
Leadership Impact Quotes

There are 169 quotes

"The world without a king like him is progressing at a very slow rate."
"Donald Trump is responsible for that. It is because of him."
"Once he walks through that dressing room door everybody else's level might only go up one two three four percent but cumulatively that the team the level that the team raises it it's massive it's absolutely massive."
"America is in a better place today than the day before Donald Trump got inaugurated."
"Americans will decide whether we lift our nation to soaring new heights or whether we will allow Joe Biden, Sleepy Joe, to shut down our economy."
"America may fall one day but it will not fall to Joe Biden."
"The only action that President Trump has inspired is a bunch of lawsuits."
"Trump presided over four years of unbelievably rapid transfer of power and wealth from the poorest to the richest."
"We shouldn't see complacency under this guy because this guy literally, I feel he's just going to change the mood, he's going to turn them into monsters."
"Leadership determines the destiny of the followers."
"We're not going to find out that if President Trump had not been president then all this would have magically been solved."
"I hate Trump and everything but now I'm kind of... figuring out my politics a little bit without him."
"Frederick's Prussia: A testament to his vision and leadership."
"There's good reason to question the great man theory of history, the idea that single individuals drove historical events."
"He brought out the worst in everybody... but he's created such a degree of transparency."
"When Republicans or outsiders like Donald Trump come in, there is this rise up of people protecting their city, protecting the state that they have built up."
"Bad policies have consequences, bad ideas have consequences, leadership, good ideas attract people who go there because one thing happens to create gators doers and creators."
"Life's good for a lot of people. They're better off now than four years ago under Trump. Trump did that."
"I've seen a change in the way we play, and most of it's because of Bruno, but the players responded to it as well."
"His tenure of that position was disastrous for the Iraqi people."
"After 8 years of this prime minister and his detrimental effect on our Democratic institutions, it's clear he's not worth the cost."
"Immaculate...set the tone...difference maker."
"Ralph Ragnick is the boss, Ragnick is your man, mate. I'm so happy about this I cannot put it into words truly how excited I am about this and I think we all should be."
"Your best players have to unite and inspire the group, otherwise they'll divide the group." - Jeff Van Gundy
"You put the wrong people in office everything that I've done or we've done as a group we have some great really tremendously talented people and everything that we've done can be undone and bad bad things can happen."
"The righteous, meaning those who do the right thing, are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, people groan."
"Elon has completely flipped the script... meeting with world leaders... putting Tesla at the Forefront... he seems happy and that goes a long way for sentiment in a stock."
"The greatest, most immediate threat is to the Democracy. We can survive four years of Biden. I don't know if we can survive four years of Trump."
"If he can stay healthy, they will go as far as he carries them."
"This job under the right leadership is still fun. Absolutely."
"Many who focus on his achievements will also point towards the fact that life expectancy rates and living standards in China increased dramatically."
"The country is in a better place now than it was before he took office."
"Nobody's done what I've done... a rebuilding of our military."
"You're about to change the whole culture here, I know the players is excited like damn we got AB around."
"Lisa Su changed everything when she became AMD's CEO."
"Return on character: there is a significant return on character."
"When the righteous is in rule, the people rejoice; when the wicked is in rule, the people mourn."
"We follow those who lead not because we have to, but because we want to."
"We are a family company and that sense of service doesn't stop when you're CEO."
"Trump has this magic power from making other people destroy themselves." - Andrew Clavin
"Elon's goals could harm the business and potentially wrinkle the employees."
"The globe has been a success story and Emma Rice is wrecking it."
"A leader who can bring us up not tear us down."
"President Ibrahim Tror's leadership has ushered in a transformative era for Burkina Faso, marked by unprecedented development across various sectors."
"Can one leader change the entire country in less than 2 years? While most leaders would argue they need more time, Ibrahim Tror accomplished the seemingly impossible."
"It's too bad this couldn't have happened many years ago but you needed somebody to work it and bring it together."
"He brought a mood of confidence, he brought hope."
"You've done good things for Novak, but you've also got 'em a little scared of you."
"Stalin's armies now prepared to bring the war to Germany the consequences for Hitler and the German people would be deadly."
"Leaders have made a difference and steered their societies or organizations to new horizons..."
"The bridge that was broken by the Indira Gandhis in the moradi they says the world quadriardi has now been repaired by Modi kwa Rathan Tata."
"He's in a situation that is impossible. And one of the things that we have seen about Donald Trump is that he ends up humiliating and diminishing everybody around him."
"Seeing how our game played out I think there's no question it's due to Longstreet and his two divisions."
"Putin faces dismal days given the casualties."
"He's also a guy sets the tone for everybody else. Aaron Rodgers will be that guy."
"With his death the empire starts breaking apart."
"Look at the difference that he's made to the squad."
"I think they're acknowledging the reality... this whole party has been transformed by Donald Trump."
"The whole of world politics feels different without him. Many people will say that it feels better."
"And that's what Jurgen Klopp and the owners of Liverpool have created."
"He did a lot of things both Republicans and Democrats would have loved to do."
"City's support had increased dramatically anyway just because of the football that we've been playing just because of the titles we've been winning and the Guardiola influence cannot be underestimated."
"Tesla's stock price now reflects value of having no CEO."
"The sky's the limit. I think Mel's taking this team to further limits."
"Much of it is determined by the individuals at the helm."
"Campbell and Tony Blair is the best thing that has happened to Labour Party and a very large extent to the country."
"You don't want to see what the future holds if Trump's still in power."
"If you want to be a chef, you want to be good at cleaning, you want to be good at like actually cooking, you also want to know about spices."
"Honestly, if Steve Jobs were still around I don't think Apple would be very much different today."
"Inflation will Jerome win, like Volcker won against inflation, except Jerome's doing the opposite."
"This wouldn't be happening if he wasn't making it happen."
"The moment Reagan and Thatcher went...those who were supporting him obviously some people don't like them then there was no next Stater."
"The future of PlayStation will be defined by who is chosen next."
"Obama sold more guns than President Trump did."
"Elon's direct involvement in basically any project is a negative one."
"As you go into 1932 though that is where you've got a major realignment that FDR creates this coalition."
"Bar's appointment by Manchester United is described as a GameChanger from United's perspective."
"Paul X comes in like some sort of gracing Jesus that says 'Hey, we're good again.'"
"I'm the only one who's gotten anything done."
"We've got great people but if you cow them, and they all behave like, you know, as I say, the reverse Darwinist plan, then you'll destroy this innate creativity and entrepreneurialism."
"If someone like Elon doesn't make [tough decisions], I don't think Tesla would be here where it is today."
"Worry is not an adequate expression of how fearful I am of the possibility of him becoming president."
"This man was making the mostly 90% Indian population of Bolivia, bringing 60% of the people out of poverty."
"Under Lula's leadership, Brazil lifted 36 million Brazilians out of extreme poverty."
"Gordon brought the Historic Hotel back to life."
"Donald Trump's administration is turning America into a government of the worst people."
"Despite all the things that have been said about him by people in the Republican party, his emphasis that December was on bringing unity to the Republican party."
"I think Trump has changed the Republican party."
"Kobe's leadership would become fruitful as his Lakers would go on to win the NBA championship."
"He's now considered the most powerful man to ever lead China."
"The last thing these people want is for Trump to come into power and turn their agenda upside down."
"Why would you not want Elon at Tesla? Look at his track record."
"Elon being out of the picture completely... changes the trajectory of Tesla."
"The job of the president of the United States is to be a role model for our children and our grandchildren."
"President Trump made America great, Democrats have made it unrecognizable."
"The world is a cruel world but you have so many genuine people that will follow you really follow your leadership."
"Jerome Powell knows that if he comes out too dovish...the market is going to blast higher again impulsively."
"No, I think we're going to have a very positive impact."
"There was clearly ringleaders behind this whole campaign."
"The utter mess that United are in right now, you cannot tell me that Conte would have allowed any of that to happen."
"A real leader, Rudiger lifts the entire crowd with his runs and shots."
"In terms of where we are, he's basically turning water into wine. I mean, as you correctly said, we're down to the bare bones."
"His teams are always super hungry to win, he transforms any team into a winning machine."
"Leadership is a level of responsibility...you have this ability to really impact the lives of others just by showing up and being you."
"Seeing the leader on the front lines has an extraordinary effect on morale."
"The culture you built here of the people that will go all in for you, that's just incredible."
"If Biden can turn the temperature down on the cycle of fear, we will all be better off."
"How a really good manager can make such a difference in tournament football."
"I think Ollie's got to send a massive jolt through that team."
"The company is in a huge position of power regardless if Elon was there over the next three to five years."
"He had just taken charge of a nation that appeared to be losing a war and turned it all around."
"Mitch McConnell will leave behind a shameful legacy."
"Either he's gonna really fix everything, or he's just gonna take away all the time that we could have fixed it and slam it into the ground."
"Trump was the first to come along who was really going to break that mold."
"Stephanie McMahon's presence is exactly what we need in the WWE right now."
"Absolutely, she definitely sowed the seeds of this massive populist movement."
"Sir Alex Ferguson inherited a selfish, lazy, egoed dressing room. What he had by the early '90s was a hardworking, obsessive dressing room. It takes time." - Mark Goldbridge
"This president has given a voice to a large swath of American people."
"Steve Jobs was a lot of things. He was complicated, he was smart, and he put so much of himself into Apple. But really, his greatest move, the best thing Steve Jobs could have ever given Apple, could have ever given us, is Tim Cook."
"His behavior is delegitimizing the presidency."
"His first year at LCS, the company's Revenue went from $2.8 million to $5.2 million."
"We are taking back our country. The crowd thins out, but according to make one of the respondents here, Mr. Peter Obi is an idea whose time has come."
"The responsibility increases as your influence increases."
"I don't think the team carried Michael, but his experience made him terrifying."
"We killed their general, so maybe we can get a chain rout. Maybe we can break them. Who knows?"
"You got it passed, you did not go in with the mindset 'I have to compromise and be like everybody else.' You literally change the trajectory of the state of Georgia through your leadership."
"Tesla and SpaceX... would these companies be the same without him?"
"He just turned this restaurant from zero to a hundred."
"Their identity doesn't change under him... their determination doesn't change."
"When the wicked rule, the people mourn, and unfortunately, it's the people that are ruling."
"If amy were head of CDC messaging, how would things in the U.S. be different now?"
"Now that I'm your president, America is winning again and respected again as a nation."
"If Musk went, the stock would get rekt for awhile but Tesla would continue executing on its Masterplan."
"One honest leader can turn this country in just one year."
"There's no fan that should tell us wait anymore. This is the person that will really get Arsenal fans back unified."
"The death of a leader in Asia will reshape the region and the mending of fault lines between nations will begin."
"I think people would be very happy if we did a job and saved potentially millions of lives."
"You're really leading the pack, and without you, I don't think this would be nearly as big of a global movement."
"Sales were already on the rise before she got involved."
"Trust me, he's the difference between us winning the league or not."
"How well you lead determines how well you succeed."
"Leadership is leadership. It's never been more important and it can have an impact on millions."
"When that's your captain, that's your leader that battles like that, it just goes down through the lineup."
"I think there's a bright future for Marvin, he just needs better leadership."
"He's completely turned this franchise around."
"As a leader, the moment that you begin to add value to others, it will incredibly change your life."
"By applying both leadership styles differently, women have a direct impact on organizational performance."
"I discovered that in my position I could not only advocate on behalf of students but to also invoke positive change."
"The higher you go, the greater the returns, the bigger the scope of your leadership."
"A thermostat leader jacks this thing up, and everybody knows he's here."
"Under Lasseter's lead, Tangled was a home run, and its follow-up Wreck-It Ralph surprised movie-goers with a sense of nostalgia and fun."
"Leaders can make a difference by tackling the structure of state-owned companies and by leveling the playing field."
"Leadership makes the difference between success and failure of all organizations."
"I want young people... to say I'm glad he led because he impacted me in a positive way."
"Employees are going to be more protected without a Vince McMahon involved in the company."