
Scenes Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"I don't care if they're good or bad, I love those post-credit scenes."
"These scenes are really great, you're able to capture so much detail with the minifigs."
"When I think about this year's superhero movies, my mind flashes to that forest scene."
"What was the your favorite scene from like because Bronx I mean that's my one of my favorite movies what was your favorite scene."
"Every scene in your favorite movie is a good scene."
"That scene in the knife store is just so cool."
"One of the most memorable scenes of all time."
"I love the scenes when they wouldn't you the lives reset those shots are so cool."
"It's full of astonishing visuals, there are some great scenes, and you've got Michael Fassbender stealing the whole thing."
"Scene collections are like having separate closets for separate occasions."
"The scenes' performances are always paramount; that's why his films succeed."
"Some of the known scenes cut from the film include the full Live Aid set, more backstory into Freddie's life before being part of the band."
"Movies that do that anything has to be like overblown and dramatic when in fact things happen very slowly and quietly it's quite such a better scene here."
"Anakin getting really angry at the slaver is a pretty cool scene."
"It's the best scene in any action flick."
"My favorite two other scenes are the one Ralph mentioned when he says, 'Show you know,' and all of a sudden everything he's learning comes together."
"We thought we'd take a look back at some of our very favorite dinosaur scenes."
"Interesting parallel between Emma and Viseris in the bath scene."
"And it was through such a series of thought processes, that I arrived at these two scenes."
"Why could it be that two similar scenes depicting a natural environment feel distinctly different from one another?"
"The extent that they had to go to to make a lot of these scenes work."
"I'd have loved more scenes of Jack Gleeson as Joffrey because it's so damn compelling."
"Everything Loki, every scene with Loki, I loved."
"The opening battle in Shenandoah is the same battle scene used in 1957's Raintree County and it was also used in 1962's How the West Was Won."
"We could go on forever about specific scenes like Wall-E and Eve flying through space together or Eve reviving Wall-E after he’s nearly crushed."
"Every scene is memorable for one reason or another."
"You have all those iconic scenes."
"People like the individual scenes where he was explaining what he was doing it was enough anyway to make it all feel like it mattered."
"Those scenes of Daniel and his first love, going after the girl, those are very sweet, organic, real kind of scenes of every boy growing up."
"In the first few scenes, after 9 meets 2, both the other ragdoll and the talisman are stolen by one of the few surviving machines called the Cat Beast."
"It is, it is obviously Hackman and Hackman form a frame in those last scenes with him and Hackman, and yeah, with Clint Eastwood intact."
"It's full of individual scenes that kind of resemble the growth and joy of childhood and the nostalgia at the same time."
"That was by far the most powerful scene in this movie so far."
"Yes, it was worth the wait especially when I heard that Tai Kubo was going to be adding scenes into the anime that he couldn't in the manga."
"Oh, I'm excited for the flying scenes. They're gonna be so much better, aren't they?"
"...the scenes involving the donkeys are quite possibly some of the most horrifying moments in any animated family film."
"Initially, I set out to pick and talk about the best scene in the finale, but after re-watching the finale, I don't think that's very realistic because there are so many great scenes."
"It's a very high concept overarching structure that can then be broken down into beats and scenes."
"I love every single scene in the sanitarium with Loomis and the child Michael Myers."
"Explosive scenes catch people's eyes and tend to talk about them but many of our smaller scenes brushing teeth eating watching TV like those those can be harder to get real and to be allowed to be small enough and build the texture of that relationship."
"There are scenes in this that are as disturbing as anything that I've read or seen anywhere."
"Not sure how a three-hour movie that only has like 10 scenes total feels like a tight 90 every time I watch it"
"There are some scenes where it's very much present and I thought it was really creepy and effective obviously this is a part one they are going to be continuing this story so some aspects of that plot are left dangling obviously for the next film."
"There are three large set pieces in Tenet: the Oslo Freeport scene, the Talon Highway car chase scene, and the Stars 12 battle where multiple people are moving forward and backwards through time."
"One of the finest scenes takes place at a gladiator's training school."
"This is one of the best scenes in cinema ever."
"I think if they were to like break it by scene like okay this is a goofy fun scene and this is a serious scene that'd be great."
"All their scenes together were really good. I think the leads had really good chemistry."
"That scene in the movie I'm not gonna give too much detail but where you actually see it's almost like a reality TV show."
"I did really enjoy these smutty-ish scenes."
"There are some good scenes in this movie, especially when they all first got their powers."
"Martin gets a lot of the best gags and more scenes to really have fun with the character."
"It's great at making tension feel real with each scene."
"Some of the best scenes in this movie are the conversations."
"I love all the scenes when people are tempted by it."
"Recreating the scenes was really cool."
"Don't write to the edge when you're writing scenes."
"we're gonna find that spot though yeah because I thought there was only two scenes from True Romance in Detroit"
"After all the love scenes you've written... Love scenes, oh Greg, you chump!"
"Every single scene that I saw was done with intention, a lot of people might say like oh man but you know that's the basics of filmmaking, it's hard to do that when you're working with over 200 certain different shots in a film it's very hard very hard."
"One of the many moments that impressed me with the base module here was rapid gunfire and let's say two-thirds of the scenes in any one of the Transformers movies."
"That is just one of the best scenes in any movie ever, right?"
"New subgenres and scenes were emerging."
"Some of the most epic scenes we have ever seen in mountain bike history in 2022."
"It's just like if you take the UK cafeteria carrot [ __ ] lesson scene from Fast Times but try to make a serious sex scene out of it."
"Absolutely insane scenes here at the 2023 Poker Masters."
"This movie is good, guys, like there are no bad scenes so far."
"Even during wholesome scenes, I couldn't really feel too happy."
"I just love the way that the simple marks kind of bring these scenes to life."
"Wow I still love this scene same park in his true form and knowing it's him for the first time came to see puck do away with the cult and one of its leaders sooo easily"
"All in all, amazing movie, amazing death scenes."
"Every second has something insane happening or just a really good scene in general."
"The scenes they had together were some of my favorite like parental child scenes I've ever seen in fiction I thought those scenes were so well done."
"'When the scene feels more natural... people like to have that, be like, 'Oh, it is real.'"
"I've seen those clips several times and honestly like those are just a couple of the best scenes I've seen of anything."
"...the opening scene in the cemetery is one of my favorite scenes in the entire franchise. I'm just a sucker for Cemetery scenes and horror movies in general."
"Looking at scenes that don't simply deal with external and internal stakes, but deal with the philosophical stakes in your story."
"Every moment had like a jaw-dropping scene."
"this base is laying this all out now gives me something that I can work with no matter what scene I want"
"She did some of the scenes that people said were hot stuff with her tongue and her cheek."
"It's one of those movies that wears you down because he, and it's why it's rewatchable. It's, oh [__] alright, he's at the Country Club, I'll just watch the scene."
"Every scene should matter especially the ones that don't."
"The opening skydiving scene is awesome."
"Every single scene had some sort of dark or depressing or haunting thing."
"There are key scenes in the film that capture a crucial sense of humanity."
"Some of those scenes that seemed indispensable really meant nothing."
"Manipulating scenes with people can enhance the visual interest."
"I love this being in scenes with actors and finding those moments."
"The cinematography in this movie was outstanding, every single shot was done so well."
"It's shocking... some of the scenes are really shocking."
"Join me for the rest of this series where we'll delve deeper into writing great scenes."
"it's nice to see animals actually acting like animals and not murdering each other for the sheer fun of it not every scene needs to be a battle to the death"
"I think it's always fun the scenes when we're all together are completely just chaotic."
"Every scene I felt like had a moment where like 'oh that's Indiana Jones, that's like an iconic scene.'"
"...how badass would it have been to experience that firefighter scene for the first time in theaters..."
"That's maybe the most infamous scene from this movie."
"He spent most of his time on set sleeping as he had no scenes outside."
"Some good horrific scenes in this season."
"The bar fight scene is, you know, probably top five scenes so far of the whole show."
"There's this nice little in the rain scene where loose and Amity go dancing in the rain while everybody else just seems to be having a good time."
"WOW crazy scenes here if you take a look at the replay."
"The scene is always about the event."
"The song just felt like a straight up dream where it's multiple different scenes."
"I'm a sucker about stuff like that, if there's an emotional scene or something, I'll be tearing up and crying the whole way."
"Dusk brings such a mood to these scenes."
"I felt like every scene had something significant happening in every single scene."
"As well as creating automations, you can also create scenes which basically allow you to turn multiple devices all on at the same time."
"I've become known to do lots of scenes in my spreads because it's just something I love doing."
"When the scenes all come together in the movies, they look absolutely amazing."
"It was well done, again not like a cohesive story but just like a lot of good scenes all together, so enjoyable."
"Drama is about scenes, and a scene is a place and time in which there is conflict."
"So now we just made our first scene in Unreal Engine."
"I feel like there's certain scenes in this that can hit home."
"It's really fantastic, there are a lot of different little vignettes happening."
"Shows are a combination of multiple types of scenes."
"Every time a train pops into view and disappears again, it's effectively another scene."
"Having this in the collection will always be a reminder of the great scenes."
"I truly believe that it's one of my favorite literary scenes I have ever read in my life."
"It was the most sweetest scene in the entire world."
"I'm so glad to go to the very end, the post-credits scene."
"I like that I can use this for a variety of different scenes."
"It transitions just seamlessly between scenes; I think it's magical."
"Cassandra Clare writes the best romantic scenes."
"There were scenes that were absolutely beautiful."
"We were laughing during the scenes."
"It was just amazing because rarely do we see scenes like that."
"I love doing different motifs, I love doing a big scene."
"We just basically rounded out two completely different scenes with different feels in just a matter of minutes."
"I love the bread and butterflies. I love all of the golden afternoon like the garden scenes, especially when she's very small. That's my favorite part of the whole movie."
"There are definitely scenes in here that I think enhance the story."
"The flower scene... that was my favorite."
"This scene is one of my favorite scenes ever."
"I feel very strongly about the library scene because that library scene is what got me hooked on to Anthony and Kate."
"These incredible scenes guarantee to live long in the memory."
"There's some beautiful writing and some beautiful scenes."
"The transition of the outdoor scene to this indoor scene was really cool."
"These are like little Christmas scenes; this one is to die for, look at that."
"I love that scene; it's just so happy."
"It brings a new level of feels to each scene."
"It's a movie with some great scenes and a brilliant score."
"This scene is definitely one of my favorites from both movies."
"I think that's quite a fun scene."
"You are in every scene that I've ever imagined."
"I really love how that scene was done, and it really got me nostalgia."