
Police Work Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"Identifying the killer was all police could do to help a grieving family."
"That small piece of information had never actually been released to the public, causing the police to have their initial suspicions regarding Panky's potential role in Janelle's disappearance."
"It means there's two killers. It's kind of cool and makes sense for a cop in his final moments to draw out the one clue he could give them."
"It was their obligation as investigating officers to follow every lead and rule out other possibilities before narrowing in."
"You know us cops, we base our investigation on facts and testimonies."
"A sniper's bullet will often give him away but a hit man who uses a more obscure weapon poses an added challenge for police."
"Without a victim, how can police catch the killer?"
"Then the police tried to identify the second male whose DNA had been found on Helen's coat."
"The stunned cops arriving on the scene head described what they encountered as a bloodbath."
"That was some next-level police work right there."
"The tenacity and the pull, I mean it's police work, they're doing flat out police work."
"Any change in speech patterns and demeanor compared to a suspect's well-established Baseline is something in which detectives will note."
"People that sacrifice their lives for others being a police officer isn't just a job that you just do just put money in your pocket you are making a sacrifice for others which is an honorable thing to do and it deserves respect."
"Seven dead bodies. And then they have to go back to the police station and get to work, trying to solve the murder of this whole family on Christmas day knowing that like, their wife and kids are at home unwrapping presents, without them."
"The German Shepherd: widely recognized as the choice dog breed for the police and military."
"The police have binders and binders and binders of thousands of pages of evidence."
"I hope she's right and maybe the police have more than they're even saying."
"Lucky, the police dog, managed to navigate a tightrope while wearing blinders over his eyes."
"Thanks to the hard work of police in ESR fingerprint and DNA science determined who killed Alicia McCallion, offering some answers to a grieving family."
"He did his best to sort of stage the scene in a way that made sense to other officers."
"Complacency kills. I've seen so many police officers on the streets like, 'I don't need my vest, I've been working for 33 years, I've never been shot.' What kind of thinking is that?"
"Who murdered Jay Given? At this point, police believe there are witnesses who may be able to help answer that question."
"Without Ken Slayton as their main suspect, the police had no idea who might be responsible for JC's abduction."
"He's not a suspect but he certainly has not been eliminated." - Captain Daryl Crick
"Sergeant, we found you. Well, most of you. You boys already got done doing some good detective work."
"Every now and then, good cops beat the odds."
"It's not right that people don't know what happens on the police department."
"Using the information I'd given them, the police tracked down the man shortly after."
"We're gonna be responding to some general calls during this quarantine."
"You're about to see the very best of police detective work but it's born out of the very worst of mankind."
"Excellent work, officer. We had another successful mission thanks to you."
"The officer becomes numb to what they see and when they become numb they become disconnected."
"We know dogs were taken around the vehicles we know our cadaver dogs were used we know a wife sent tracking dogs were used."
"Every single situation that these officers face on a daily basis is different."
"The police who arrived at the Papini residence could find no signs of foul play whatsoever."
"The first rule of police work is make no assumptions until you've seen the evidence."
"Thanks to careful police work, Sad Hartley's killers will remain behind bars for many years to come."
"Yet even with the appalling level of disorganization that pervaded, a number of likely suspects emerged as a result of some tip-top police work."
"According to police officers, they worked with Rosemary regularly on especially tricky cases. She received calls from detectives regularly and shared her insights whenever she could."
"To trap a killer and make their case, police in Nashville had to rely on both hard science and dogged determination."
"...the justice might never have been served in the case at all had it not been for the impressive work of Akron police."
"If the case has had no other effect it at least brings out in the most striking manner the efficiency of our detective police force."
"Your name is the same as his, right? And you do police work, right? Yes. And this is a police investigation. So there ain't no way you're going to be able to stay out of this completely, right? No."
"It takes time. We had a murder case here... police were doing their job quietly, methodically and behind the scenes, and I believe they got the right killer."
"Officer Mandy Murphy: I like probably the most that every day is something different. Like it's not just the same thing and sitting in an office all day."
"Weeks of painstaking detective work linked Benjamin Wolfe to a number of associates the Yard was very keen to speak to."
"These interviews may not have the showmanship attached to one with a famed serial killer, but they do explore the down and dirty end of police work."
"Tonight's a full moon and a lot of officers have a myth or some type of belief that they think criminal activity picks up."
"Following some subpar police work, Constance makes off with Michael Langdon."
"This case is a real testament to hard police work and dogged pursuit of justice."
"It shows how police inquiries can still depend upon a good hunch."
"The police investigation was so shoddy."
"It's a tragic story, but it's also a story of exceptional skill and dedication from police teams."
"Stakeouts are tough. Officers sit there for hours and hours doing nothing, and then if things go right, boom, 30 seconds, pure adrenaline."
"It's most likely the largest case that I will be a part of in my career as a police officer."
"Right away, this elaborate wrapping gave police several important clues."
"There's something about framing a supernatural experience through the point of view of a police dispatcher that's very grounding."
"The person that committed this crime thought they had planned and prepared enough to outsmart the police, but they were wrong."
"The cases we featured tend to be untypical, the more serious crimes which police are most keen to solve quickly."
"Police start their investigation certain that the case will be solved easily. They're wrong."
"Las Vegas is pretty interesting for a police department; things are open 24 hours a day here, and alcohol is 24 hours a day."
"A police dog will serve an average of seven years before being retired."
"Listen, Mr. Holmes," said the inspector, "this is a matter for the police."
"From beginning to end, from crime to punishment, Draget is the story of your police force in action."
"For the next 30 minutes, you will travel step by step on the side of the law through an actual case transcribed from official police files."
"What you're about to see is a real-life story taken from the files of the police racket and Bunco squads."
"Another car thief in handcuffs thanks to a police dog named Clue."
"There's no more valuable function to the safety and security of a community than the police forces."
"Justice for Michelle Martinko may have been delayed, but the closure in her case is a testament to how dedicated our police are in finding ways to solve even the coldest of crimes."
"The police department came a long way, which makes work a lot easier."
"It's not your body that's important in police work, it's your head."
"The holiday is over. This is a police station, and it will now start to run like one."
"A rule of thumb in police work is to always expect the unexpected."
"That brother put it on the line doing real police work trying to serve and protect."
"It's an ongoing everyday effort to make sure you're working on that relationship with the community."
"You're a detective sergeant. You're assigned a missing persons detail."
"Amber learned that police officers help people in their lowest moments overcome things."
"It's early summer in Barcelona and the top priority for the Mossos de Squadra is keeping tourists safe."
"A strong bond between the two is essential. And the police work they can do because of that bond - is remarkable."
"One of the hardest things I've ever had to do as a police officer was tell Carly's mom that she was dead."
"UK police have helped to save a woman 3,000 miles away in Canada."
"You can have an effective, alert Police Department which does in fact engage in heads-up police work, aggressive patrol—that's what the community wants, that's why we exist."
"Man's got to be a cop, best friend, and a marriage guidance counselor all rolled into one."
"What could be more interesting than combining motherhood with the danger of police work?"
"Nice job, officer. You really connected the dots on that one."
"The police are working hard, but there's still a lot of bad guys out there, so please be careful."
"Every day for 16 weeks, we learn to track human scent, find articles, the bite work as part of that patrol school protection work to protect me."
"There is no typical day as a police officer; every day is different."
"The search for Suzy Lamplugh was one of the biggest missing person searches that was ever done by UK police."
"Now that was what I call police work."
"For the marine officers, the variety of police work is what thrills them."
"This is an example of police work at its best."
"The dogs that we use for police work, personal protection, these are dogs whose highest desire is to do bite work."
"No matter how big or small any information may seem to you, it could be exactly the missing piece that police need to solve this case."
"It was a genuine honor to be invited out with the Met Police's Venice team, a plainclothes undercover unit that concentrates on robbery."
"Hard work has made my life easier, and I feel like I've grown as an officer thanks to the variety of work you've allowed me to take on."
"That night, the Tokyo Police Department becomes the laughing stock, as the public realizes they’re nowhere near identifying the culprits."
"The forensics, the covert surveillance, how the police deal with trauma."
"I believe police did an outstanding job; they also put egos aside and worked together with the FBI and State Police. Kudos to them."
"I had made a complete fool of myself, but remember, police work in an occupied city is not like police work at home."
"Police work is to evaluate the facts of the call before making decisions on how to proceed."
"This is the cockpit, if you like, of our traffic cars."
"We need a horse that has the right mindset for police work."
"Trust me on that, police are working the best that they can to solve that."
"He's a good cop, good cobb, and Peralta is a genius."
"Confessions have always been considered as the gold standard of good police work."
"The police decided to create a profile of the killer."
"Due to the continuous success in solving multiple cases of theft, kidnapping, murder, and combating criminal forces by the entire team of police officers... the traffic police first brigade is hereby awarded a collective third class Merit."
"Police will always be crime fighters, but of equal importance are these very significant challenges that are taking up the majority of police time."
"The police were getting desperate for some leads."
"Juries don't like sloppy police work."
"Most policemen and policewomen do a great job and assist members of the public often above and beyond the requirements of their job."
"Police can detect fingerprints on almost anything these days."
"Knowing a criminal's MO can help police solve a crime."
"I do it for justice, you have more than demonstrated that you are a great police officer."
"Use your brain, solve the problems. That's what it means to be a police officer."