
Movie Rating Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Crying and I couldn't stop it was a very emotional but ultimately feel-good story and I think that's... I think that's that on that. That was a 10 out of 10."
"I'm going to give Pirates of the Caribbean an 8.5."
"Die Hard instant god tier no questions asked."
"Overall, I will give this movie a B, I thought it was very good."
"A good majority of people rated it an 8 out of 10 on Letterboxd."
"I believe you should only call a movie a 10 when for you you'd say this was truly an epically special experience that I will remember for the rest of my viewing movie viewing life because it was that special."
"I am going to give this a five because of how unique the story was."
"It's funny, it's ridiculous, I would watch it again, 5 out of 5 stars for the 1980s airplane."
"Joker got a B+ from audiences for offer cinema score."
"As a regular superhero movie I'm gonna give this a six out of ten but as a comedy tens across the board baby comedic gold."
"I thought it was pretty good. I'd give it a seven."
"Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind, 10 out of 10."
"I give the movie like a nine, I really freaking enjoyed it."
"I'm gonna give it a 5 out of 5 because I just remembered they didn't put Taylor Swift in it."
"Thematic relevance: I have to go five out of five."
"I'll give Transformers the last night a 4 out of 10."
"It's the first Star Wars movie to be rated PG-13."
"Three out of five means I probably did like it. I didn't love it, I didn't hate it, it kind of sits right in the middle for me."
"I think again when I'm rating movies like this look, is this trying to be a Shawshank Redemption? No, it's not. It's trying to be Crank, Crank 2, some Fast and Furious. That's the type of movie it's wanting to. It did its job."
"I'll give this movie here a 10 out of 10."
"I still feel bad about giving it one whole star. It's just, I really am adamant about not losing my one to five star rating system and I'm not going to let that movie take that away from me even if it is one of the worst films I have ever seen."
"I will go ahead and give this movie an 8 A plus man."
"I'll give it 8.5, 8.75 overall great movie, beyond great even."
"This is the highest rated Saw movie on Rotten Tomatoes."
"It's the best, it's rated really high."
"Saw 10 is the highest rated Saw movie."
"I would actually rate this movie a solid eight I really enjoyed it a lot I thought it was great."
"Put it like this: an Empire Strikes Back is a 9.7 out of 10 for me. This is a 4.7 out of 10. Which, I mean, you're halfway there."
"Movies are rated vaguely on how objectively good they are and more importantly, how good-bad or inadvertently entertaining."
"I think some of the movies I've rated sevens and eights that I would say are probably better, but because this is like a Christmas classic, it's crazy entertaining."
"There were rumors of an R rating for this movie but director Josh Boone has said that instead it's going to be the hardest pg-13 ever made."
"I'm gonna give Scream 6 a four and a half out of five."
"Solo has it way too high of a score. Should be lower. He should be like an 82. He squashed John Cena."
"...Nicholas Cage stated that he felt from the beginning that the movie should have been rated R and one of the very first notes I made when I was researching for this video was that same exact sentiment..."
"Can you believe it got 90% on Rotten Tomatoes?"
"When he was on screen, it made it work, and that's about 4.5 of my [__] rating. The other 5.5 is Shelley trying his best to [__] that girl."
"The Shining, I mean, you gotta give The Shining at least an A, right?"
"Everyone says it's the scariest movie on planet Earth. It has a 98% on Rotten Tomatoes."
"This is the Scare Score, where I break down horror movies and rate them on how scary I think they are."
"I personally would rate this movie 8.5, 9 out of 10."
"I'm going to give Friday the 13th Part 5 a new beginning of B-."
"I genuinely would give that movie like a nine out of ten."
"Shrek 1, great movie, great characters, great message, ten onion layers out of ten."
"I gave that movie an A because it was tight."
"The ghost and the darkness has a 51% rating on Rotten Tomatoes."
"Definitely makes me look forward to what's coming in the MCU! 9 out of 10."
"Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness rating, I haven't seen it yet, I've heard some people say it's bad, don't spoil it or else I'll ban you."
"I'm going to go ahead and give Sonic the Hedgehog 2 a 6 out of 10."
"An A plus Cinema Score is always good news for a movie because it means an audience loved your movie."
"It's an 8 out of 10, it's a great movie."
"Tombstone is certified fresh at 74 percent."
"Iron Man 1, at the very least, an A. You could argue for S."
"It's a 10 out of 10 movie, I loved it."
"Every movie is a full price, no alcohol required."