
Military Defense Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"The soldiers of Azov Battalion are principally fighting a defensive war against a foreign Invader."
"We will not spare our forces or our lives in erecting a steel wall in defence of the Motherland and in defence of its sacred capital, Moscow."
"Another example: two Russian tanks were stopped by Ukrainian Warriors."
"There's no intention of the U.S. fighting Russian troops. He described this as a defensive move on NATO territory."
"Ferdinand the First bravely and successfully defended the gate of Central Europe."
"We will defend every inch of NATO territory with the full force of our collective power."
"I'm confident Harke is going to hold, but the Russians are going to continue this campaign of terror."
"The Ukrainian Army effectively thwarted a massive airstrike against Kiev."
"The Ukrainians are still valiantly holding the city."
"In the summer of 1940, a small group of young men and their aircraft were all that seemed to stand between the British people and invasion by the Nazi war machine."
"The Hurricane shouldered the lion's share of Britain's defense during the Battle of Britain."
"The balance of power is evening out, which is good for the defenders."
"Air defense is a must because it has the potential to greatly reduce the effectiveness of Putin's terror bombardment tactics."
"It does start to look as if this whole Ukrainian defense line west of Deva is collapsing now..."
"We've defended Karelia, kind of ambushed a supply convoy."
"These massive defenses that the Ukrainians built up around Donetsk City... seem to be breaking."
"Even a very small number of defensive fighters, perhaps as few as a four-ship flight, could have a disproportionate impact countering even a multi-squadron attack."
"Alfred the Great’s successful defence of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms against Norse conquerors eventually gave birth to a unified Kingdom of England."
"The tail Gunners were the Bombers' first line of defense."
"Russian air defense facilities intercepted 176 high mass projectiles."
"Ukrainian air defense successfully shot down all of the 18 Russian missiles targeting Ukraine overnight including six kinzo ballistic missiles."
"These Tesla farms have been able to fry a lot of attacking armies."
"The Siege of Constantinople effectively prevented Muslim expansion into Europe."
"We're helping a free people to defend themselves." - Boris Johnson on supporting Ukraine's defense.
"We are committed to defend Taiwan against Chinese aggression as we should be."
"The in-law's guidance system isn't susceptible to most decoys and soft kill countermeasures."
"The Ukrainian defense line along the railways proved to be a formidable obstacle."
"Despite Russian attempts to seize it with tanks artillery drones and cyber attacks Ukrainian forces have managed to hold their ground."
"The British soldiers and the question is are they gonna be enough to stop the French breaking through the line."
"Ukrainian forces are putting up an impressive defense and dealing significant damage to the Russian army."
"Every democracy has a standing military... We're fighting for democracy, god damn it!"
"The Ukrainian forces repel Russian attempts."
"The Ukrainian armed forces are putting up a brave fight to reclaim their homeland from the occupying forces."
"Wouldn't It generally be considered worth the cost to protection and speed for the trade-off to have that protection on your six in case of that contingency even with the treaty restrictions?"
"The survival of the Ukrainian air defenses will have a tremendous impact on the rest of the war."
"They shall not pass, the famous sentence spoken during the Battle of Verdun."
"The densest air defense network in the world."
"Ukrainian troops bravely defended their positions, repelling enemy attacks and demonstrating their unwavering commitment to protecting their homeland."
"The best response to Russian missile terror is the supply of anti-aircraft and anti-missile systems to Ukraine. This will protect our cities and our people. This will protect the future of Europe."
"The operation sends a clear message to Russia that Ukraine is ready to defend its sovereignty with fervor and military prowess."
"At the end of World War Two, the United States feared being attacked by Russia. There weren't any radar sites in the Arctic so missiles or Russian planes could fly over the north and attack."
"Buford's 2,200 dismounted cavalrymen were fighting a gallant holding action against superior numbers."
"Standing off you know what 1425 men holding off nearly 5000 for close to three hours you know that to me is significant."
"They will never forget anyone who has defended the skies over a free Ukraine."
"They stood firm and repelled the enemy with disciplined musket fire and bayonet charges."
"...let's stop insulting the Navy as if they're a bunch of cowards who hung Marine Corps out to dry; it's simply not historically accurate."
"This our country and all its people could be in danger of nuclear attack in minutes by enemy missiles, in hours by enemy aircraft."
"Military is the shield democracy requires to survive."
"With every missile attacked by Russians, the effectiveness of Ukrainian air defense system only increases."
"Ukrainian forces remain entrenched, holding the line against daily assaults."
"The Armata might be one of the most protected main battle tanks in the world currently."
"No you won't," Buford said, "You will have to fight like the devil until support arrives."
"The mountainous terrain of central Cameroon proved highly defensible, letting the Germans hold back the allied forces for more than a year, repelling assault after assault on the provisional capital of Yaoundé."
"After blowing up the Causeway behind them, the defenders began to establish positions across Singapore, concluding the fall of Malaya at long last."
"The formation worked as long as its front ranks maintained their cohesion, working together and creating a wall of spearheads almost impenetrable by a direct assault."
"With few trained combat troops among them, Yokoyama knew that this was going to be a desperate defensive operation until reinforcements arrived, even going so far as to issue an edict that prohibited retreating."
"All those guns firing simultaneously, it was pretty good defensive firepower."
"The American warriors, battered and stretched to their limits, dug in their heels to defend the frozen town and safeguard the civilians caught in the crossfire."
"Troops occupying ground must be supported against counter-attack and all gains held."
"China's military strategy is defensive, focused around either defending the homeland or defending contested sovereignty."
"This is our land, this is our right, we must have a strong military to protect it."
"From now on, I will never again grumble about digging breastworks; if it had not been for them, many of us would not be here now."