
Situational Analysis Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"In meeting the situation consider that given by him who said that the children of this world are wiser than the children of light."
"It's the totality of the circumstances, it's the entire event, what's going on, what are we accomplishing."
"Listen to what Jesus is saying here. Look at the scene as it plays out and think: What is happening here right now?"
"When looking at the entire situation like a puzzle, the pieces fit."
"If the situation was hopeless, that propaganda would be unnecessary."
"There can be different scenarios; let's try to understand each category by its own by some of the key points that are associated with that category."
"This person feels like they don't have control over the situation."
"Are we gonna see a move for the lead... they're being sensible biding the time that's a wide moment for the Renault does that leave the door open a bit."
"There's literally no good way that he could have responded in that situation."
"I think you fail to realize the situation you're in."
"Looking good so far, but the jury is still out."
"Intelligence is much more than that. It's actually how you're able to process information in your brain depending on the situation that you're in."
"When you're in a highly emotional situation are you going to think emotionally or logically or some combination of the two"
"Regardless of current technological limitations, what in your opinion would constitute the perfect carbine optic? There is no perfect, it is all situational and it always depends."
"I love how smart Feather is, that he was able to deduce that that was what happened."
"Always take a step, take a breath, look at the situation, size it up, trust your gut."
"Friday's damage report has been received by start and tactical analysis has determined conditions to be salty as a result of Anna."
"I think we're in a really, really great spot here."
"Forget about what I've been told, but based on the incentives and the things happening around me, what's likely to happen next?"
"Our situation is bad but it also provides a path into the future."
"What are the facts of this situation and then what can I actually control about it."
"Well, something, there's something not right about that whole thing. It doesn't make sense."
"What would Sherlock Holmes do? What would Benedict Cumberbatch do? Oh, they would just take a photo just in case it is something."
"I feel like everyone should have expected what was going on here."
"The best case scenario isn't the most likely one."
"It's not your fault, it could just be that there's not a lot of cats on this island."
"But at the moment, I think we'd have to say it probably is."
"You gotta analyze every situation that you in."
"Either two things happened: The Branch Davidians were not allowed to leave the bunker, or they didn't want to leave until it was too late."
"Trust is a huge factor in this particular situation."
"Imagine being in that situation... What a bizarre situation to be in." - Unknown
"It should have been the other way around, I think."
"From her perspective, based on what she would believe in that situation."
"It will be like the biggest circle jerk of the history of circles or jerks." - An amusing yet vivid metaphor for a confusing situation.
"Just because I speak badly about the police department doesn't mean I hate all police officers. You've got to look at it situationally."
"Choosing to cross a street, leave cover, where you'll take cover, whether you'll cross fast or slow, all of that is so much more important."
"It's gonna be one of those situations where again it's wait and see."
"I also think that we are in a very different situation than we were a year ago and there are lots of reasons to believe that we can continue making strong economic progress."
"There was no reason. There was no reason whatsoever."
"Every situation in life teaches you something."
"And yeah, that's probably part of what happened, but the story isn't quite that simple."
"It's tough to say exactly when the pot boils but it's happening."
"No amount of things that look bad can ever trump the cold hard constraints of reality."
"The reality of the situation is far more complex than this."
"I'm gonna go with the office and here's why."
"Kento's mind was a whirlwind of confusion as he tried to make sense of the situation."
"Penumbra says thinking this through like you're in the situation is the way to go, even on the rare occasion where something seems off."
"They were bothered at all, so then why didn't they move in either?"
"Now, as I said, this isn't particularly a bad thing."
"It's about understanding the underbelly of a situation, acknowledging where it's not as beautiful as we had hoped, but it has its own beauty and imperfection nonetheless."
"What's closest to our present situation? Raccoon and the engine or angry grandparent won't leave bus? Probably the second one."
"The context of these situations will determine how people react to it."
"You have to read the world, you have to read the signs, you have to read the situation."
"Those with a high emotional intelligence were able to really decipher themselves the situations."
"Every situation, as simple and as straightforward as I think it is, there's usually at least a million other ways of looking at that situation."
"Prepare your mind by reading the road, talking in every situation."
"Whatever your situation, you can learn something about yourself."
"I think dreams is actually the best of the players given the situations they were put in."
"It appears that this is a disruptive scenario."
"The context matters way too much for this problem."