
Judicial Appointments Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Republicans plan to use that as a cudgel against her but she now has been on the bench for a full decade."
"We remain on track to make an announcement about the Supreme Court justice nominee before the end of the month."
"These republicans who privately expressed incredible disdain for Trump have never liked him. But you know they struck a Faustian bargain with him that got them more than 200 judges and a whole bunch more including tax cuts over the last four years."
"This is why you have three conservative Supreme Court Justices and not Rand that Donald Trump picked out of a lineup."
"One of the most important things Biden has done is appoint more judges and pro-democracy judges and the most diverse judges in the history of this country."
"You have more black women put on the federal courts of appeals than it's ever been done by any president."
"The Senate needs the threat of the filibuster to force a president to appoint judges who will occupy the sensible center."
"An opportunity to make the court look a bit more like America, obviously the first black woman soon to be seated as a Justice of the United States highest court."
"Donald Trump has given us all of these judges."
"We just spent four years confirming brilliant, qualified constitutionalists to the Supreme Court and lower courts who understand their roles."
"I wish they would go at her and eviscerate her with the same energy they used to get rid of Harriet Myers."
"And to defend our god-given freedoms I nominated Amy Coney Barrett."
"Joe Biden wants to have the most diverse cabinet ever. He wants to put a black woman on the Supreme Court. That is a man who clearly is willing to listen."
"This is worse than Robert Bork and I didn't think it could get worse than that. This is worse than Clarence Thomas and I didn't think it could get worse than that."
"The general principle is to reduce the problem to a simpler problem because then you can hopefully solve- it is easier to solve, and then you can maybe keep on doing that until you get something that's trivial."
"If Republicans win the Senate then the court vacancies that President Biden is still trying to fill, they're going to have an uphill battle with confirmation."
"The most important thing a president can do... is the appointment of federal judges."
"Mitch McConnell was asked if he would fill a vacancy in the last year of Trump's first term, and McConnell's like, 'Yeah, for sure, we'll fill it.'"
"We are confirmed and this is something they say most important thing you can do judges I say most important thing is defense second is judges a record number of 217 federal judges who will interpret the Constitution as written."
"Most of them are there because Donald Trump and his aids picked them, which makes them really devastating in that way."
"The proposals would see government control over the appointment of Judges including the Supreme Court while restricting the Court's rights to veto legislation or rule against the government."
"What Republicans did with Merrick Garland is something that has never been done before, and they did it without any hesitance, without any shame."
"I think the only thing they have going for them, which was this inevitability argument, and of course he’s going to be confirmed, is crumbling under the rage of millions of women."
"We thought about that and we actually get into this in the last chapter as well but if this is what happened when you were replacing a swing vote on the court with a nominee from a Trump nominee just imagine how much worse it could get."
"The last time a Republican-controlled United States Senate confirmed a Democratic president's Supreme Court nominee was nearly 130 years ago."
"One victory for Trump this year was seeing Brett Kavanaugh sworn in to the Supreme Court."
"A lifetime appointment that could dramatically impact individual freedoms and change the direction of the court for at least a generation is too important to get boggled down in politics."
"A Supreme Court justice who's young, who they want to be there for the next 40 years. Republicans say yo, we might lose, but while we got the power, we gonna exercise the power. That's what you do."
"Let's make history together, let's fight for children, and let's win this whole thing."
"If justice Cavanaugh does make it to the Supreme Court... we will now have a very right-wing and religiously motivated court."
"President Donald John Trump will be able to appoint yet a third judge that respects and loves and honors the Constitution."
"Biden has been decent in filling vacant seats in the judiciary, but with the direction the Supreme Court is heading in, it needs a much stronger confrontation with the court and the idea of judicial review in general."
"What they don't like about Trump is the mean tweets... but his judge choices? They love."
"This is disrespectful to that level to have her sit in Ruth Bader Ginsburg's seat."
"Most Americans want the Senate to move forward with confirmation hearings for a Supreme Court justice this year."
"The GOP's flip-flop on Supreme Court nominations is hypocrisy."
"This wildly unqualified candidate is going to be on the Supreme Court in the United States, and it's disgusting."
"The president is going to select a woman, a black woman who is qualified, who is prepared, who has impeccable experience to serve on the court."
"Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that in an election year you can't appoint a Supreme Court nominee." - Political Science Professor Nicholas Giordano
"It's the 63 million people who voted for Donald Trump and put the power of Supreme Court nominations in Donald Trump's hands for four years."
"Four more years means more support for our troops, more support for jobs, more judges, and support for our police."
"If Senator Cotton is serious about tackling violent crime and making our communities safer, then we must move forward with confirming Ladon Reynolds."
"We have confirmed 191 brand-new beautiful federal judges."
"Thank God... Thank you, Donald Trump, for Amy Coney Barrett."
"Joe Biden has appointed more black women to the U.S appeals court than nearly any president."
"If Trump wins, he will get one, two, three Supreme Court picks, and we may have a right-wing Supreme Court for a generation."
"We appointed nearly 300 federal judges, a record, and three great Supreme Court Justices."
"I'm announcing today that one of the first supreme court vacancies in my administration will be filled by the most qualified woman I can possibly find."
"I committed that if I'm elected president and have an opportunity to appoint someone to the courts, we'll be—I'll appoint the first Black woman to the courts."
"For every liberal progressive judge that Obama appointed for life, I'm going to appoint two conservatives." - Donald Trump
"Meanwhile in Pakistan, they got their first female Supreme Court judge sworn in of all time."
"This is a major issue, and I tell you, if Kavanaugh goes down... our republic will be harmed."
"Confirmed 187 federal judges of record who will interpret the Constitution."
"The ability to appoint federal judges, to sign treaties with foreign nations, and appoint ambassadors as United States liaisons with other nations."
"We've confirmed the most African-American women as federal circuit judges of any single presidential term in American history."