
Therapeutic Activity Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"On the worst days, I can always come back to painting and make it better."
"Moving your body is therapeutic for your health."
"You know when I got back to the fundamentals understood the importance I started sleeping better eating a little better exercising regularly all of a sudden I was performing much much better at work and became more successful as a result."
"Plant a garden I think I see food issues coming forward and besides it's very recuperative and therapeutic to plant and grow things and tend living things."
"Painting is a really therapeutic process for me."
"I believe creativity is very good and healing for the mind and soul."
"I think there can be something therapeutic about making videos."
"This whole process clears your mind, it's very therapeutic."
"I love dancing... it's been my therapy since a kid."
"It's therapeutic to me, you know? Like I need to do something so I'm not stuck in my thoughts too much."
"Exercise is a therapeutic way to release pent-up energy and emotions."
"I've always found it super calming and really therapeutic."
"Minecraft is a pretty therapeutic game for me to play."
"Our gardens are a therapeutic place, a peaceful escape."
"It was the most cathartic thing I've ever done."
"The best part about redecor is its relaxing properties and infinite opportunities to enhance your creative spirit."
"I think boxing helps save my life in many ways."
"I do it for free without a fee, I do it for free 'cause it's soothing, therapeutic."
"Songwriting is cathartic and therapeutic for me, so I pull from pain."
"I might do this again someday because it was a lot of fun again weirdly therapeutic at one point why I have no clue."
"It's kind of therapeutic, a very nice, and it kind of helped me deal with the whole fact that I kind of hyper focus on the fact that I need everything to be perfect."
"Friday Night Funkin' is like therapy but better."
"I find cleaning sort of therapeutic there's nothing I keep cleaner than my kitchen honestly."
"Soap making is art, soap making is therapy, soap making is a way to be creative."
"Making the videos helps, it makes me feel better, it makes me feel productive."
"I just find it fun. It helps a lot with anxiety as well because it's all about just like looking at things neutrally."
"It is therapeutic when you can take a mess and turn it into something cute."
"I find it so therapeutic and just a lovely way of bringing these gorgeous blooms inside."
"Basketball sort of brought me back to being whole again a little bit."
"Therapeutic writing... it was like something was speaking to me through that."
"The reason why I don't do it digitally is because, you know, I find it really therapeutic to write things out. I honestly love writing with my fountain pen."
"Journaling is important, it unleashes something, it's kind of like therapy."
"Welcome back to the vods channel today we're playing some unpacking. It's a nice calm little game about taking stuff out of boxes and putting it in a house. Honestly very therapeutic."
"Read every day; it's therapeutic and stimulates the mind."
"This esports thing has been real therapy for me, my happy place during this extensive lockdown period."
"Now we just plug in star core after star core. I find this very therapeutic by the way, it's really nice to uh, to do this."
"Actually, masking is very therapeutic. (Ro: It is~ Yeah.)"
"Singing became a healing thing. It was a way for me to heal."
"Cleaning is real medicine for my soul because it's such a powerfully positive thing for your mental health."
"The water is great because it is an activity where he can get out of his chair and not put pressure on his joints."
"One thing I love about doing projects like this is I love painting. I feel like it's so therapeutic as somebody who has struggled with anxiety painting usually helps me feel more relaxed."
"The whole therapeutic felting process is so much fun. I feel like everybody would like it."
"It's like part therapy session and part singing lesson, that's good."
"Having something like this to occupy your hands... is very therapeutic."
"You get into a rhythm and it goes by pretty quickly, very therapeutic."
"For some people, their garage is their sanctuary; it's where they come out and get some therapy by wiping down their car, ceramic coating, whatever it is."
"That's a great thing about a garden, you know. It's great for you mentally."
"There's something intrinsically therapeutic and healing just about that."
"Knitting is so therapeutic because there is a rhythm and a motion to it."
"It's therapeutic for me to film it."
"Knitting is... it's kind of solace, comfort, joy; it's what I can do if I do nothing else."
"Cleaning can be a form of therapy for some people."
"I enjoy fussy cutting. It doesn't take too long, it doesn't have to be perfect at all, and it's a little therapeutic."
"I love doing water changes, it's like therapy."
"There's something therapeutic about organizing and alphabetizing books all day in quiet."
"There's something about cleaning the pool, it's so therapeutic or something."
"It's probably the most therapeutic part of the modeling process, in my opinion."
"It feels like therapy; I feel so comfortable filming those videos."
"Grilling or preparing my own food... it's very cathartic."
"You can create some wonderful atmospheric effects."
"It's more than just satisfying; it's like healing in a way."
"For me, organizing is very therapeutic."
"Cancer is a hard journey and I know so many people use coloring as a form of therapy to get through hard times like this."
"Spending time making music was the perfect remedy."
"It was therapy, it was like an angry walk."
"It's therapy through horseback riding."
"It's therapeutic, it's cathartic, and I highly recommend it."
"I just power washed my house today, which was really therapeutic and fun."
"This is incredibly therapeutic; I love it and it's really relaxing for me to assemble these boxes together."
"I actually really enjoy cooking... it's kind of therapeutic."
"Running being an anchor in life to really help and support me through some difficult times."
"It's really very therapeutic to do this by the way, I love it."
"The chaos of this puzzle project is potentially one of the most therapeutic pieces of work that I've ever done."
"It's almost quite therapeutic and good for mental health to be able to do a Lego set."
"Keep making music, it's like my therapy."
"I really love packaging orders; it is very therapeutic."
"I love to watercolor nature because it's so forgiving."
"It's very therapeutic, don't you find, like making little teeny branches?"
"This is so therapeutic, 10 out of 10 recommend it."
"I'm very happy with it actually, it's very therapeutic."
"Creating a space like this and giving your own artistic impressions is such a therapeutic way to actually bring plants into your life."
"Beading... it's slow, it's meditative, it forces you to be in the moment. It's so good for us."
"There's no better therapy than clay to me."
"2020 was such a crazy year and so many aspects of my life felt like I couldn't really control them, but my workouts and like putting my energy into a physical thing was so healthy for me."
"The mood she evoked of how important knitting is to us every day, especially through the past couple of years, when we have the time, it really feels like something we can do for ourselves."
"There is something always very therapeutic to me about certain paint and tasks."
"Stitching has always brought me such calm and peacefulness."
"Adding the dried flowers on these nails were so soothing."
"It felt so good to get lost in an audiobook and just clean; it was amazing and very therapeutic."
"It's quite therapeutic, I don't know why. I just find it really therapeutic and really satisfying."
"I actually love mowing my grass; it's very therapeutic."