
Aquaculture Quotes

There are 382 quotes

"Buy the rock today, get it into the cycle bins and just start getting that beneficial bacteria."
"Shrimp farming provides job opportunities and contributes to increased income through exports for Nations."
"Researchers with the University of New Hampshire's Open Ocean Aquaculture Program hope to neutralize some of the environmental impacts by moving the farm miles out to sea."
"Aquaculture is the fastest growing food system on the planet."
"Crawfish aquaculture relies on natural reproduction so no hatcheries or nurseries are needed."
"For none first animals and excessively stained batches of crawfish processors may do for the cleaning external cleaning of live crawfish."
"It's basically any shrimp that doesn't fit my line breeding goals or journeys and I just throw them in there."
"The highest percentage results will be achieved with a regular water change schedule and making them easy to perform so they're actually done on time every time."
"Some oysters blessed with good genes can grow at shocking speeds."
"That sounds fun. It's not a bad idea. Like where you're at Aquatic farm's actually a pretty good idea I think."
"We realized the only way to stave off the banks was to actually develop something very innovative, value-adding and whatever it may be. Now, tuna farming was the concept."
"These fish come from the same kind of environment that they will be in here."
"Creating super salmon to protect wild stocks."
"The reality is I would much rather cycle an aquarium with live plants."
"They are a beautiful coral and a tank dedicated to them can be a breathtaking explosion of color that rewards all the diligence on the part of the hobbyist."
"They're extremely high in protein and as a member of the shrimp family they don't burrow so they'll be perfect for this Pond."
"Introducing biofloc technology: a sustainable solution for aquaculture."
"Unlocking the potential of biofloc technology for sustainable aquaculture."
"Revolutionizing aquaculture with biofloc technology."
"You're much better off going, 'Okay, well I breed some corydoras. I breed some live bears. I breed some shrimp. I make some plants.'"
"All the guppy breeders I know depend mostly on live baby brine shrimp."
"He started a fish farm, breeding fish to remove the mud taste, unintentionally starting a business."
"Aquaponics is the fusion of aquaculture or the culturing of fish or aquatic organisms with a combination integrating that with hydroponics."
"Shrimp can be an awesome way for beginners to make a little bit of money in the hobby."
"The infamous fish fluencer: 3,000 fish, 55 to 60 tanks, $60,000 revenue."
"John Marcus's 40,000 liter aquarium: nearly eight meters wide, $100,000 to build."
"It means that we can produce tuna in our preserve throughout their entire life cycle without using wild resources."
"Look how beautiful this flower horn is. I can't really get good lighting on them, but I mean, look at that fish, beautiful."
"The idea behind a hatchery is to raise fish and then put them in the big pond."
"We're going to attempt to make a fish cage, a floating fish cage that we then stock with fish."
"It's just a way of trying to grow fish faster."
"I do see a lot of great potential for seaweeds to be an environmentally friendly solution for protecting aquaculture and improving water quality."
"Seaweed farming is the fastest-growing aquaculture sector."
"Tilapia really are a fascinating fish."
"The footprint of this shrimp farm is crazy important because they're raising shrimp that are edible, that are just as good as they are in the wild, with no bycatch and zero negativity to the environment."
"Fish farms located near the shores are a serious source of pollution for coastal waters."
"Farmed Beluga caviar is better for the environment, supporting sustainable options."
"Aquaculture has brought wealth and prosperity to the region."
"All those fish are going to go inside of here, we're going to grow them out."
"In the future, 75, 80 maybe even 90 percent of the seafood that's consumed worldwide will be produced in aquaculture."
"Eels are an ideal species of fish to be farmed because they are very tolerant of many conditions and don't bother about being kept in large numbers."
"Breeding the slippery fish is extremely difficult because its physiology, spawning behavior, and life history still need to be better understood."
"Green water is giving an environment for the fish where they feel more comfortable so that they are not less infected by the disease, a rejoicement of stress means a better immune system because all those bacteria are facultative."
"I want to try to breed all the fish that are in there."
"Yeah to uh to sort of try and take some of the global impact off of ocean health um I guess they can easily be farmed."
"Fish farming requires careful control of water quality, temperature, and waste buildup."
"The potential for local communities along the world's coasts to turn to sustainable aquaculture methods to increase food and income from the sea without damaging the local environment is breathtaking."
"One of the challenges associated with squid farming is managing waste and effluent from the tanks and ponds."
"For betta fish, there's a dedicated organization called the International Betta Congress."
"Everything is looking really tidy. The shrimp seem to be really, really active as well, which is just what you want. So, that's going to be one of my first signs if there's ever problems."
"The most important advice with feeding your shrimp is having these things in this picture right here: driftwood, moss, plants, algae on the glass, and even some rocks."
"Shrimp health is much more important than anything else."
"I think something like 98% of what they sell is cultured."
"If you're good at growing corals, you don't see the rock. It's true, to some degree."
"Japanese breeders created the Shukin goldfish in the late 1800s."
"I plan to break these fish up into like three smaller groups and scatter them through different tanks."
"Automatic water changing systems are absolute integral for the reason that I was so successful."
"Beautiful fish, egg scattering fish from the Orinoco River, Amazon basin, Brazil, all m-woods black water species and easy to eat. Very easy, this form and I'm gonna teach you guys how to do it and also how to rear up the fry."
"I raised clown fish in my basement and sold them around St. Louis."
"That's something that we're really happy to be able to invest in, because the health of the fish is the most important thing to us."
"Invariably, feeding copepods to larval fish produces better results than feeding them anything else."
"Our mission is to help create and inspire others around the world to build their dream fish rooms."
"Your fish should all be growing, and every day when you look at them, you should see them a little bit bigger than the day before."
"Don't worry about how many shrimp you should have per gallon because, in reality, the answer is probably in the thousands."
"Feed them well, keep the water stable, and they will breed."
"Being in tune and like doing water changes yourself will get you a level closer to your fish. That usually helps you spawn them, keep them happier, get their colors brighter, all of those things."
"We still plan to put on the new 1450-gallon tank for Murphy."
"I've been having so much fun breeding quarries lately, they're really, really fun fish to breed."
"I feed nothing else but this. So it's definitely the best. I feed it to everything. All the cosmos you saw, those bushy nose, when I used to raise a lot of those, they were all raised on this food. This is what this fish room is fed on."
"This is a patients' tank right here, patients meaning, you know, patience is a virtue if you want to do fish breeding."
"I think you guys are really going to like this, how this gentleman breeds his fish in such a small area yet it's so organized and clean."
"The water quality combined with the food and the added element of the green water makes a huge difference."
"Gently release them, make sure there are no fry in the buckets."
"I'll give you guys an update on the beta fish farm as things progress."
"Guppies are a great fish to dip your toe into the realm of brackish water."
"I'm super happy with the quality of my fish. They look absolutely amazing, and I'm well happy."
"The tilapia excrete their waste, any waste fertilizes the duckweed, and the cycle continues."
"The warm Tahitian lagoons are also ideal for the cultivation of the exquisite and highly prized black pearl."
"As you can see, this is another fish that I've been able to breed quite successfully."
"So if you're new, I definitely hope you enjoyed taking a look at all the fish and all the fish tanks. If you're a grizzled fish tank barn veteran, I hope you found something new and interesting that inspired you to get a different fish."
"Soon you'll be an aquaculturing pro."
"This guy really, really has the touch; he's so humble, but his corals look amazing."
"The fish are here at the 3500 gallon and I couldn't be happier."
"We're not trying to create a perfect little chunk of the ocean; we're trying to create this aberrant chunk of the ocean that grows all that cool stuff that you think is pretty."
"When you're supplementing Trace elements, you don't want to supplement all 70 Trace elements; you want to supplement the 15 or 20 that get used by the corals."
"Balling is really the best solution when you've got this inequity between your calcium and your alkalinity consumption."
"A healthy microfauna population like copepods and amphipods will process waste throughout the tank."
"We're the leading shellfish muscle farmer, grower, marketer in Australia."
"Learn the language of your tank and you got to learn to listen to your tank."
"I've basically been a fish geek since I was six and just turned that into a passion into a company."
"I highly recommend setting up a separate tank like I did if you have any extra space to put something like this."
"Setting up a separate tank will allow you to easily give them to your friends with infected tanks if you're feeling generous."
"Now you've completed the berghia farm setup."
"Those that do these water changes are way more successful than those that don't, particularly in those early years of a reef tank."
"This is the main event of Worldwide Corals, this is where they grow all their corals."
"Fish are very useful and important form of pest control on tanks."
"That's a great way of dealing with pests."
"I'm very excited by the prospect of it; I've seen some incredible tanks run very successful refugiums, so I want to be a part of that action."
"Aquaculture represents not only a source of income but also a means of livelihood and economic stability."
"They're not suitable for small aquariums, but if you have a pond, they do well with koi's as well."
"Essentially, Chinese fish farming embodies a rich tapestry of history, innovation, and economic prowess."
"Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) are advanced fish farming systems that recycle and purify water within closed-loop environments."
"Integrated multitrophic aquaculture (IMTA) promotes environmental, economic, and social sustainability by mimicking natural ecosystems."
"Nice potential, nice body shape for a big fish."
"I'm not really buying the coral, I'm buying a seed. I just need a little itty bitty piece and I'm so happy to grow it out."
"Aquaculture is new, the potential for growth is limited only by our imagination."
"If fish farming catches on and spreads, it could in fact revolutionize the inshore fishery."
"We can grow corals faster in our tanks than we can in the ocean now."
"I hope you guys enjoyed, but definitely in the comments below let me know what fish would you like to see growing and raising here at Predatory Fins."
"Stable parameters, a huge thing is trace elements that a lot of people overlook."
"Everything started to become balanced, I noticed polyps on every Acro that I've never seen before."
"All the fish you can see in here were bred by me."
"I'm super excited about this. This is my new shrimps, and I hope they're going to breed me a big colony."
"If you're interested in making a few bucks, maybe some trade-in with a local fish store, an assassin snail is definitely something you could breed and sell as well."
"We want to keep our fish happy and healthy, and we want the filtration that's going to allow that to happen."
"Fish healthy, plants super healthy, algae non-existent."
"They're a great fish for beginners that are trying to breed a fish."
"Once past the larval stage, oysters do not need to be fed because they filter food from the water column."
"These humic acids also act as antifungals and antibacterials which really helps the fish."
"My goal is to make my fish room as educational as possible so that you may have success in your fish room."
"By doing that, we significantly reduce the amount of time and money it takes to maintain our shrimp tanks."
"It also helps create a more stable environment that is much better for our shrimp."
"Shrimp are more sensitive to environmental changes than fish are, so a stable ecosystem is critical."
"During the Ming Dynasty, people started raising goldfish indoors."
"It's really just a hobby and I want to see these fish get to the size that they're supposed to get."
"We're putting oxygen in a tank in a safe manner so that fish can survive."
"If you want to have a successful shrimp colony that's going to thrive and grow and produce you lots and lots of colorful shrimp for years to come, then you need to allow that tank time to mature."
"AquaByte is trying to fix this problem by offering fish farms a high-tech camera-powered system."
"This is useful because it takes guessing out of fish feeding and allows the fish farmers to make more informed decisions."
"There's a very good future in aquaculture, so they should look at this area."
"We won the national best fish farm award."
"One of the primary goals of Ocean Farm One is to provide ample space for fish to swim freely, mimicking their natural environment and promoting their overall well-being."
"Aquapod in Mexico is a floating fish farm concept that is revolutionizing the world of aquaculture while promoting sustainability through the integration of renewable energy technologies."
"The good thing with growing oysters like this is unlike land resources, we've still got quite a lot of ground if we wanted to, to expand to meet the need for sustainable products in the UK."
"The most productive way to grow is in water."
"Floating fish farms in Brazil picture a network of floating farms that not only produce a bounty of fish but also support local communities and embrace eco-friendly practices."
"The mesmerizing world of Fish Domes in the Maldives is where innovative floating domes become home to a flourishing fish farming project."
"Creating a fish farm... this is a legit way to make money in the fishing industry."
"Farming oysters is always a fulfilling way to make money because actually helping them spread is always good for the environment."
"Cultured pearls... often perfectly round."
"It doesn't matter where we're coming from, but it's just the love we have for these fish."
"This is the best fish farm in South Florida for sure."
"Giving fish a better home is our motto."
"We do the best we can and what's best for the fish."
"Green carpet algae plus clear water gives the best option, in my opinion, to your indoor fish tank."
"It's better for the environment, great for the fish."
"Your baby shrimps never run out of food."
"The shrimps looking fantastic, they're very happy, very active."
"Unlike some other more demanding coral types, soft corals not only tolerate higher nutrient environments but most reefers agree that they actually do better in tanks with measurable nutrient levels."
"This is like the dream fantasy place for all of you captive bred or aquaculture specialists around the globe."
"What better place to be than the holy grail of all captive bred aquaculture."
"Not all is bad in the fish room, some stuff is actually working."
"These guys are doing fantastic, they've actually turned into little tiny fish."
"For those of you you're looking for direct guidance, I believe everyone will benefit from dosing the part C of the hybrid balling method."
"You gotta know what disease your fish has because every disease has a different life cycle, it has different ways to treat it."
"Breeding fish takes quite a bit of effort and a lot of constant work."
"I'm really excited to try and figure out the best way to raise these rams up."
"Once you start breeding fish, one important thing is to always have food for them."
"Making your infusoria culture is super easy."
"So let's see if we can make some red Rilis and possibly some blue red Rilis, that would be awesome."
"Aquacultured coral and bred fish have 20 times the survival rate."
"In a commercial system of this size, you would always have to supplement additional nutrients."
"We raise them and put them in the streams to like help like the environment, nurture the youth."
"What we do is raise lots of really good fish and we do it with a very small workforce."
"Live food is incredible for fish."
"Do I think this is the best commercially made, easy to use, user-friendly brine shrimp hatchery out there? Yes."
"They really believe in the cause of teaching the locals how to do aquaculture."
"They are the most resilient shrimp I've ever had."
"It's best to let the fish adapt to your water parameters."
"Stable water parameters are more important than the perfect water parameters."
"If you can keep really healthy fish tanks, you end up being like a turtle god just because you can manage your water quality."
"I'm planning on stocking with fish like tilapia, so that we can go fishing right here on the property."
"These are a new breed of superfish, genetically modified salmon, about to make history."
"Observation is the most important thing for us for long-term aquaculture."
"If you want to achieve the best chances of success with your aquarium plants, CO2 injection is the way to go."
"Hey, how's it going everyone? Welcome back to Keeping Fish Simple."
"In the past couple of weeks, I've been having so much success with my plecos."
"Our plecos have continued on, and they've continued breeding."
"I'm kind of crossing my fingers that in today's video we also have some success with the L270s."
"I'm also really crossing my fingers that we do get some eggs from the L333s."
"Fingers crossed everything goes okay with them, and we can successfully raise all six of them up."
"I really hope that some of the people that buy them can breed them, and we can start distributing this fish and get it more established in the United States."
"Aquaponics is a recirculating water ecosystem where the plants and fish live together symbiotically."
"Patience is absolutely crucial and the number one trait you can have if you're going to keep plecos and you want to be successful with plecos."
"About 500 fish have just gone in here, and these are some of the biggest fish I've ever seen going in."
"I've incorporated 3D printing into my hobby to develop a method of collecting eggs from fish in the least bothersome, the least stressful way possible."
"Seaweed cultivation is a welcomed alternative that allows people to keep making their living from the ocean."
"Aquaculture is the farming of fish, predicted to be a big growth industry, especially in the developing world."
"India is the number one shrimp farming country in the world."
"This is where we grow all of our coral."
"You're looking at a million dollars right now."
"Every single day, you wake up, you come to the farm, you do corals."
"It takes a lot of work to have a really nice fish room and all these things happening in beautiful projects and beautiful tanks."
"Yabbies are livestock and need to be fed regularly."
"Aquaculture is a growth industry."
"Look after your yabbies properly so they maintain the quality standards the world market demands."
"Western Australia has set the standard in the quality of live export yabbies."
"Wild is fantastic, but if there were no farms, no aquaculture, wild would be done; you couldn't keep up."
"Oh, I love being out and I love working with fish; it is rewarding."
"Humans need more fish to eat; the only place that can come from is fish farming."