
Prosthetics Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"By 2050, if these things are made, a lot of people won't feel 'broken' or 'weak' anymore because they've lost limbs or the abilities of their arms or legs."
"I could have done the same thing by spending $300 to buy an existing silicon hand."
"Six years of building my arm, and it was awesome."
"I dare you to get me a set of brand new legs."
"Welcome to Team Unlimited, where we design, print, build, and fit 3D printed hands and arms for children for free."
"Real-life filters... should be weaponizing bionic prosthetics."
"Winter’s mostly recovered as well, with prosthetics to support herself, and she is PISSED."
"We installed a bionic arm on McFly; his manipulation is now 90 percent."
"I just want to meet the person who's going to have one of these [prosthetic arms] and then I'm gonna make them punch through a wall."
"Mind control robots: the world of prosthetic limbs is driven by technology."
"Things aren't to be ashamed of. I mean what is shameful about having prosthetics? Maybe nothing, right? That's so good for us all to hear though."
"Dr. Yaakov Gradinar, together with Prosthetics for Ukrainians, is helping more and more Ukrainian Defenders learn to walk again."
"Who builds better arm for you? It's gonna be very interesting."
"We were incredibly lucky with this character because we had robert englund who's an absolute seasoned pro with prosthetics."
"This needs to be used for prosthetics. This is so cool."
"To say 'let's put on a prosthetic' means we have to turn you into us in order to watch you compete, and that's just wrong."
"She said, gesturing towards his hand, 'There's a guy walking around on false legs out there who's the reason I'm walking around at all.'"
"The oldest prosthetics date back to ancient Egypt between 2,600 and 3,400 years ago."
"Prosthetics are by no means a new invention; this is actually an ancient technology that goes back at least 3,000 years."
"It's not enough to give these people prosthetic limbs; you have to help them with the rehab so that they can strengthen the muscles and get the idea in their heads of how to even walk with the limb."
"Just by clicking play on this video, you've already helped pay for someone to get a prosthetic limb."
"Scientists have figured out how to create a working extra thumb that's controlled using wireless sensors attached to your big toe."
"Many of which have the best character designs and prosthetics in all of science fiction."
"This is the most advanced bionic hand in the world and he gets to keep it."
"...an implant specific that made for the patient that can fill in all those gaps with metal and that's sent over from France."
"Brian Stanley, a 33-year-old U.S engineer, lost one of his eyes to cancer, due to this he decided to turn his prosthetic into a functioning flashlight."
"What's the most important thing for your friends at school to know about prosthetic legs? That like, if I have a prosthetic and it's hard, like, I can do it by myself, only if I keep trying."
"The makeup and prosthetics actually impressed me."
"For all our 21st century advances in medical technology, we still haven't come up with a functioning prosthetic eye device."
"Waddles the disabled dog walks for the first time on his 3D printed prosthetic leg."
Howlin' Harriet: "Thankfully, fake toes work just as well, and once she finds the ones that Libby crafted for her, she's able to be at peace."
"What a fantastic invention these prostheses are. It's amazing what they can do. They help people live a full life."
"Optimus limbs replacing lost human limbs could ultimately be controlled with superhuman dexterity."
"It felt so weird having to do this with his robotic arm."
"Neuroprosthetic limbs add advanced brain control to robotic limbs."
"Can you imagine what must have been going through Nathan’s mind when he was first able to feel through the robotic arm?"
"'No matter whether she cut up her food, wielded tools, or buttoned her tunics, the brass remained as flexible and as sensitive as her own skin.'"
"The vampire effects and prosthetics made Jerry a frightening antagonist."
"Custom Endo Prosthetics have really opened the door to salvage almost any Anatomy that's out there that's involving bone or joint."
"This smart bionic arm has special sensors that pick up muscle activity and nerve impulses."
"It's amazing what prostheses can do. They help people live a full life."
"Maybe they can use it to build me a new hand, you can ask."
"The oldest functional prosthetic body part in the world is a big toe."
"He had like different legs, different legs that he put on for different situations, dope."
"Hanger orthopedics today is the largest maker of artificial limbs in the world."
"Prosthetic limbs have allowed him to walk again."
"Because Mosha kept growing, as elephants do, she had to get a new leg every few years."
"The combat styles, tools, and most importantly, the prosthesis are linked incredibly close to what history defines as a true ninja."
"What fantastic inventions these prostheses are! It's amazing what they can do; they help people live a full life."
"Different strokes for different folks, I loved wearing those prosthetics."
"They are so much more comfortable than the medical prosthetics that are provided."
"Prosthetic joints improve quality of life but may fail due to aseptic loosening, infection, dislocation, prosthesis or bone fracture."
"Cybernetic limbs... open the door to completely reimagining the human body as a whole."
"Hi, I'm Sami. I am the co-founder of Open Bionics."
"We make these 3D printed bionic hands for people who are born without hands and also for people who lose hands."
"The feedback we get a lot of the time is that the device feels like it's part of their body."
"I was born with a limb difference; this is my recreational arm."
"The technology of prosthetics has advanced so much in the last 20 years."
"Luckily they have Fitz who has made an amazing prosthetic hand."
"Thai people invented the polyethylene prosthetic leg."
"Also in 2008, the first prosthetic leg was printed."
"I've been in practice for about 40 years, and I primarily do removable and maxillofacial prosthetics."
"Every day when you walk in here, you sit down and you put your prosthetics on and get up and walk out, people stare at you and people look at you, and that's the right thing to lead by example."
"If this high-tech prosthetic tail works, Mr. Stubbs is going to move much better and have much less pain as he ages."
"It's also been very popular in the medical industry for prosthetics and prosthesis."
"Alien creatures in Babylon 5 truly memorable prosthetic work that still looks good today."
"Being a north of this prosthetist is very rewarding, we're basically the good guys at the end of the road."
"Everything is always different, every patient's unique, every device that we create fabricate is unique to that person."
"Prosthetics have come a long way over the last twenty years."
"The technology of prosthetic legs enables disabled people to participate in loads of different sports or daily life."
"I think if G had a prosthetic leg, he'd be fine, it would take some time but it's better than dying personally."
"Is it acceptable for us to try to build better and better prosthetics and to try to want to wire those things into their nervous system so they can be better and better controlled?"
"We are actually witnessing something that has never been done before. Is Johnny really controlling that limb simply by thinking about it with normal intuitive thought?"
"It's marvelous what we can do with artificial limbs these days."
"It was amazing just to see her stand in those prosthetics."
"That's so fire. That's a prosthetic leg in heels. I think that's so awesome."
"Prosthetics have been around for thousands of years."
"Even a simple prosthesis can improve the quality of life."
"These limbs are fantastic and this is the secret to what success."
"The Luke arm stands as a testament to the transformative power of technology."
"It serves as a beacon of hope for those living with limb loss, offering a glimpse into a future where disability and limitation are no longer insurmountable obstacles."
"The modular prosthetic limb (MPL) is often hailed as the most advanced prosthetic limb in the world."
"I hope that it becomes affordable for people to get those bionic arms and legs."
"Transplanting a complete part should give much better results than even the most advanced prosthetic technology."
"I was born without a right forearm... I received a prosthetic hand... and I started modeling with it."
"My dream is for prosthetic arms and legs to become as normal as glasses are."
"What's really exciting about this new particular design of this really award-winning resin that's utilized for picking up implant overdentures is that you can utilize it for fixed restorations."
"I have never had a temporary cylinder come loose or debond, and I do quite a few of immediate load restorations per month."
"Prosthetic limbs that can be controlled as though they were flesh and blood."
"My dream was to make a silicone prosthetic leg for my mother."
"It will be possible to begin to restore sight in certain cases of blindness by implanted visual prostheses."
"Prosthetics is the art and science of supplying artificial replacements for missing parts of the body."
"And here we have a finished prosthetic leg. Doesn't it look great?"
"Very impressed at the sheer joy they were able to get out of the frog prosthetics."