
Control Issues Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"He's a Batman villain whose sole problem is control... or the lack of control... stunts Mr Freeze and leaves him in limbo."
"Both types try to control, manipulate, and engage in a power struggle without taking real action."
"A lot of people it is a control thing cuz imagine if you're growing up and it's like your family's so chaotic."
"Just have fun, will you? Stop trying to control the world, okay? Just sit back and have a good time."
"Literally, just don't try to control what other people do."
"Even to this day, what frightens people in The Establishment about Laetrile isn't about it has nothing to do really with an apricot kernel extract, it's about the loss of control, the loss of authority."
"The lack of control is just probably the most horrifying thing."
"As things beyond my control hang over my head and I fight to stay afloat, I tend to ask myself: Have I done enough here?"
"Sigma men have a strong sense of self and can't stand being manipulated or controlled by others."
"It's all about controlling women, they'll deny it over and over and over again but actions speak louder than words."
"I've learned how to like let go of the control."
"This person feels like they don't have control over the situation."
"Game looks like a joke but the main thing that makes it something I never want to touch again is the control."
"Let go of control issues; let things happen naturally."
"A unified world would not go well because that means man has ultimate control."
"No one should feel controlled in a relationship."
"Children on the autistic spectrum like to fail to control a situation if you're asking them to do things where they don't really understand why and they can't control it."
"Food security? They actually mean food control. Complete control."
"Trying to control it just so other people don't have to think makes you no better than Anita Sarkeesian."
"Money won't even matter, bro. I know. Then what's the point, fam? Like, why are you worrying about things that we can't control? Like, it just goes the way it's supposed to go, I guess."
"The only solution from such a narcissistic personality was to then try to control and destroy the object that had caused him so much pain."
"It's like being a fan of college football right now is like sitting in seat 32e on a plane flight and you realize that there's like five Pilots up there all arguing and none of them actually have control."
"There's only one thing that makes the Jezebel spirit happy - control."
"Stop trying to control the narrative, give this situation some time even if you want your person."
"Broly's true powers erupt when he's angry but the problem is he goes out of control and loses his sense of self."
"I'm a hard [__] to control, many have tried."
"You have to accept it didn't work out and that's hard for me especially if you're a control freak."
"We all know Michael feels that he has to be in control at all times."
"Zeeple Dome is the real deal; this game is bad. The controls are the least problematic issue here; the bigger issue is the latency."
"They're trying to tell you what you can and can't do with your own property."
"Many of Amy's family members say that Steve seemed to be controlling and it wasn't like Amy to just be subservient to someone that she was with like Steve."
"The challenge is who has control of it and what are our safeguards."
"Some people have the mentality that just because I buy something for you that means I get to control it. No, that's not how it works."
"These people are motivated by power and control."
"You don't have to control a person if you can set boundaries around them."
"Henry's obsession with control might be the root cause of all his family's betrayals."
"The narcissist perceives submissiveness and compliance as the ideal traits in an intimate partner, as it allows him to convert her into an enemy, a demon, a persecutory object."
"Don't complain about things that you don't control if you don't fund them."
"As long as you focus on things you can't control, you're going to be a train wreck."
"Fear is spreading: 'Sunday Igboho should control something.'"
"He ended up calling me on a private number, questioning me, grilling me."
"I think that the further you go the idea of identification just the idea of identification as a means to participate in society is moving us towards a serious problem."
"Be careful that you don't become so controlling of your environment that you don't give room for God to step outside of what you approve of."
"This intensity of need to control people is monstrous."
"When you become love, you stop questioning and controlling others."
"They do not want us to have any control whatsoever."
"The problem isn't blockchain, the problem isn't crypto or virtual reality, the problem is the centralized management and control of all those systems."
"This person was very controlling or trying to intimidate you or keep you stuck."
"It's not about acceptance, it's about control and societal power."
"People are afraid of the unknown, people are afraid of things they can't control."
"It's all about control with this woman and it's vile."
"It's not about quote life, it's about control... controlling women and controlling families."
"Essentially, that is complete control over humanity."
"Now I'm having all these doubts, he's trying to be better, but I can tell he still wants to control me."
"Learn to surrender; trying to control only leads to resistance."
"In the end this really is a story of control think about the entire situation we have a man who is obsessed with maintaining a sense of control yet he loses control over something as simple as a football game prompting him to stab his lover."
"Learning to surrender can feel as if you're dying, but it's about stopping the urge to control."
"Don't let someone else take control of your love life."
"If you are controlling your partner to the point where they're not allowed to have like, friends or a life outside of you, That is a problem."
"He railroads like a [ __ ]. It's the worst kind of railroad too, one where he keeps a psychotic death grip control of the story."
"If there's anyone in the new age or spiritual community that is telling you 'don't speak to other people, only come to me,' trying to undo everyone else's work and trying to control the narrative."
"There's no problem with us of, 'Oh no, I'm not in control anymore.'"
"Stress is caused by the things that you don't do or the things that are out of your control."
"It's a shame that humans want to control other humans."
"So many beautiful organizations have been hijacked, infiltrated, and controlled."
"If you're focusing on trying to control stuff, you will feel contained, restrained, and miserable."
"Wow, they even scroll and it's hard to keep control."
"Who the hell wants to be in a relationship with somebody who's trying to control them?"
"The narcissist wants to be better than you, wants to control you. Avoid them at all costs."
"She has all the control in this relationship."
"You're waiting for too much here that you're not acting or responding out of faith. You're acting out of what's in my control, and it is sabotaging you."
"If you got put your hands on her for her to understand and listen to you you'll never have control of her."
"They want to possess you; they view you as a possession."
"This was truly out of my control, and it sucks so bad."
"Trying to change people is a form of control."
"They don't care about bodily autonomy, they don't care about human rights, what they care about is controlling you forever."
"People want to see you fail when they have no control over you."
"The question is what direction of travel are you being taken in by the innovation and who controls the innovation."
"I'm so sorry you had to watch me struggle with control."
"They feel entitled to have you under their control."
"This is the level of corruption we're dealing with to protect people who are trying to control politics at a very, very nefarious level."
"This person's lesson is a lesson of Saturn. This person has control issues, they have to let go of [expletive] control. You cannot control everything."
"Our relationship with food and our body is often about control and safety."
"You need to surrender and let go, especially if you've been trying to control the situation."
"This comes at the cost of having very little control over how the buoy actually moves."
"These control issues are born of fear and insecurity. It's actually born out of the lost value system."
"All addictions are about control."
"When we attempt to control people and things that we have no business controlling, we are controlled."
"It's not so much that a child with ADHD has too much energy, it's more that they don't have a good enough control system for the energy or the behavior that they have."
"I wouldn't say cut your sister off; that's your blood, and she's just having a hard time realizing that she can't control you."
"What you need to do from an anxiety standpoint because most people with anxiety deal with control issues is literally get to the point where you just don't care about controlling anything."