
Consumer Support Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"I just want to check how you get this hoverboard because here it will be in the wait it just says thanks for the support."
"If they're trying to convince you that you should be supporting them monetarily to show your ... to show that you value their content, I think the onus is kind of on them to show you."
"We're here to help people understand that there are alternatives."
"If we're going to see a significant change in the makeup community for higher quality products, it's important that we're supporting the brands that reflect the values that we want."
"We love user-friendly, here at Tech Talk America."
"Trap cards made the anime exciting, interesting, and showed duelists that no matter the situation, you could pull back a duel with a well-timed trap."
"They're lucky if they continue to support what they're doing now, their current, they're obviously getting out of their experimental businesses."
"Thank you to Tesla owners for making model y the world's best-selling car in q1 this year."
"If they made a good game, they deserve the money."
"This game is so sick, please pre-order the game, buy the game, demo the game at the game stops."
"If we want companies to innovate in the industry, we must be vocally supportive of the changes we want to see."
"Thank you for making an effort, actually caring about our community."
"Even the brands that aren't doing it the best, we should still financially back them."
"If you love a game, buy it at effing full price. Don't complain if a game doesn't get a sequel if it wasn't supported at launch."
"The future of media will be built on fans paying for the content they actually want to exist."
"It's in everybody's best interest if you're a person who doesn't like mobile games to support a mobile game that you feel is fair and has ethical monetization options."
"If a company truly owns up to that, they should be able to help you troubleshoot if you're not getting the claims that they're putting on that label or on their website."
"The reason that this is a consumer-driven movement, the reason that there are a lot of consumers supporting this, is because consumers are tired of getting ripped off."
"It's not about the shiny box that comes in or the marketing, it's post-sales support."
"Luckily, retailers are really trying to play ball and help you as a consumer."
"I will not go against any company who will do what they can for the fandom."
"I think supporting vegan companies like that is important because the more accessible those things are, the more I give money to those things."
"We need to convince progressive media consumers to support progressive media."
"If you enjoy something, support it; if you don't, then don't."
"I love supporting businesses that make an effort to be gluten friendly."
"Support us with your dollars, with your resources."
"We should be borrowing money right now to get money in the hands of the consumer to keep the economy afloat."
"It's nice to see them supporting it with some free DLC."
"It's worth reiterating that if you really wanted to help gamers, you would just start producing more cards for gamers."
"We bought it on our phone and watched it right there, you know, we're supporting something bigger than us."
"You show me the product exists and you will be unbanning these people and I will gladly give you more than eight dollars Elon for this service."
"The best thing you can do is support us and buy our products."
"I support the little guy and he's done a remarkable job at not only making this extremely versatile but very very affordable."
"We're doing an everyday carry one-stop shop, it's a way for you to support the society and also to make sure you don't get something crappy and knock off."
"We are for the crafter, like we are for the consumer."
"Buy this game, show Cory Barlog and his team over at Santa Monica Studio some love because gods know that they deserve it."
"Neutrogena is really great about supporting information and the education when it comes to skin and skin health."
"It's almost as if they care about the thing that they're making a great deal."
"Let's give them our money and our encouragement."
"Nintendo is quietly gonna be taking care of this problem."
"Word of mouth has helped this brand grow from zero to 1.2 billion."
"I do benefit monetarily by a few cents from your purchase if you use my links, I thank you, especially this holiday season."
"It's more important to help your fellow consumer than to help the brands."
"I reward anything that I love with my attention and money."
"I have helped thousands of consumers fix their printers with this kit."
"How can we help Indie brands with our knowledge as consumers and or people who review makeup?"
"I'm gonna say it, especially with Christmas coming up in a few months, these might be some of the stores that you wish to support."
"I love when brands do things like that, really try to help their consumer as much as they can."