
Concrete Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"Everything concrete, everything that allocates memory, everything you can toss around is an object."
"Smart concrete is filled with micro capsules of bacteria that germinate whenever water enters the cracks... reducing repair costs by half."
"Underwater, Sanji's kicks are strong enough to crack concrete with just one kick, that's it."
"Timing is everything with concrete too fast and you're in trouble too slow you're wasting time inefficient wasting money it's always a balance with concrete."
"Concrete is responsible for modern civilization."
"Seems intimidating, but I promise you it's not."
"Concrete can be quite magnificent and for me there's nowhere more exciting to see just what you can do with concrete than here."
"To construct those anchorages and to pave those roadways just the roadways of the bridge proper itself not the approach roads would require enough concrete to pave a four-lane highway from New York to Philadelphia."
"The Romans observed that when volcanic ash mixes with water and then cools, it gets extremely hard and almost impossible to break up."
"This strange characteristic of concrete made a significant contribution to the success of the Roman Empire."
"Concrete was the material of the future, so the house must express forms appropriate to the material."
"...I'm breaking some concrete here..."
"Concrete is big on compression, short on tension."
"The live--i building: England's first skyscraper, built of concrete, a symbol of architectural innovation."
"Concrete, not just an idea but a revolution in construction."
"This is concrete life, you know what I mean?"
"The acrylic cure and seal we're putting on here is doing at least two things. Number one, it traps moisture inside the concrete so that it continues to harden for a longer period of time. This is known as curing and results in a harder slab."
"We want to make sure we get all those up, so that pressure washer tip's mainly for removing loose chunks of concrete."
"Concrete is inherently bad for cow's feet but we can do something about it."
"You can make $1,000 a day cleaning concrete."
"So we're just leveling out for our concrete which will be arriving later that day."
"When they say they have existence erasure in Yu-Gi-Oh, and they're going to erase somebody, it's pretty concrete. Like, no, this dude no longer exists."
"This is without any question the masterpiece of Roman concrete architecture."
"No Quikrete here, this is gonna take some time to cure but there's a concrete in there mixed up appropriately dropped in the hole."
"But if you're gonna do concrete and you pour regular, you gotta have the right tools and the right equipment. It makes the job so much easier."
"Start with the concrete and discover abstractions as you move along."
"The world is literally running out of sand that is used to manufacture concrete."
"Existence itself is the widest and most concrete, encompassing all things."
"I've been making concrete vessels for over a year now."
"I love that you have a 3D piece. I think it's great that it's done in concrete."
"Here's your finished product, looks real nice. Average depth 6 and 1/2 in rebar two foot centers number three on does 3000 psi medium broom finish."
"We're 90% more sustainable than Portland concrete, and we use industrial waste and recycled materials."
"I hope this inspires you to build a project using concrete."
"If they house a nuclear waste in concrete and it doesn't get out, this should be good, right? Makes sense."
"That's how concrete cures; the wetter it is, the stronger it becomes."
"It's nicer on the concrete because it slides along and gives you a cleaner cut."
"The good thing about concrete countertop people is we're not bound by convention; we're bound by what works."
"The concrete used today for civil engineering projects is designed to last 100 to 120 years."
"Fiber reinforced concretes might last up to 300 years."
"Another little hack I do whenever I'm working with concrete is I spray myself down with water."
"Once you have filled the frame, it is time to screed the concrete."
"Finally, some concrete in my life. Finally."
"Ancient Romans discovered the ability to create concrete that would harden underwater."
"It's absolutely perfect and ready for inspection and some concrete."
"As crisp as an award-winning concrete block that an architect would deem a home."
"I've spent a lot of time trying to come up with a really interesting and realistic way to paint concrete and stone walls."
"Concrete is exciting when you're building because it is so solid."
"This reaction effectively makes the concrete self-healing, filling small cracks before they can grow into larger and more dangerous fractures."
"This impressive structure is not built of marble or brick, but rather of concrete, without one piece of rebar or other structural reinforcement, making it the largest unreinforced concrete dome in the world."
"What can I do more on a concrete level to help people in need?"
"I just love concrete, you know, and I want to spend all my time doing concrete and making videos."
"We carve out the ICF just leaving the webs so the concrete can free flow into the wall and get a monolithic wall and floor that's all connected by in a one-piece concrete shell."
"I'm so excited, I never thought I could get so excited about concrete."
"The house was constructed of concrete slabs which were poured on the site and then tilted up to form the walls."
"It's a blast being out here at World of Concrete for three days, had a lot of fun."
"We love the look of these poured concrete walls and we wanted them to be visible from the main living space."
"The concrete damage plasticity material model, or CDP model, is a comprehensive approach to simulate the elastic, plastic, and damage response of concrete."
"The modulus of elasticity of the concrete and the strain corresponding to the compressive strength are essential to define the stress and strain relation."
"Supplementary cementing materials, also known as SCMs, are any material that, when used in combination with Portland cement, contributes to the properties of the hardened concrete."
"The Romans were the first people to invent concrete."
"Understanding in its concrete form is proof of demonstration."
"Nothing is concrete. This is why extreme relativism is perceived as a breeding ground for Nihilism."
"The compressive strength of concrete, and some loads are given: dead load and live load."
"Concrete is weak in tension but strong in compression."
"If only the upper portion of concrete is under stress of 0.85 fc prime, it will not break yet."
"Eugene Freyssinet is often considered the father of pre-stressed concrete."
"Concrete cover is basically the distance between the outer surface of the concrete to the internal reinforcement."
"All of our concrete mixtures need to have workability, durability, and strength."
"If we can remove paste from our concrete, we're gonna get a better product."
"Concrete that just performs, it just does what you ask it to do."
"You can reduce cost, improve the strength, improve the durability, the sustainability, and you can control your concrete mixtures."
"Can we place it, can we drag it, can we pump it, can we vibrate it, can we finish it? Things that matter."
"This is exactly what you want, has almost no surface problems on it."
"Everything went in to produce something called the tarantula curve."
"One could say it's the key to concrete durability."
"The design of concrete is based on cylinder strengths rather than cube strengths."
"It's a 6000 PSI high-strength concrete mix."