
Tactical Success Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Moving Pedry to CAM worked like a freaking charm."
"Another example: two Russian tanks were stopped by Ukrainian Warriors."
"This is absolutely destroyed, he gets swag three spells."
"The heroic actions of Sagittario, laying a smokescreen under concentrated fire, managed to save the flotilla and return to Greece unharmed."
"This is shaping up to be a pretty solid Union victory."
"The Ukrainian Army achieved very important achievements thanks to the operations they organized decently."
"The Crimea Fire Group carried out a remarkable operation."
"Ukraine's tank operation that astonished the world in Bakmut."
"Jerry Thompson getting there with those zombies, that zombie horde vs. black green energy."
"Their accurate marksmanship disrupted the enemy's advance and caused chaos among its ranks."
"Fnatic, they got first blood, they got the first tower, they've made Elements dance to the Fnatic beats."
"Huge congrats to Danny from me with the strategy he made. He must have done a really good strategy call."
"Well, within three days Soviet forces had achieved The Impossible, they'd surrounded the sixth Army."
"Proper has come alive in the last couple of team fights."
"Nine out of ten for Michel Arteta today... he got everything right."
"The Ukrainian Army was able to repel the Russian army from behind thanks to the defense lines it had created and its successful ambushes."
"58 separate contact locations either killed kazivac by their own forces or extracted under an overwhelming weight of fire from us, but we won the battle."
"Flawless execution in team fights from Rogue's carries."
"Oh man, oh, but like, keep in mind how many we got here. Look at how many we just destroyed here in spawn with that airstrike. That was worth it. I had to do that."
"We have the right result at the moment at St. Andrews."
"Tactically, he got it all right, bringing on Sancho and Martial."
"The Romans drove the enemy from the battlefield."
"We completed a quest by taking out this caravan stop."
"We've found the team that works and we just control the game completely."
"They're wide. Jano Opmeer turns third position into the race lead."
"According to reports, Ukrainian forces have been responsible for the destruction of a significant number of Russian tanks in the past few weeks..."
"Wow, three entry frags off the first taken this half, that won them around."
"Timing is critical; a well-timed arrival of reinforcements can turn your fortune around."
"Without Jaina unexpectedly being there to teleport them out of the trap, Sylvanas, the Warchief has achieved what no other horde war chief or alliance leader has ever managed."
"Taking leadership of the republic forces on world, this attack proved successful and provided one of the most shocking reversals and dramatic Republic victories of the war."
"The Ukrainian Army has completely changed the balance of the war."
"Another German panzer encircled, get out of here."
"Enemies fleeing and I believe we're gonna do it with minimal unit losses."
"Operation Nimrod... remains one of the most successful hostage rescue assaults the world has ever seen."
"Untap, combat, attack, and Niv is officially insane! It is so good! Alright, uh, yeah, impressive, impressive Niv-ing!"
"Joan the maid wants to take out this castle and Joan the maid will take out that castle."
"The Canadian third division had the advantage... emerging from the tunnels they fell on the Germans before they could get out of their dugouts."
"Those times when you can successfully clear a room with your buddies and everything all comes together is when the whole thing truly shines."
"The Ukrainian Army's capture of a cargo train carrying SEO pakoy t50 planes demonstrates the country's rising military expertise and strategic insight."
"It is a great example of how smart planning and brave action may work in tandem to produce a significant victory."
"Our team was so good in Houston when we went to switching."
"I'm happy I was able to bring it back I think prioritizing the token guess was really good."
"Ukrainian Army assaults resulted in the total destruction of the ammunition warehouse."
"Ukrainian Army's successful assaults lead to breaches in Russian defenses."
"They're winning on a micro level, they're winning in the Flex game level, and they're also winning on a macro level."
"I am in absolute disbelief at how good this team actually is."
"We just stopped a lumberjack balloon combo... really shows how well this deck can work."
"His style in the way that he fights will always work."
"Blackbeard's tactic obviously worked because very shortly after that, he induced a large-scale riot in the town."
"Three triples, what a match, what a beautiful job."
"The Argonians flooded the gates with such force that the Daedra were overwhelmed."
"It's just a win on the scorecards every time you drop someone to the floor, isn't it, really?"
"We held the line, baby! Nice, the infinite scaling is coming together."
"One hit would have been a triumph, two proved our tactical brilliance, but after three, the Inners will never perceive us as weak again."
"The German offensive had been blocked and then reversed."
"Vasilevskiy's logistical genius had delivered Stalin a victory."
"The Ukrainian breakthrough is due to courage, tenacity, and clever operational art."
"The positions taken by the Ukrainian Army in Bakken were regarded as a partial victory."
"You have to absolutely commend and applaud Brighton... It's been masterful."
"As a result of these mine clearance efforts, a video surfaced depicting Ukrainian artillery destroying a group of Russian military supply vehicles in the Zaparigia region."
"Their positioning was great, their process of engagement was awesome."
"That's it! It's up, gets the full combo to close out that set."
"So this is actually turning out to be a very successful attack."
"The surprise blitzkrieg-style invasion strategy used by the coalition worked as well as it reasonably could have against Iraq."
"Fab, job done, 43 men lost, I'll take that very, very happily."
"After defeating her, we're able to completely deactivate the rest of the ship's security system."
"More high impact kills from NJR to win the round for dark zero."
"The Battle of France was a resounding victory for the Panzer divisions."
"Thomas Tuchel is a genius, anything he touches turns to gold tactically. He changed it, it worked for the best, he brought on the right substitutes, it worked out."
"After well more than 24 hours of extremely intense fighting, the Ukrainians appear to have captured a settlement called Piadi Carti."
"Carpenter's actions that day were later credited and verified by ground troops as knocking out two Panther tanks and several armored cars, killing or wounding a dozen or more enemy soldiers, and destroying six enemy tanks."
"Winning the neutral refers to landing a successful hit or punishing the enemy for a failed attempt to do so."
"If you treat someone differently based on their race, if you assume another race is this way or that way just 'cause they're that color, that is racism."
"Roland with the ace to finish it off at the 1v3."
"The destruction of numerous Russian military targets by Colonel Seaman Visashan's 50th regiment has left the Russians desperate and helpless in Luhansk."
"It's beautiful football from Lille, so well worked."
"They effectively use Impact Shen once again. Nicely done."
"They did take out a giant though, and that is something that should not be scoffed at."
"It's an absolutely wonderful system and yep this it's probably probably one of my favorite things in this update."
"The strategy has worked out brilliantly."
"He had tactically outmaneuvered a vastly superior army force."
"We nullified [the player] today for large parts of the game."
"This is brilliant, this is an amazing strategy."