
Probation Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"How is it working? Your reason to me, people are working and doing well and violate their probation, like that happens. It's not really a rare thing to violate your probation, okay?"
"They were convicted of misdemeanor neglect charges and each of them were sentenced to five years of supervised probation."
"Back for Blood is a four player co-op campaign shooter that is extremely similar to Left 4 Dead."
"That is a great question that gets to the core of how far you extend free speech, free thought."
"He's gonna have probation. How long of probation is it again? Three years."
"There are definitely things where they talk about a probation but they don't agree with that."
"The first few days of your job is a probationary period."
"Instead of getting locked up until I was 21, I got probation until I was 21. Good for that, you understand? And that was the birth of 'Oh them there, get your ass in the gym.'"
"Frankly, George, you're on probation. Your worst enemy is your own big mouth."
"Now, when I go to court on my side of the river, my J.O. say, 'I'mma lock you up because you've been getting in trouble a lot since you've been on probation'."
"The repeated violations of her probation conditions resulted in estasia being sentenced to 60 days in jail."
"Daniel lived there alone and it seemed like he had his head down and out of any hacking activity while serving his probation period."
"Probation could be a really good thing or it could be a really [ __ ] bad thing."
"But that's how you [ __ ] survive a probation, that's the only way especially when you have a [ __ ] family."
"Probation should be a springboard to success but it's creating a trapdoor to failure for many people."
"Ronnie insisted the problem Ron and Fez doctor they know they're on thin ice."
"So, if he breaks the law during that five years of probation he has to go serve his 18 months."
"You get out now and just as long as you don't violate probation, everything's fine."
"Your probation officer or your parole officer are your lifeline. They are there to help you, they're not there to try to get you back in here as fast as you can get here."
"I felt like if I still had Bob and Sarah somewhere around my life, that maybe they would be able to help me more, so when I do get off probation by the time I'm at 18, I'll be a better person."
"I wasn't really able to smoke weed until I really got out because, like I said, I was on probation and [__]."
"The closing of the door of the ark represents the close of probation."
"When a person walks out before they get a UA that's been ordered, that shows that they're dirty and you better not have any more violations of probation."
"I have every intention to fulfill my probationary terms from now until the end of it and I really appreciate the opportunity and the confidence that you're instilling in me to make the correct choices and not to let anyone down including myself."
"Why are you giving chance after chance to people that can't prove that they can pass the probationary period?"
"You're being charged with two felonies, two misdemeanors, and you still have a violation of your probation."
"There's to be regular UA and there should be regular reporting by Zoom or in person probation."
"I'm not going to lie. I'm in a good place. My last I just did my last drug test last week, so I'm done. Congratulations, friend. I'm still on probation but [ __ ]."
"The purpose of probation is to allow you tools to correct Behavior so that you don't reoffend."
"Your probationary period starts today."
"Let me prove myself first, let me shoot for 14, and put myself on a one-year probation."
"Probation is about rehabilitation."
"Enter into the narrow gate and walk in the straight path which leads to life, and continue in the path until the end of the day of probation."
"It is pretty amazing, Your Honor, to see someone go from this to that, doing perfect on probation and getting a job and holding down and becoming a productive member of society."
"The terms of the deal are for you, James, to report to your pre-prosecution service officer at the Albuquerque district attorney's office on the second Monday of every month for the next 12 months."
"Communication is key. If there is an issue, let probation know."
"In this court, to be successful on probation, communication is key."
"To be successful on probation, communication is key."
"Here's the thing in this court, to be successful on probation, communication is key."
"I would like to have probation, to change my life. I got a job, I'm trying to be a better person."
"I think she would be a great candidate for probation. I know she has a bright future."
"The key in this court to success on probation is communication."
"Everybody on probation, these the people that are probation officers, are there not to put people in prison; they're there to help people get better so that they don't go to prison."
"This whole moral probation is a trial."