
Common Experience Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"We're still living this life like all of you are as well."
"This is what happens when I go to Ticketmaster too late."
"Most of us, many of us went to school on the yellow school bus, right? And it's part of our experience growing up. It's part of, you know, nostalgia."
"Oh no they're all declining. We've all been there. Declined, declined, declined. Jesus Christ."
"Everybody knows what stepping on a Lego feels like."
"Don't compare your journey with others... It's easy to think that you're the only one feeling that way when in fact, most people are feeling that at some point."
"When you're getting in a car on a hot sunny day and you accidentally touch the silver part of the seat belt."
"Virtually every single person has been or will be prospected to join an MLM company."
"Never in my wildest imagination did I think that the thing that was going to bring humanity together was to be the need for a haircut."
"Everyone is just winging it as well as you are."
"I'm not the only one who goes there, you know."
"Growing up, I had this real fear of death, which I think everybody does."
"Why is waking up in the morning always so hard?"
"The world deserves answers, and I will not rest until we get them."
"Isn't the fragility of life fun? We can all relate on that."
"If at first you don't succeed you are like everyone else. It's called learning."
"Crying is common to the believer's life; even Jesus wept."
"I guarantee you man, there's dudes watching this right now, you're in a marriage who's in a long-term relationship and this exact thing has happened to him."
"We've all been there and it's super overwhelming and stressful."
"You guys have all played with someone like that."
"Do you find yourself questioning your existence? I mean, I think everyone questions their existence from time to time, right?"
"We all get stuck from time to time."
"I think a lot of people can relate to having a bad neighbor."
"This is the common right, you know, this is the way it really is for all of us, so, and it can be done."
"I'm not the only one that always has a never-ending to-do list."
"Everyone has experienced jealousy."
"Every writer has felt afraid of writing at some point."
"Even though it's an archetype, it's a fine archetype to me because it's like a thing a lot of people deal with."
"...you're not crazy you're not nuts you're not alone you're not on an island by yourself this happens all the time."
"Man, that's hard. You know, I mean frustration and conflict comes up with everybody."
"Let's just be honest, how many of us have done the exact same thing?"
"...everybody goes through it, you know?"
"It literally happens to the best of us."
"I feel like that's something that a lot of people could probably relate to."
"I feel like is pretty common for a lot of kids."
"Everyone goes through that at some point in life, you know."
"Failure is okay and we all have it."
"Everybody deals with anxiety at some point in their lives."
"The reality is, for everyone out there, if you reflect on your life, there's something that you have stuck with."
"I feel like everyone can relate to that, right?"
"Everyone needs to hear that. It's everyone thinking they're the only one, but everyone's doing it."
"Everyone just needs to hear that. It's everyone thinking they're the only one, but everyone's doing it."
"Every boy at one point tried to dig the deepest hole to China. Yeah. Tell me that wasn't a thing."
"One of the fastest ways to move people in the same direction is to give them a common experience or common language."
"Everyone goes through that, yeah."
"I hope that made sense for you Catherine. But it's a great question, a really good question and it's very common for people to do that, to open their ribs."
"This isn't unique to just Al and Angie Buhrke. This isn't just unique to me or to a few people."
"Every kid forgets a dance. It's humiliating, and it's happened to everyone."
"Everyone loves an underdog; everyone, in some form or fashion, has been an underdog in their life."
"Impostor syndrome affects everybody."
"I'm thankful for the year we've all have in commonly have been Sensational."
"Slipping is a worldwide record that everybody can relate to because a lot of people have been on the A game for something and have slipped, yeah, you know what I'm saying."
"Everybody has moments where they do dumb [ __ ]."
"It's very normal to have bad days. It's very normal to feel like you want to isolate. We all go through it. We all human beings. We all go through things like that."
"Sure you can relate to that. Of course, we all can. We all can."
"Everyone has gone through some sort of body dysmorphia or some sort of diet in their life, you know it's something we all go through."
"...I think this is probably a very relatable topic for a lot of people listening."
"Because when people go like 'I'm good,' or 'I'm totally fine'"
"Life's not fair. Get in line behind the back of us."
"Yeah, you did a great one and I just shouted hallelujah when I heard it because this happens to me all the time."
"It happens, happens to the best of us."
"We leverage the Yocto Project to create a common experience for system and application development among our products."
"We are talking about imposter syndrome. It's something that most of you are going to experience."
"It's a rite of passage to have braces, glasses, and across bangs when you're in middle school."
"You just need some motivation; we've all been there."
"Please tell me I am not the only one that has had these days where it's like, I got stuff to do, but I just don't feel like it."
"Everyone has a bad time at the DMV."
"Music is one of the most common experiences people enjoy on their phone."
"It's okay, we all get bad dreams sometimes."
"Nobody likes getting rejected, but it's gonna happen. Everybody gets rejected."
"Stage fright is real, and it's okay if you feel it as a singer because we all feel it."
"Remember that everybody goes through this."
"What's good about this is that it's definitely relatable, I imagine pretty much everyone has been in a situation like this."
"Have you ever had one of those times where you feel super motivated to do something, and then all your motivation just flies out of the window?"
"We all know that feeling when you miss home."
"Throwing the bowling ball backwards is something we've all done at least once in Wii Sports bowling."
"Like it or not, we have all felt insecure."
"We all overthink, we all have our days of self-doubt."
"The sense of being stared at is very common; over 95% of people, including children, have had it all over the world."
"I'm pretty sure we've all had the experience of searching for something that's not actually lost."
"Most people can sing along with a song on the radio."
"Sorry, as every Canadian does, I've got sick a little bit because of the change in seasons."
"We've all had the experience of taking a sip of something hot before it's cooled down enough."
"Every time it's like, oh yeah, I'll make that for sure. I think everyone can relate to that."
"Dedicated to everyone who is once afraid of the dark, or maybe still is."
"Everyone almost everyone in this country has had a Corsa at some point in their life."
"Vocal fatigue is something that we've all experienced."
"We're all human and occasionally fail."
"All of us have missed an obvious solution to a serious problem."
"We've all done it, haven't we folks?"
"Anyone who has ever had jet lag will know what that feels like."
"Failure is something that all of us deal with, all of us go through."
"None of us know what we're doing."
"Ever had one of those days? One of those lives?"
"Everybody has a bad hair day someday."
"We've all been in that position; if you feel like you haven't been in that position, you're lying to yourself."
"It's no surprise this year has been one of turmoil for everyone."
"Who does not have ups and downs? People have a sense of natural justice."
"Is it actually possible to see a dog or cat stretch and not say 'Oh, big stretch'? I think not."
"It’s okay and I’m pretty sure that everyone has creative blocks sometimes."
"Gina don't cry, my friend, cause those onions make everybody cry."
"Try to get past those hurdles because we're all going through them."
"Come on, we've all done it, we've seen a massive moon in the sky, you got to take a photo of it."
"It is hammering it down, and I feel like this is a weather scenario which probably affects a lot of you guys."