
Character Resolution Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"She decides she get the hammer and she decides that she will not she's not going to kill Fisk like that."
"This show may not have gotten the perfect official ending, but it stopped at a place that while feeling pretty satisfying leaving off on Peter's resolving his multi-season character arc left a lot of us clamoring for more."
"Silas fights his ghosts at the end of the game not because he's gotten too drunk, but because he's finally gotten to the point of all his stories, to his own personal climax as a man."
"There is no better resolution to Chopper's character arc than having all of that come to a head with him being presented the same problem as before."
"Naruto forgives pain in the end because he will then forgive Sasuke."
"When Emilia finally manages to grab her arm and reveal the truth to her, she lets go of her hatred..."
"John Marston has fulfilled his end of the bargain eliminated his old gang."
"This is Sylvanas saying his name for the last time and moving on from the pain."
"It's revealed that Stan was the one who saved the day all along, erasing Bill Cipher from existence."
"This ending makes Batman just flat-out give up."
"He also says that the souls of their children will avenge him on her, but Medea says the gods know who really messed up in this situation, and she’s gonna bury their kids in Hera’s sacred lands before purifying herself of the crime."
"Farewell, but not goodbye: Erza's journey continues."
"A Zutara ending would have granted a payoff to all of the characters and all of the ships."
"Theon's sacrifice provides redemption for one of the show's most complicated and long-suffering characters."
"Littlefinger's death provides an incredibly satisfying ending for this often despicable man."
"By the end of the film, Maverick has seemingly let all of it go."
"Once you destroy Oblivion Joshua is finally able to rest and Danielle takes over as turoc again."
"A moment of such excitement, relief, and pure desperation when Robin finally told the crew: I want to Live."
"The ending with Steppenwolf was so much better this time around. They killed his ass, he's dead."
"Snake comes to the conclusion that he should use his skills to end wars not perpetuate them."
"Ramza's ending, despite it showing quite the deviation from what was expected from a Final Fantasy at the time, was therefore quite fitting."
"Given proper closure to her unfinished arc in Sun and Moon."
"Returning this blade to you, Shogun Momonosuke."
"He yells desperately at Rawling Christine to leave him because he's so ashamed of what he's put them through."
"With Dracula sufficiently burnt to a crisp, it's time to enjoy the second ending."
"Nagato placed his faith in Naruto's solution."
"Eren had given up his life with Mikasa, and with everyone else, in favor of his freedom."
"It just felt both earned and surprisingly moving."
"At the end, Ichigo ended his long battles like his old self with a straightforward slash."
"The whole point of the ending is what you think Yoda will do with his experience with his last student."
"Eventually, Lexia declares that she will now take Luna as her rival and guard."
"It felt very much like the happy ending that they deserved after everything that they went through in the series."
"We must have an end, Shale. May yours be one of your own choosing."
"I'm so grateful I'm just really really grateful that I got to tie up some loose ends for the peter that I was playing."
"That's how the Inquisitor's story should end."
"A bittersweet ending to a powerful season that explains so much about the meaning of numbers."
"They actually went in and did what they were supposed to do and that is give a satisfying conclusion to many years of storytelling and characters."
"He's still hitting those emotional highs, giving Riku a phenomenal bookend to his long journey battling against the darkness."
"His allegiance to the Loa allows him to command the armies of the dead, making him virtually invincible."
"Sasuke decides that he will eradicate the village for what it did to Itachi."
"Wow what an ending I'm still processing but I like it makes sense that bran is the king with the council truly running the land and for John to go back to the one place he was happy young the wall and bran finally got his damn castle."
"All right, they did it, they did it, uh, and so Homelander lets Butcher and his son walk off."
"Randy confronts Mac, exposes his plans, and saves Howard in the end."
"After a long and troubled life, Joshua Graham finally found rest in Zion."
"The movie's final line sees McCready resigned to his fate."
"Let's settle this just you and me brother, the showdown that was always meant to be." - Agony Kai
"The sequence was so quick... you definitely assumed that she led to his death... Arya was the one to end the Night King."
"I think the Hound's plot thread is as resolved as it needs to be, and it's a pretty good ending."
"I'm very, very happy with this ending, very satisfied with all of the characters."
"Finally, as the passage draws to an end, we realize Florence's chaotic thoughts and feelings become serene."