
Failure Acceptance Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Failure is only when you give up. It's okay to fail as long as you keep trying."
"Let's not worry about what it looks like. Let's not worry about failure. Failure is a badge of honor."
"Willingness to fail equals opportunity to innovate."
"I might fail at it... but at least I can say I tried."
"If I gave it my all and I failed, then I know I have no regrets."
"It's okay to fail, and you just need to take action."
"It's the record that makes it okay if you fail because it truly came from your soul and no other place."
"The worst thing that'll happen: just go back to work. Better to say that you tried it and it failed and not try at all, right?"
"It's okay to experiment. It's okay to fail. And you never know, you might learn something from the process."
"It's most important to be willing to fuck up."
"Learn to love failure. Pursue it with reckless abandon. Turn fear into fun."
"Everybody has failed at something in life. If you say you haven't failed at something, you're not being honest."
"I think that sometimes you got to let things fail before you can have the opportunity to fix them."
"I'm attracted to things that I know will fail."
"Explore various new technologies and keep them in mind while you keep learning and never be afraid of failure."
"Who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, or who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails daringly."
"It's impossible to live without failing at something, so don't hold any regret. It's no regret, it's just lessons here."
"Failure should be an option, but giving up is not."
"I mean, I'm a big fan of just swing for the bleachers and it's okay if you just completely whiff a couple times."
"Well, we should also note the miracle I would say the miracle that our society in the west is structured so that people can fail and fail and fail and then succeed without having to die as a consequence."
"I think we should start accepting that failure is a good thing."
"What's that one big thing let's not leave this planet regretting something that we haven't tried and you will fail and that's okay that's the biggest lesson the biggest lesson is in the failure."
"Don't be ashamed to screw up or fail, it really is part of the sourdough journey."
"Experiment more... blame yourself a little bit less for your failures."
"If you're not willing to fail, you're not willing to be successful."
"Failure is an option. If you're not failing, you're not innovating enough."
"Failures are expected... it's a launch failure, it's not a test failure."
"For every success I've had, there's been a bunch of failures."
"Profitability came to me simple because of discipline."
"Guys, it's okay to fail. It's not okay to disrespect."
"Try to go for that is put yourself in situations where failing is okay and you get to create something new instead of a very specific task that has a very specific and unchangeable destination."
"Some action is better than no action at all, and trying and failing is better than just not doing it."
"Embrace failure... it's not that you alone have failed, it's that the idea didn't have merit."
"Be more open to taking risks and accepting failures."
"Recognize that discouragement and failure are part of every single make project."
"It's okay to take a risk. You have to be willing to take that risk and accept that you will fail along the way."
"Our life is a series of small failures, and that's why we have success."
"Sometimes you hit a foul ball and sometimes it doesn't work."
"There's going to be failures along the way and that's okay. This is a test program for a reason."
"You would rather embrace the idea of failure rather than stay in a space of stagnation."
"There is no innovation if you don't fail." - Max
"Failure is such an important part of your journey. You want to make friends with it because if you resent it, you'll never be able to get to success because failure is the stepping stone to success, basically."
"I can accept trying and failing but at least you tried."
"This is not working out at all this is this is the biggest fail of my channel staff not the biggest fail."
"Failure is the mother of invention." - Thomas Edison
"Success is just a series of failures, so if you know you'll be compassionate with yourself when you make a mistake, you'll take more actions and grow."
"It's kind of nice to start challenges like this but I think it's almost always important to be like, 'yeah, let's acknowledge when we failed.'"
"Don't lie, and if you know something's going to be a failure, don't."
"Failure is a part of any product development process, of any agile process of any UX design process. You'll never get it perfect in the first go."
"I can accept failure; everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying."
"Experiment more, embrace failure, swing for the fences."
"Be bold and not be afraid to fail. Embrace failure, fail big, fail spectacularly, just try something, mess up, learn from that, try another thing, mess up, learn from that, try again."
"If you're not willing to take a risk if you're not willing to potentially fail your options are to just sit on your hands and run it back over and over and over again with a team that has simply not rewarded you."
"It doesn't matter if you went to film school or not, it really does not. But what matters is have you given yourself permission to fail and try."
"If you're too attached to a product you'll always embrace failure."
"It's okay to fail and get stronger that way."
"That's one thing about being successful, you gotta fail a lot. People don't get that shit."
"Every person that you admire... has had more failures than success."
"I was willing to risk everything to win, but I still couldn't pull it off."
"The failures can often motivate people to not be so upset when what they're trying to fix also fails."
"If you're not failing at something, you're not trying hard enough."
"Everything fails all the time. Failure is inevitable; you should embrace it and plan with it."
"It's totally OK to fail in an organization."
"Everybody fails sometimes, so what? Try again. That's so true, relapse is always a part of treatment. It happens to all of us because we are humans."
"Elon believes that failure is a key part of innovating."
"It's not good enough for me to succeed. I need complete failure."
"You don't shy away from failure; you accept it as part of growth."
"If you do fail an exam, honestly, it is okay. You just need to actually just break it down, understand where you went wrong."
"It's important in life to get comfortable with frequent small failures."
"I failed and I'm not afraid to admit it."
"In order to improve fast, you have to understand and you have to be willing to fail fast."
"Take risks, there's no shame in losing from a risk."
"It's okay to be a failure because in trading, you're never a failure unless you give up. It's only experience, and experience gained is opportunities to build on and grow."