
Emperor Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"The Chinese Emperor: a mystical, political, and religious figure."
"The Roman Emperor: a title with various connotations, but not a monarch."
"With his last breaths, Vespasian asked his attendants to hold him up because 'an emperor ought to die standing.'"
"All we need to know is the emperor reached super powered levels."
"The rise to power of the first emperor of China deserves to be remembered."
"More than a ritualistic formality, this momentous act of worship, prayer, and sacrifice helped to establish and define the emperor's divine right to rule."
"The Emperor's coffin was taken by train from Crimea... it was met along the route by huge crowds who came to say goodbye to the Emperor."
"With the emperor coming through... this person, this future spouse of yours, has a really good position in whatever they're doing."
"The Emperor's had all the theoretical power in the world, but that power was being wielded by cloistered fools."
"Again loyalty to the emperor was a huge thing at this time."
"The Emperor's formidable presence within the warp is believed to be a crucial bulwark against the encroaching forces of chaos."
"After the dissolution of the Seven Warlords, Buggy became an emperor."
"The Chin tomb... a monumental Chinese archaeological marvel housing the eternal resting place of Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty."
"The emperor was a deeply committed Christian who saw it as his duty to not only defend the faith but to regulate and unify it."
"She sensed something within the Emperor that she had never experienced before."
"The emperor is finally and truly dead without a shadow of a doubt and the new Republic is Victorious."
"Emperor is a very influential band and regardless of what you think of the latter half in their catalog the stuff that they released from their Beginnings till like you know up until like 1997 I think it's just legendary it deserves that status"
"They see you as the divine counterpart, the empress to their emperor."
"Finally, a new emperor was born, and he was going to change the world."
"The one who survives by killing others becomes the emperor."
"You've got the Emperor twice in this spread. It's like everything's in your control but in a more easy-going way."
"The essence of the emperor remains ensnared in the snares of propaganda and cries of heresy."
"The traitors think we are broken, beaten, defeated. By the Emperor, I say this is not so!"
"Despite having so many to choose from, the Sith Emperor considered Darth Jaedus to be the greatest Sith that his empire ever produced."
"Antoninus as soon as he becomes Emperor could have done whatever he wanted, right?"
"It was the longest tenure of any Emperor in ancient Chinese history."
"The Adepta Sororitas: warriors of the faith, purging enemies from the field of battle in the name of the Emperor and the Imperial Creed."
"We are the only ones who can help you stop the emperor."
"Octavian was granted the title of Princeps, which made him more or less the first emperor of Rome."
"Whether those tales tell of their valour or their savagery… is in the hands of The Emperor…"
"We shall prove them all wrong, in the Emperor's name."
"Masashige however was a loyalist to the last and followed the will of the emperor despite knowing it could mean his death and the Doom of the Imperial cause."
"In many ways, the grim comedy of the whole affair is that the Emperor rigidly maintained that he should never be worshipped as a Divine being."
"Garro’s deeds further vindicated his actions as a true loyal servant of the Emperor."
"He is a conqueror, he is an emperor."
"The extent they went to protect one of their Emperors was accidentally unearthed in 1974 and became one of the most significant archaeological finds of the 20th century."
"The Emperor has an important new role within the church here."
"...such can be described the fascinating life of the Chinese emperor Qianlong."
"Julius Caesar was assassinated shortly after he was declared dictator for life another unprecedented phenomenon technically not the first emperor but his great nephew an adopted son he adopted in as well Octavian go on to be the first emperor Augustus."
"Eventually the emperor saw how bold and strong-willed she was and fell in love with her despite the many challenges that stood in their way."
"Conan kept getting promoted and he was now in favor with the Emperor Anastasius II."
"An emperor is supposed to be immortal, untouchable, and for a time, Fedor was, and it was terrifying."
"Constantine won the battle of the Milvian Bridge, became the sole emperor of the Roman Empire."
"Insisting on absolute unconditional surrender was particularly with regards to the question of the emperor going to cause problems and possibly prolong the war."
"The position of the emperor is a matter to be negotiated after Japan has already surrendered."
"He was one of the most successful Vietnamese Emperors and military commander in Vietnamese history."
"The emperor does not hate either her or Diana."
"He loves her much more than she thinks."
"We are the symbol of the emperor."
"They are the chosen of the Emperor."
"The emperor hosted a celebration on his birthday to eat 300 different dishes from both parties."
"Charlemagne was the first emperor in Western Europe since the fall of Rome."
"No, Maximus. I believe they honor you," replied the emperor.
"Emperor Hadrian died surrounded by statues and images of his one true love, Antinous."
"The emperor was also a thorough practitioner and patron of the arts."
"He was considered a talented artist in these domains."
"The emperor founded the Queijong UN, variably translated as Hall of Literature."
"The idea of an emperor was that he was a monarch above that of a king, a sort of king of kings."
"I am sorry, my son," said the Emperor. "I needed to hide it from you."
"Grogu trained a little in the dark side by the Emperor."
"Grand Moff outranks all except for Emperor."
"Meeting a detachment of royalist troops, he stepped forward, pulled open his jacket and said, 'If any of you will shoot your emperor, shoot him now.'"
"The Primarchs... they're like superhuman demigod figures that were created by the Emperor of mankind."
"He started off as one of the most pure and perfect beings that the emperor had ever created."
"John Zimiskes was a great Emperor, with all the skills and talents one could ever hope for in a ruler."
"...Claudius wasn't an idiot, and far from running the empire into the ground, Claudius proved to be one of the more capable emperors Rome ever saw."
"Ultimately these early failures and frustrations would forge him into the model soldier emperor who would immortalize himself as Byzantium's most beloved and feared monarch."
"He was the first Roman Emperor and he called himself Augustus."
"We were always striving to be the best for the emperor's sake."
"He was to be the final emperor of China."
"It became obvious to the emperor that the crusaders were truly out for themselves."
"An emperor who would proudly bear his battle scars, the great Samudra Gupta."
"Arangzeb, he was one of the most powerful Emperors of the 17th century."
"He may be known today as Rome's first emperor, but he made sure to continue the facade of the Republic in order to paint himself as the staunch protector of Roman traditions."
"Maurice was not only the Emperor but also the chief general of the Empire."
"Grand Admiral Thrawn never liked the Emperor."
"The light of battle was upon them, the will of the Emperor coursing through their veins."
"The Emperor protects," breathed Celestine.
"You serve the Emperor, you trust the Emperor. Why can you not believe His hand guides me?"
"By 790 after 10 years of only being titular Emperor, Constantine the 6th was now in full possession of the Byzantine realm that was his inheritance."
"The emperor rewards those who confront his enemies."
"He is the supreme emperor of this universe now, and his power reigns over everybody."
"Emperor, happily drink to your heart's content."
"At the very top of this pyramid, you would have the emperor."
"The Emperor versus a Primarch, maybe it was hyperbole, then again maybe not."
"You serve the Emperor until you're dead."
"There's no leeway acceptable when it comes to saving the Emperor."
"Every man born to see the light of day must die, but that one who has been Emperor should become an exile, I cannot bear."
"This is the world's emperor and you are my proper empress."
"Constantine was the first emperor in the early fourth century to favor Christianity."
"He could become a powerful noble or maybe even the emperor."
"Basil's grand reception took up most of 1018."
"The emperor controls the world in the palm of his hand."
"The Shinzawai troops will arrive only to do homage to a new emperor."
"Being a commoner is indeed more relaxing and enjoyable than being an emperor."
"The Emperor really is the ultimate."
"This was the idea of the Chinese emperor who had clay copies of his court made in life-sized figures to serve him in the afterlife."
"Yet he isn't remembered as one of the greatest Byzantine emperors in history for no reason."
"Your Majesty is a sensible emperor."
"The world believed that if an immortal emperor succeeded in shouldering the heaven's will, they would become immortal."
"Understand and support you. You are the Emperor as high as sky."
"Napoléon Bonaparte was crowned Emperor."
"Luffy has split the sky, symbolizing and solidifying his place as the fifth Emperor."