
Political Popularity Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"We don't know the result yet, but what we do know is that Donald Trump is far more popular than conventional wisdom thought he was."
"Trump is surging in popularity with literally every single category of voter in a way he simply never has before."
"My poll numbers are much higher now than they were three months ago."
"Why do people like him so much? It's precisely because DC hates him."
"Bernie is the most popular office holder in the country."
"His popularity hasn't been dented by the pandemic when it clearly should have done."
"The President just raised a whopping $125 million, a new poll having the President climbing to a year-long high."
"Popularity for Justin Trudeau is at an all-time low."
"One aspect that's oftentimes not talked about in Turkey is that Erdogan is more popular than American presidents."
"Kamala Harris is more popular than Biden among women, young people, and very importantly amongst black voters."
"He's an incredibly good candidate... you don't get to do that unless you're pretty popular."
"What is really interesting here is that all the things that Biden has done from the American Rescue Plan to the guns bill to the inflation reduction act are incredibly popular."
"There's a reason why figures like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama... are way more popular than their politics."
"While Modi still remains popular, the negative reactions seem to have given his government pause."
"Trump remains the most popular figure in the Republican party."
"Let's spend a minute on Christy Gnome because she is very, very popular."
"Trump's popularity is soaring to unprecedented Heights. It's a testament to a man and a movement that is very much alive."
"It's amazing how popular he is though isn't it? And the more that he insults people and makes a semi-sad or something the more successful he gets because people are tired of the way things have gone."
"Amlo is one of the world's most popular leaders and has consistently been so since he came to power."
"Putin is still a very popular leader because he has improved the standards of living, prosperity."
"The person who has been under the most sustained attack from a viciously right-wing press but managed to retain a large degree of popularity in the United States is Bernie Sanders."
"Trump approval rating up, support for impeachment down, support for president in Iowa up."
"He is popular enough within the party that it probably doesn't matter that he kind of has this reputation."
"Joe Biden enjoying numbers similar to Obama in 2008."
"That's right, a reformist former President Castro was gaining popularity there."
"Bernie Sanders has the highest favorability ratings in the country."
"He is apparently much more popular amongst those who haven't finished college than Ron DeSantis is."
"Putin has now lost most of the popularity he ever had and he is already I think ruling by fear."
"The American family's plan that came out today 60 support from the American public that's that's almost like 20 more than Joe Biden got when he won the presidency."
"Trump right now is actually winning... Trump's approval is all the way back up to about Barack Obama's approval at the time."
"The reality is, Biden is more liked than Hillary."
"Macron is France's most popular president in 20 years."
"Joe Biden's approval rating is way higher than where Hillary was four years ago."
"Donald Trump just became the most popular Republican candidate."
"Trump seems to get more popular every time he gets attacked by people."
"Joe Biden has seen one of the most rapid increases in approval rating."
"Unemployment benefit is very popular with voters 81% popular with voters this is of course benefit is a state of benefit given to everyone who is able to work but cannot find employment."
"If you want to talk about people on the left that are considered cool by a lot of the young, it's like Bernie Sanders."
"If the popular thing had been done, it would show everywhere." - Senator-elect Victor Umay
"The president's view and our view is that his agenda is one that is broadly popular in the country among many progressives but also among many moderates and frankly many republicans."
"Trump has to be at number one, I mean, he's up in every single poll."
"He enjoys very high popularity, and that's for a reason. The reason is he's doing a good job."
"Jason Kenney has the lowest support of any premier in the country at 31 percent. That doesn't bode well."
"The mainstream media polls are even admitting that Donald Trump has enjoyed a 5% bump in popularity since the impeachment hearings began."
"President Biden wins out in his approval ratings in his first 100 days compared to Trump."
"Bernie Sanders has won the highest favorability ratings of any politician."
"Almost every proposal that Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have polls incredibly well."
"The provisions are so popular. I'm not just talking about Build Back Better. This happens in almost every vote."
"When you look at it from that perspective, yeah, Kamala Harris literally the most unpopular vice president ever in American history."
"...his popularity and legitimacy meant he could not easily be deposed for fear of a public backlash."
"The problem with Corbyn was all of the things he wanted to do were popular things, and his record as a politician was of pursuing popular and more importantly, humane policies for his whole career."