
Narrative Critique Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"Honestly even the side characters barely get anything there doesn't feel like there's a great awesome resolution the Lopez's don't really get much."
"Last of Us Two's narrative stretches itself thin across two separate casts of characters."
"Phantom Pain lacked balance on a narrative level."
"How I believe the Venom Snake protagonist switch could have been better handled."
"I'm still not convinced that these shared world games are or will ever be capable of telling what I consider to be a decent narrative."
"Either way, the tone of this whole DLC so far is a little off-putting because when Leliana tells you of the exploits of the minstrel spies of Orlais... the way that she describes the group is with deadly efficiency."
"Once you realize that, it's a disillusionment of all narrative in totality."
"She is in desperate need of a nerf and of a flaw because not only did she break free of people telling it what to do she wasn't wrong about any of it things just work out for her when she's solely following her own ideas."
"The Damsel in Distress trope disempowers female characters and robs them of the chance to be heroes in their own rite."
"The trope robs women in peril from the opportunity of being the architects of their own escape."
"Are any of these things huge gaping holes that absolutely guarantee that the raid on Onigashima is going to fail? No."
"The pacing is weird then messy stuff just happens left and right."
"Oblivion has some incredible visuals and a pretty decent story. Now, the story itself I felt like ended up falling a little bit flat. It wasn't quite as epic and grand as I was hoping."
"The big twist of this movie has no foreshadowing. I mean simply put if you have a mystery story and the big reveal at the end is impossible to predict that doesn't make for a good mystery."
"Our modern perception is based upon what is most likely fabrications and exaggeration."
"The game critiques traditional hero tropes suggesting that 'save the damsel you love' narrative is a horrific ly selfish construct."
"This militaristic organization serves no narrative purpose and never once is important to the story's outcome."
"Gore just ends up being another letdown that you're gonna forget just as quickly as all the other villains you've already forgot."
"The real reason why people continue to buy into the narrative even if it's utterly absurd or blatantly wrong."
"The main thing that really killed it for me with the story is the amount of repetition."
"All my gripes of the war doctor really come down to just how little he's fleshed out."
"Every few chapters we meet up with Keith and Quint, two nincompoops who are clearly intended to serve as comic relief, but who come across more like tragic agony."
"I can't deny that I found myself having fun with the first two in spite of their narrative shortcomings, mainly down to very tight pacing."
"I will say that the dialogue in the scans is also particularly weird because Cobra says this won't take long but then also says it would be tedious for you to wait outside which it wouldn't be if the meeting wasn't gonna take long."
"Arcanum’s story doesn’t set the world alight, but after starting slowly and predictably, it takes a few twists and turns that I didn’t expect."
"Natasha deserved better even if she didn't think so."
"They're trying to make these characters a lot more virtuous than they actually are."
"I loved Euron Greyjoy this season. He's the only person who seems to be taking the show less seriously than the writers."
"The damsel trope typically makes men the subject of narratives while relegating women to the role of object."
"Avatar is essentially a colonialist narrative pretending to be anti-colonial."
"It's an anthology of stories told from the perspective of five different characters, but there's so little that connects the cultures that they each represent."
"Ah, you know that thing we teased all series? Yeah, it doesn't really matter to be honest, so we should just go back to some more silly adventures."
"I really dug how the game tackled its own setup in that."
"Overlong battle scene, thin on plot, character, and style." - The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
"I would love to be proven wrong about any of these plot points, please God prove me wrong."
"Honestly, if we're gonna give the baby saga the honorable mention treatment despite it being a good concept done poorly, we have to do with this one because this one also has like a terrific ending."
"I still enjoy the characters and buy into what's happening, even if I feel like they're becoming lazy in a lot of other aspects."
"Is it qualitatively different if both black folks end up dead at the end of the story?"
"This narrative is harming human liberty and freedom."
"Daenerys burning innocent people alive is fundamentally at odds with her character."
"It's a shame, because I genuinely do like the story."
"From a structural standpoint, the main problem with Susan is that she has no arc as a character because none of her real problems are addressed..."
"That's their names because they never even bother to give them ones." - Ghostbusters 2016
"Varys' potential is wildly squandered by the time the show draws to a close."
"I think that this has been a narrative that's been not really pushed enough I think that it's just it's taken in a position that makes it makes men look like they're always the abusers."
"There's good things about this story and things that I wasn't really huge on but it was the same thing with Thanos wins right there were things that I loved about it things I didn't really that I wasn't too big on it."
"It's a series that can't properly articulate or portray its own jumbled themes."
"A convoluted but interesting mess of a story."
"Evidence ought to trump narrative obviously."
"There is nothing here that adds to Abel's character or the overarching story."
"And there was no meaning in this. It was just meaningless and it was just very unsatisfying."
"All these answers are rooted in a sea of wronged women topped off by two female characters making very aggressively out of character choices."
"The main problem that I had with them was that the supernatural conflict was somewhat interesting yet it always got shoved aside in favor of teenage angst."
"There's a line between 'this is the way it is' and 'the world is how it is because the author wanted to get away with stuff.'"
"It's hard to recommend 'What Remains of Edith Finch' to everyone, even though it is one of the most beautiful stories I've ever encountered in the interactive medium."
"The logic of this movie is all over the place."
"Captain Cutter's speech to Isabel is almost like a criticism of the way the UNSC has been handled in new Halo games, making it clear he's going to be bringing the soul of the UNSC back to Halo."
"He's truly the only one that's completely irredeemable after all jack, tia, and ace were all victims to his method of recruitment."
"I think it's just the middle part of a trilogy, so it doesn't feel like a sequel like Terminator does."
"It's me, I'm Outlets. Most of them have landed on the misleading AI element of this story."
"This series gives new meaning to anticlimactic."
"The main villain, the BIG BAD, of not only the main installments, but the entire Kingdom Hearts Universe is... this guy."
"There were a lot of unresolved plot threads."
"This show almost just makes you root for the Covenant. The UNSC is just set up to be like the actual ultimate bad guy."
"I'm so tired of these half-written Riku Rejects, and you should be tired of it as well."
"The result of the fight is Mandarin gets blown out of a window with no one giving chase."
"If you think that 'The Bells' was somehow majorly out of character for Daenerys Targaryen, then that is absolutely wild."
"It almost makes me wish that there was again more of it in the show and less of some of this other stuff that they crammed in there."
"Any half-decent protagonist would challenge such extreme ideas."
"I don't think we've had a good narrative in World of Warcraft for years."
"But dreams of repopulating the world aside, why would the machines have difficulty finding and gaining access to Zion when they're the ones who are allowing it to happen?"
"Suguha is introduced in this arc and she's Kirito's sister except she's not."
"It should have been more bittersweet in the sense there should have been a real loss at the end."
"Stephan fixing everything with a joke invalidates Pink Diamond's suffering."
"I actually kind of like the ending there because they're all like chasing Sonic and Sonic has to run from people. I don't know if it's his character and his speedy premise so points for that."
"The history we are told is more like the plot of some comic book where a super villain is spewed out of the depths of Hell to use his supernatural powers to wreak havoc upon defenseless humanity."
"In such a world as Lane's, truth becomes irrelevant when both the unbelievable and the tragic occur, and the population seems apathetic."
"Who cares about cutscenes? Let's skip right to the action!"
"If white privilege does not reign supreme in this story..."
"I think there were a lot of narrative choices in this movie that were really poorly thought out."
"I think what GameStop showed was the narrative fallacy on Wall Street."
"If you think The Last of Us 2 was a bad revenge story, then you're a dumbass and you missed the point."
"The biggest problem with the character is not how she acts but how the world around her responds to her behavior."
"The worst running subplot on Gotham exemplifies the show's tendency to squander good ideas."
"What I'm referring to however is the aspect of Oppression being mitigated by the story's narrative."
"All of this death and misery is the lasting Legacy of the great Don Corleone The Godfather."
"Even stories with weaker plotting like this one can be saved if other elements come in to help prop it up."
"Every copy of Super Mario 64 is not personalized by some sinister and evil AI made by a shady Japanese corporation." - Video Narrator
"It's not fair because the characters deserved a lot better and especially Jack, who was surprisingly a really good dude. Like, I did like him and that sucks."
"I just don't really know if I really got that and ended up feeling a little mustache twirly by the end."
"So much of Sonic Forces' story, such as it is, it's not like a hugely in-depth story or thing but so much of it relies on Sonic's full extended cast of friends."
"Because I think this story would have been far more effective as a movie."
"Mrs Claus began the film as the Damsel in Distress who lacked agency and needed others to solve her problems for her."
"If you believe that narrative, you are just completely naive."
"For my grumbling about the storyline and stuff, this game does have a kind of real pleasing rhythm to it."
"The deck of many things has a reputation because it has destroyed a lot of campaigns."
"About the only romance in this series that's not gross, excruciatingly annoying, or both is Escanor's unrequited crush on Merlin."
"The prevailing narrative is so disconnected from the reality on the ground."
"Saka is allowed to have a massive flaw in his sexism without the narrative endorsing or just permitting that sexism."
"Why does him not knowing the outcome of a situation just magically restore free will to the entire universe? Why is this happening? Oh wait, I know why. Because movie, that's why."
"Ten 2's biggest weakness... story just really isn't all there."
"The story itself is interesting, but the ham-fisted Orwellian references insult the audience's intelligence."
"Action-packed, but lacked the moments of story progression and character development."
"He covered it, he covered it. He did one line, that's enough."
"This in the show proves the show has no stakes, there is no risk to any of the main characters."
"The Bat Family was underutilized and pushed to the sidelines."
"But most importantly, in his own feature film, the main superhero doesn't learn anything."
"If Maverick died at the end it would have been a [ __ ], why would Maverick die as the greatest pilot that's ever lived?"
"It boils down a lot of American history to simplistic narratives."
"It's virtually a movie about nothing, a blind woman from a secluded Amish village walks through the woods to get supplies."
"We need to take a step back from focusing on nostalgia and interconnectedness and go for character and story."