
Idleness Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas, man."
"People say nothing is impossible but I can do nothing every day."
"Idle hands are the plaything of the devil. If your children are busy, they're most likely not gonna be getting up to rubbish."
"Hate is easy if you have nothing to do."
"A tractor stops eating when you park it."
"We just be on the block and bullshitting."
"I don't have really anything going on today, to be honest."
"Idleness among the hands is a nasty thing."
"The devil finds work for idle hands."
"You got too much time on your hands."
"I recall sitting on the toilet simply zoning out for what seemed like quite a while."
"I think that sitting around doing nothing is not good, you know?"
"Idleness... endless hours on computer games... just chilling hanging foolish talk... all these kinds of things that young men preoccupy themselves with."
"Sitting around twiddling your thumbs and being idle is not good because it puts you in a fearful state and then it causes you to doubt and question yourself."
"And I realize I'm not doing anything."
"How do you survive this heat? He don't work. It's very hot."
"Doing nothing is the best course of action."
"You have too much time on your hands."
"Sometimes it's okay to do nothing."
"The idle mind can be one of the most dangerous things possible."
"It seems to me that sitting here doing, if you're pardon my French, squat."
"I don't really need to do much right now."
"No: I am not tired. I have a curious constitution. I never remember feeling tired by work, though idleness exhausts me completely."
"...most men don't need idle time bro we don't need idle time."
"You're immortal?" "No." "What would you do?" "Nothing. Nothing all day."
"I'm bored like I don't have anything to do, not bored like a chalkboard. Learn to spell-check."
"Not doing anything all day is worse than actually doing some work."
"Don't nothing come to a dreamer but sleep."
"Hanging out in front of liquor stores."
"Doing nothing is actually really good for creativity."
"We literally laid around and did absolutely nothing today."
"I just want to sit at home and do nothing, dude, so real for that."
"Idol hands are a devil's workshop."
"I'm extremely excited and I'm celebrating doing what I do best, nothing."
"We're not gonna sit here and jack off all day."
"I mean I can't stress enough how little I'm doing right now because you do not."
"Idle mind is the devil's playground."
"The day almost itself professes yours, and little is to do."
"When you're younger, I feel like doing nothing was just like, 'Yeah, I'm doing nothing with you. You're the person I'm choosing to do nothing with, so that's the person that I love.'"
"Stay busy during the isolation season because Idle Hands are the devil's workshop."
"He's making a million a year for the most part, especially in the last couple of years, to sit at home and do absolutely nothing."
"Idle hands are the devil's playground."
"Sometimes sitting and doing nothing is the right answer."
"The idle mind is the devil's workshop."
"Person with nothing to do wants to do nothing with you."
"He was doing absolutely nothing at that moment."
"Idle Hands are the devil's workshop. Idol lips are his mouthpiece. Idol staying still."
"Of course, you would watch a movie about Hoffman sitting in a corner doing nothing."
"I'm not lazy. I'm idle because I think too much so I have to do something to get out of my head."
"Listen I am programmed to lie in bed call it Destiny call it what you like I call it sheer undiluted disgusting bone idleness."
"It might have been too early for him to sleep, but he had nothing to do."
"It's very important that I have this money because I don't have anything to do."
"Justin Hammer had a little too much time."
"Be less productive, some of my best ideas came around when I was sitting around bored doing nothing."
"Now here's an idea: just sit there and do absolutely nothing but relax for a little while. Isn't that better?"
"Sometimes doin' nothing is such a busy thing."
"I had nothing to do after I left you yesterday."
"A few young men wearing bright blue badges in their coats stood idle in the vestibule."
"Why stand you here all the day idle?"
"There is nothing more dangerous than a person with nothing better to do with their time."
"An idle mind is a devil's workshop."
"An empty mind is the devil's workshop."
"The devil makes work for idle hands."
"Idle hands always end up stuck in an empty tube of Pringles."
"An idle mind is still the devil's workshop."
"She wasn't accustomed to being idle, but with that idleness came self-reflection and a deeper understanding of who she was."
"The idle mind is a devil's playground."
"Idleness too long continued, is as deadening to spirit as it is disabling to the body."
"I never remember feeling tired by work, though idleness exhausts me completely."
"An Idle Man, they say, is a devil's workshop."
"Idle hands is the devil's brother."
"Dolce far niente, the sweetness of doing nothing."
"What's the point of the day? People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day."
"Idle hands are tools of the devil."
"Empty mind is the devil's workshop."