
Niche Appeal Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Artifact is the kind of game that is going to appeal a lot to a very specific type of card game player."
"Duelist's uniqueness ultimately was a critical reason the game failed to garner an audience."
"Sometimes something that's so weirdly specific, some very esoteric bit of engineering, actually appeals to hundreds of thousands or millions of people."
"For the right person, this game is the f**king sh*t."
"Mass Appeal is dead. Appeal to a specific audience to move the needle."
"There's a name for this, a game that people really love, keep talking about for years, maybe it didn't sell that much. I think they're called cult classics, right?"
"I think what Russ doesn't understand is that he appeals to a super nice group of listeners who are very passionate, love his stuff."
"I'm the freakin tall lanky Conor McGregor that the youtube fighting industry looking for."
"They're not for everybody, but if you can stomach the nauseating controls, you'll love the relentless level design."
"Most of the stuff I do only appeals to a very Niche group of nerds who like architecture and 3D Graphics but I want to show the awesomeness of 3D to a bigger group of nerds possibly the biggest group of nerds."
"Some games shouldn't strive to be all pleasing and accessible because it dilutes ideas that could be loved by a neglected minority rather than just tolerated by the majority."
"Ashes of creation isn't going to be the perfect MMO and it most certainly isn't going to be for everyone."
"These bands were tailor-made for critics and journalists to get behind."
"I know that people like me, which are probably be a very small fraction of the population will really love it."
"These colors aren't going to be to everyone's tastes but if you do love doing a smokey eye then you're gonna love that."
"Classic WoW is niche; it's going to appeal to a certain audience."
"I think you guys have the most important thing and that is a cult audience."
"Dead Leaves is the cocaine comics of anime films and you either get that or you don't."
"Gary Larson didn't want it to be perceived as mainstream. He wanted to keep that edge for readers to feel like they were part of an exclusive club."
"It was appealing to only the wealthiest of dodge fans."
"Let’s make something hardcore, ultra-niche, with pixel art and ridiculous difficulty."
"Gucci Adidas Gazelle... Really cool, really good kind of tacky, but in the best possible way."
"Gladius would do incredibly in the current market as well of balls hard gaming experiences."
"It's almost better to try to make a game that a small group of people will really think is cool."
"Frankly, MechWarrior 5 mercenaries is a bit shit in almost every way imaginable except for the one way that really matters when it comes to giant stomping robot games."
"Persona Q2 is a pretty underrated Persona spin-off and one I definitely think is worth checking out."
"There's a reason why I keep coming back to this game... Well, that and the women's wrestling ring."
"They're an extremely niche but incredibly unforgettable bit of nostalgia and early internet history."
"I think history will be kind to this game because immersive sims, it usually takes a while for people to appreciate them."
"This is almost like a sports car but for truck people."
"Honestly, this is an amazing reference. It's so Niche, it's so funny. I love it." - Luk Mah
"This in my opinion is kind of a must-own, it's not for everybody but if it strikes your Niche this is going to be one of those games that'll eat up some serious time as you move your way up the mining hierarchy."
"It's not for everybody, but it's really spectacular."
"This game isn't gonna be for everyone. This game is definitely not gonna be for everyone, dude."
"It's not cracking top 20. So it's again like Alex is saying, it may not necessarily be for us."
"Elden Ring is not made for a massive mainstream audience...it's mainly a game that is, if anything, like a love letter to the people that have supported these games for many, many years."
"i think the current ev offerings in the us doesn't really have a match for this segment doesn't have something to appeal to this subsection of american carbine culture which is massive"
"Elden Ring proves that there is another path to success: being faithful to a unique formula, as niche and newcomer-unfriendly as it might be, is sufficient for getting people interested."
"No Man's Sky may not be for everybody but it's for a lot of people."
"Well Angels and Airwaves we have, I'm able to, we're so small that there's not really, there's nothing that we're gonna do that might impact old or necessarily new fans."
"It's like the emo kids Power Rangers that just keeps going."
"This is the first one that doesn't play to a general audience."
"So for photography, although it's interesting and quirky like almost all Sigma bodies are, I have a hard time recommending it."
"There are enough unconventional people that this van has become really desirable."
"If 95 percent of our YouTube subscribers don't watch anime, or not all 95 percent of them wouldn't, it works."
"People really have a thirst for the stuff on the smaller bands."
"They're such a niche cult act that, and to be fair, there are elements of it that make them hard to like but easy to love."
"So for a very specific subset of people, I think this could be great."
"Having a super niche character like him is very appreciated."