
Hydrology Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Earth is the only planet we know of so far to have large bodies of liquid water on its surface covering more than 70 percent of the planet."
"Not only did the people of mesoamerica clearly figure out how to create or derive liquid mercury from Mercury or they also knew of deep underground water systems and lakes that could be accessed through caves."
"Titan: Described as a 'planet-like' moon with rivers, lakes, and seas."
"The water cycle is much more complicated than you think."
"When there's this much water around, and I can see that there is underground Springs feeding it, then there's no reason not to dig for water."
"Getting you've got the ecology you've got the hydrology and also you've got some specific stuff in there too."
"At the end of this exercise, you will learn how to derive the river network and the corresponding catchment area."
"We managed to derive the catchment area as well as the river network which corresponds to this particular outlet."
"Hydrology is pretty interesting and the vast majority of Woodland streams are going to be what we call intermittent streams."
"This work can rapidly restore the hydrology of watersheds."
"Every time it rains, just with that little structure there, you're starting to kick start the hydrology."
"Effective rainfall is what can be infiltrated, moved, and stored in the soil."
"When discharge increases, the width, depth, and flow velocity increase predictably."
"Doing a rainfall runoff model with a 200 meter by 200 meter grid is not going to mean anything."
"Flood deposits are great aquifers."
"The hydrologic cycle is being amplified, which means more volatility and your baseline expectation of commodities."
"By regenerating landscapes, can we actually start restoring these hydrological dynamics?"
"Water is always moving all around the Earth, there's something called the water cycle."
"We will size the proposed detention Pond, select an outlet control structure, and size that structure so that we can be sure that we're hitting the predevelopment requirement."
"The difference between continuous and single event models... is something to really dial into your brain."
"Glaciers kind of bridge the gap between two different cycles: the hydrologic cycle and the rock cycle."
"And we now have evidence that there were multiple lakes, and we have good evidence that that lake drained catastrophically."
"All of the water on Earth is in constant motion, largely driven by the heat of the sun."
"Looking at groundwater changes or depletion, you can look at hydrologic drought."
"Python is a really useful tool for hydrologists, and the capabilities of Python are constantly expanding."
"Water that was previously stored as ice is going to flow into the ocean."
"Nature has really driven the hydrological cooling of the planet by these latent heat fluxes."
"Water is just the key process that naturally drives the hydrology, drives the heat dynamics of this planet."
"Streams and rivers transport rainwater from regions of higher altitude to the ocean, containing their own unique fauna and also acting as migratory paths for animals such as salmon."
"The water cycle is very important and it's foundational to life on Earth."
"Louisa explained that when the meteorite hit Caranas, the shock wave caused the groundwater to heat up and vaporize."
"Water is gonna flow perpendicular away from a contour line."
"The purpose was twofold: to understand their water resources better and the discovery of new species."
"The water table location and the soil type identified by an expert helps us out a lot if we are the contractor."
"It is estimated that 50,000 cubic kilometers of fresh water exists in the atmosphere in the form of water vapor, that is about six times the water of all the rivers on Earth."
"We call this boundary between fast and slow water a seam, and it's often visible on the surface."
"Fractures often serve as a major conduit for the movement of water and also for the dissolved chemicals in the water."
"Groundwater will always follow the easiest path to the surface."
"On a global scale, the water cycle is a closed system; no new water is created or destroyed."
"Over 100 million tons of water fall on the Earth's surface every minute."
"In interglacial periods where ice is melting from glaciers, we get rising meltwater from ice into rivers and then into seas, which usually leads to a rise in sea level."
"If you have clouds, you got to have rain, and if you have rain, you have liquids."
"Welcome to the JBA Trust demonstration flume; this bit of kit is designed to show how rivers behave, particularly how rivers behave in flood and when we have culverts and bridges and other obstructions in the river."
"The essence of hydrology is trying to get the rainfall data and then use the rainfall data in order to predict what's going to happen in a watershed."
"A drainage basin is an area drained by the main river and its tributaries."
"Confluence is where two streams or a stream and a main river join."
"Percolation is the movement of water from the soil into the saturated rocks."
"A permanent river flows throughout the year."
"The hydraulic conductivity is the characteristic that actually describes how easily liquid moves through the soil."
"The water content is fully saturated meaning all of the voids are full of water at the water table and below."
"During a rainfall event, the precipitation is very often going to exceed the soil capacity to absorb water."
"The water moves down through the biggest pores first."
"The infiltration rate right now is 1.61 centimeters per hour."
"The Green-Ampt method is doing some of the things we know are physically true."
"The Green-Ampt equation... tries to identify for a certain rainfall intensity how long it takes for that ponding to actually occur."
"The oceans have over 97% of the water on Earth."
"Soil biota affects structure. Structure developed by critters affects soil hydrologic function."
"The hydrological cycle on Titan is interesting to study in its own right."
"A hydrograph is a figure that illustrates the runoff from a watershed in response to a storm."
"A steep slope leads to a higher peak, and the peak is sooner than with the gentler slope."
"The velocity as it travels over the surface is going to be higher for a steep slope."
"Surface that is smooth is going to tend towards a higher peak and a sooner peak."
"Good luck drawing your own flow nets."
"The driving force that causes the water to go towards the well is this piezometric surface that's decreasing."
"What you ought to get is the hydraulic conductivity of 3.8 times 10 to the minus 3 meters per second."
"They're relatively easy to conduct and they can give reasonable values of the transmissivity of an aquifer."
"Think of water cycling around our planet in a similar way; moving water runs."
"This is the Continental Divide, so everything on that side flows Pacific and everything on that side flows Atlantic."
"The very blood that flows in our veins is equally important to our existence as the fluid flow involved in the hydrologic cycle of evaporation, precipitation, infiltration, and surface runoff."
"In the construction of road embankment, due to the high water level, pore water pressure exists."
"That's the Continental Divide. On this side, all the rivers run down into the Atlantic Ocean, and on the far side of that ridge, they all run towards the Pacific Ocean."
"An atmospheric river can transport the equivalent of about ten times the discharge of liquid water from the Mississippi River."