
Movie Scenes Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"Honestly, that little bit might just be my favorite part in this movie because it honestly is fucking scary."
"This train scene is probably the only fun scene in the movie."
"You wanted Michael A. Jordan, but you got Michael B. Jordan."
"I love how she just [ __ ] hits him in the face later."
"That is so flippin cool, he's got like a flamethrower ability just like in the movie."
"It's so purposeful and I love the classical music during the tooth to earth scene."
"Well why don't we just check the records? The coolest scene in that movie though is when he's in that house with Nagini and the bounty hunter shows up and then explodes the room."
"That's the best part of this whole movie so far - she beats an old person in the head with a bat and it's like, oop sorry, I didn't see you there, my bad."
"Deadpool ignores the wind advisory so that he could have his x-force moments leading to all their deaths."
"I love that about this movie is there on a plane there in the the most confined space possible and it's like there's a ticking time-bomb element to it."
"I was captivated by the stunning basketball scenes."
"The Vader hallway scene was just supposed to bring you joy."
"That scene when Wonder Woman pops in as Wonder Woman for the first time and saves both their lives would have had so much more of an impact if they did not give it away in the trailer."
"There's a lot of funny scenes in this movie."
"The snap, the iconic Thanos snap bro in theaters."
"I love the way they killed Snoke, that whole scene was a real surprise."
"Optimus Prime and Megatron battle to the death in this movie is, in my opinion, the greatest moment in Transformers history and nothing short of iconic."
"One of the few outright great scenes in Endgame."
"The opening sequence also flashes back to the scene from the first ant-man showing Hank and Janet's takedown of the rogue ICBM."
"I found the very last scene in this movie very disturbing."
"It's a very surreal scene, especially because fellow clown Gary... is also there."
"Damn you saw how that ape sacrificed himself for Caesar."
"By the time William Wallace comes over the hill in full drag and gives this rousing speech which ends with 'you'll never take our freedom,' I believed it."
"That training scene is a great training scene."
"I'm so impressed because like that first shot play, I'm like whoa wait this is the actual movie."
"Every scene in your favorite movie is a good scene."
"The Flash going in and freaking saving the entire day, oh my god, it's so cool."
"Everything in the hospital, the wheel spinning as you call it, I found to be the best part of the movie."
"Loki's death was brutal and impactful, cleverly done."
"The Wakanda battle, while epic, lacked buildup and emotional stakes."
"That whole fight I do find very impactful I do love the moment when you think that nose kills Tony I think that's a great gotcha moment."
"When Thanos gets to Wakanda what I love that moment where they're all just sure like whoever whichever Avengers are left and they're just trying to take about one of each stone."
"There is no iconic car chase scene that is improved by replacing an internal combustion engine with a battery."
"Jurassic Park tour blows its watt early by putting the T-Rex Paddock on the second stop of the tour."
"I mean, even from little lines like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar turning to the captain..."
"The scene with the eagle thing is so funny to me."
"It just felt both earned and surprisingly moving."
"That is just one of the great lines in the greatest scene of the greatest movie of the greatest film trilogy of all time."
"For the next 20 years, somebody's gonna be able to say 'shoe scene' and movie fans will know exactly what they're talking about."
"One of the coolest moments in Avengers endgame..."
"Everytime Thor attacks the villain in the film he goes for the head."
"The shots of the X-wings strafing the shield gator are so sick."
"That pilot that blows up the Star Destroyer's shield generator and then flies through the flames and dives back over the other side."
"This feels like it's just going to be the highlight of the movie: seeing the Toon Squad come together, put their hands all in that pile, and go off against the Goon Squad."
"Cool movie and there's a simple VFX shot and it hits you emotionally, why does that hit you so emotionally?"
"That scene in the knife store is just so cool."
"The best moment the turtles get in the whole movie is when they goof off in the elevator."
"That's the one where they keep cutting off his arms, right?"
"For me it's when Thanos is pinning down spider-man just showing how powerful he is."
"But we know the scene when big leaves carry at the altar."
"Together, damn that little girl from my heart was a little scary, huh?"
"That was very like impactful unrelated. I also really like the moment like at the end where 838 Wanda is showing our Wanda compassion."
"The Iron Man stuff did get me, but the cap scene at the end emotionally, it was perfect."
"This is the best fight in any superhero movie ever."
"Especially fight sequences between robot Kane and the OG RoboCop, they were actually great."
"It's Idle Hands, and it's the mom in the beginning with her hands on the floor."
"This flashback is exactly why I love this movie."
"Luke's endurance training with Yoda was perhaps the most invaluable."
"I got a little lump in my throat at the very end."
"Every scene that Batman was in, absolutely loved."
"It's still got some practical effects. It's got an awesome lightsaber duel and a cool ass pod race."
"That last five minutes was so full of Hope and so full of like that light side energy."
"...these scenes where movies execute annoying people always make me feel a little gross."
"I love it, it's almost like a scene out of a movie."
"The way y'all talk about the bath scene though y'all are kind of weak it was gross but it's gross but it's not like that grave I agree the grave scene was way worse"
"...the opening scene is actually one of the better scenes in the entire movie."
"...Poe's entire attack on the Dreadnought is very exciting and fun to watch."
"...the Last Jedi at the middle of my list and the opening scene is one of the more entertaining ones in the entire movie."
"...all of them are actually amazing ways to kick off a movie."
"...the force awakens definitely had the coolest opening scene of the entire Trilogy."
"Coming up at number 5 itself is the beginning of the sequel Trilogy, the force awakens."
"...this introduction to the entire prequel trilogy is absolutely awesome."
"...what a way to kick off the trilogy."
"All the scenes on his monitors are just scenes from earlier in the movie."
"For a large chunk of the movie we have the scrolls... but then he starts drinking a milkshake."
"I probably get into a jet airplane but I can't do top got in the whole movie that was out the whole movie."
"I love that scene in the movie where like everything is kind of coming to a head for Mal and she's realizing all of her mistakes. It's a good moment."
"Everything feels not only real, but breathtakingly gorgeous. You can really tell they took their time crafting every single scene to make it feel like you could literally walk into that movie. Everything's so realistic."
"But if I had to really pick one scene it's got to be that little kid in the cemetery just the fact that he's got the gun there and the Predator locks on and then looks at it and realizes that it's not a real weapon and then he delivers that Immortal line 'want some candy?'"
"Wow, I love how The Matrix demo recreated this whole scene pretty much and it looked like it was right out of the movie. The graphics looked amazing."
"It's crazy to stand here and see where they faced off at the end of the movie."
"That scene with Vader in Rogue One made me feel like the rebels are [__] terrified."
"This scene reminds me of the dance scene from 'West Side Story' and also the ending epilogue scene from 'La La Land'."
"I remember certain scenes, so I Googled those scenes, and all of them were in Oceans 13, so I was like, 'Damn.'"
"I'm not coming back to get there was a scene in the movie Fast and Furious had something to do with people who are obsessed with Fast and Furious usually recognize the scene."
"If famous movie scenes were performed by very old people: 'I see dead people. Wait. That's the mirror.'"
"How can you not love that scene? And this is the scene that I think we're probably gonna be going back to the most. If I'm like, I want to watch one scene from this movie, I'm going to watch the, the bobsled scene because it's so fun and exciting."
"I'm going to need that fight scene, yeah, we're going to need to play that back, I want to see it, I want to see Red Guardian back in the day like in the 80s kicking some ass, yeah, that would be so much fun."
"You don't find that the scene in Spaceballs funny when that guy's chest explodes and that thing comes out and starts singing? That [ __ ] hilarious!"
"There is so much I love about this stretch of the movie first. I love stealth knife kills in movies. We don't see enough of them. I love, like, a CQC takedown."
"I think somebody talked about it enough how much Chris Pratt sold the desperation of Starla trying to save rocket had me in tears."
"I think this is honestly one of the best scenes in the movie."
"Godzilla got powered up by a nuclear explosion, 1, 2, 300 million."
"This movie was awesome, you got a good half hour of four kaijus just beating the crap out of each other."
"You can reenact a lot of good scenes from the movie with this set."
"The opening of this movie is still so sad, all these years later."
"Once the shooting starts, you can faint, and I'll only wake you up every time the ice-cream girl comes around."
"My favorite thing in the movie is when Happy throws that shield."
"When he did the one tear... top-notch."