasing their influence."
"Archaeological support for the historical veracity of the scriptures."
"Late yesterday afternoon, we unearthed a tile from the abbey belonging to Edward the Confessor, 200 years previously."
"Every find, every detail, even a large earring illuminates the Chachapoya a little more."
"Maybe pottery imported Flint's and jet jewelry and weapons were everyday objects."
"We're now convinced this earthwork was built to protect the people living on the promontory behind it."
"The theory that this little cove had a trading link with the Middle East is backed up by the fines made in Matt's trench such as the Roman coins and Turkish pottery."
"Their funerary practices and their settlements suggest sophistication."
"This is the five-minute craft of shoe designers."
"The remains of a young man show telltale signs of a violent end, hacked to death in a forgotten battle."
"Archaeological discovery challenges previous notions of early civilization."
"In a tomb that had never been opened, archaeologists would find something extremely unusual and just the tiniest bit creepy..."
"The Romans loved oysters, and the abundance of empty shells we've been finding here tells us that the Romans were eating them as a staple."
"Isn't this strange they found Phoenician coins in South America isn't it strange they found pyramid-like structures in the Americas isn't this strange they saw I think they"
"The walls didn't just talk, they told stories."
"The artwork has been dated back almost 12,000 years."
"There have been giant skeletons found that measure up to eight feet tall."
"This is a stark contrast to Phil's trench where there's no sign of painted plaster or luxuries like underfloor heating."
"It was confirmed that this was in fact part of a pelvis from a wooly mammoth."
"We now know the depth and the shape of that river, and most importantly, we've discovered a whole shipbuilding industry on the waterfront."
"By examining the body, scientists were able to determine the age of the Tollund Man when he died."
"A recent study revealed mysterious lines and geometric shapes carved into the Amazonian landscape, created thousands of years before the rainforest even existed."
"These findings not only align with DNA results but also challenge the age-old image of Richard III as a hunchbacked villain it seems like history might need a little rewrite after all."
"Stonehenge's rocks have been traced to two quarries 180 miles away..."
"The skeletons show signs of thermal shock; a wave of very hot gas hit them and makes their flesh evaporate, and they die instantly."
"Heinrich Schliemann discovered the site at Mycenae... and revealed that there was a great Palace there."
"We now know with pretty high degree of confidence that this stuff was used in antiquity."