
Afternoon Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"Strength is better in the afternoon, and it's tremendously consistent."
"We've had such a fantastic afternoon, we've just loved it, just lying out on the beach."
"This particular afternoon, things seemed more beautiful than ever."
"The afternoon life of your life is very different than the morning."
"Y'all be at 17 19 but like for the afternoon."
"Everything about your afternoon is soothing. Heat and breath loll in this leisurely escape."
"You can't say enough about the courage and the temerity that he's shown this afternoon."
"I hope you have a nice morning afternoon evening whatever it is is when you're watching this."
"What's up fam we are out here this beautiful afternoon with a sleepy dude."
"It's not really a nightmare, sir. It's more like an afternoon mare."
"So just need to get through this afternoon, early evening time, and then that severe weather threat is over with."
"Good morning Queens well technically good afternoon."
"Good afternoon, guys. Welcome to today's Vlog. It's a very exciting day."
"Brownies are in the oven. It's quarter past three in the afternoon so what else do you do? Make cocktails!"
"What a lovely afternoon, what a lovely Sunday afternoon it's been. Fantastic."
"A perfect fall afternoon for football."
"The piece is really a sequence of mood paintings throughout which the desires and dreams of the faun move in the heat of the afternoon."
"Everyone, have a great rest of your afternoon."
"You could not ask for a more glorious afternoon for football."
"I think it should be kind of a fun afternoon."
"It doesn't take much to turn a blah afternoon into something spectacular."
"It's been a brilliant afternoon for both of us."
"Good afternoon everyone, I hope you're all doing well."
"Well, it was a really lovely afternoon."
"Well hello, good afternoon everybody."
"What hits you is the light from the afternoon sun that makes long shadows as it slants through."
"Good afternoon guys, I hope you're all having a lovely day."
"This fragrance reminds me of summer holidays in the afternoons."
"I feel like a cool kid anytime I get to do anything that's after in the afternoon."
"Good afternoon, my darlings. I can't even pretend that I'm starting this vlog in the morning."
"It's the most wonderful way to spend an afternoon."
"What a great way to spend our first jet-lagged afternoon."
"Remember, God is good. You guys have a great afternoon, and we'll talk to you later."
"I tell you, my afternoon was full of excitement today."
"There's nothing nicer than a cup of tea in the afternoon."
"Well, it's a wonderful afternoon here in Curacao."
"It's a beautiful sunny afternoon here."
"A very good afternoon to everybody on this most glorious afternoon here at Juma Private Game Reserve."
"Just saying good afternoon and that you guys are awesome."
"Good afternoon everybody, legend come in handy and it's a dang good afternoon here at Hershey Park."
"The power of unpressured afternoon food source movements is incredible."
"I hope you have a good afternoon."
"I'm very sleepy, so we are going to make some afternoon coffee together."
"Bear and Bella are having an excellent afternoon."
"It's about 2:30 in the afternoon, and I'm going to be bouncing around different areas of this country while I'm here."
"I am the African superstar, and I'm so delighted to be spending the afternoon with the African tigress."
"Thank you, have a great afternoon everyone."
"It was a nice afternoon spent here, it was very relaxing."
"We hope you enjoyed your afternoon here."
"Good afternoon from Tokyo Disney Resort."
"And that's it, my friends, we had an incredible afternoon."
"It's pretty magical afternoon, hey."
"Nothing like jet fuel in the afternoon."
"Taking advantage of an absolutely beautiful afternoon."
"It's just been a fantastic afternoon here on Lake Eldon."
"Good afternoon from Epcot Center."
"It is amazingly strong adhesive though, beautiful afternoon."
"I wish you joy of the afternoon, Colonel," Wellesley said to Harness.
"It's a beautiful afternoon... I don't know where you're watching from, but hey, you can comment down below."
"It's been the most beautiful afternoon."
"I really appreciate that, and I hope you guys have a good afternoon."
"I love you too; you guys have a wonderful rest of the afternoon."
"The afternoon of human life must also have significance of its own and cannot be merely a pitiful appendage to life's morning."
"I hope everyone's having a great afternoon."
"This is what my afternoon looks like, and I can't think of a better way to be spending it."
"All right, hello everyone, good afternoon."
"He's got the best round going on the golf course this afternoon."
"I was impressed when I walked in here this morning, I'm way more impressed walking out here this afternoon."
"Have a wonderful afternoon, thank you for listening."
"Well hello there and good afternoon."
"Good afternoon, it's Thursday, and we're heading to Nice today."
"The mini golf is really nice to come to in the afternoon around 6 p.m. or so."
"The sun does hit nice in the afternoon here."
"Afternoon will be calm and stress-free."
"Everything about this afternoon is magical."
"Well, good afternoon, thank you for joining us."
"I never felt uneasy until one afternoon."
"Have a wonderful afternoon everyone."
"I hope you have a fabulous afternoon."
"It's a stunning afternoon, there's almost no wind, it's a sunny sky, and the moon has already risen."
"I appreciate you taking some time in your afternoon."
"It's been an incredible afternoon."
"We've got an absolutely sensational afternoon, look at that."
"We've had a lovely start to the afternoon drive."
"It's an open special, lovely afternoon."
"A very good afternoon from a sparkling Sydney Harbor."
"I hope everyone has a lovely afternoon."
"It's a magnificent afternoon for sports."
"Have a great afternoon, and we will see you again at 7. Mwah, bye-bye."
"It's going to be a glorious afternoon."
"It's a marvelous afternoon, and yes, it was quite warm earlier, but it's feeling quite nice now."
"What a really, really wonderful way to actually end the afternoon."
"I'll see you guys later, take care, have a great afternoon."
"It's been a great afternoon; we've really enjoyed it."
"Thanks for joining me this afternoon."
"Thank you for spending your afternoon with me."
"It really has been a cat crazy afternoon."
"Well, it is a beautiful beautiful afternoon, and as you can see, we've got a stunning grey go-away bird."
"This is a fantastic way to spend an afternoon."
"Isn't that lovely, ostriches, Masai giraffe, and Thomson's gazelle."
"What a marvelous afternoon we have had."
"It's been a wonderful afternoon again, it's been so exciting, a lot happening, a lot going on."
"He's giving a very nice show this afternoon, that's for sure."
"They are having the best time this afternoon."
"It's designed to shake that 2pm slump you all know what I'm talking about."
"It's a beautiful afternoon, we have spent some time with our buffaloes."
"This has been a very great afternoon."
"Good afternoon everyone, I hope all is well this Friday afternoon."
"It's been a wonderful afternoon, I hope that you've enjoyed the drive."
"It is a gorgeous afternoon, really beautiful, gentle, semi-autumnal, I suppose."
"It's a very pleasant afternoon out, and looks like it's going to be a beautiful sunset as well."
"Have a beautiful afternoon, and we'll catch up with you then, have a wonderful day."
"What a glorious afternoon it was."
"It is absolutely wonderful to be out this afternoon."
"It's a beautiful way to spend the afternoon."
"It is a lovely afternoon to be on Safari."
"After the cool conditions of this morning, it is a glorious afternoon."
"What a beautiful afternoon this is."
"I can't think of a better way to spend an afternoon."
"As we get later into the afternoon, we could see that tornado threat increasing a little bit."
"I’m glad I spent my afternoon a bit more practical than usual."
"It has been a fantastic afternoon."
"Well, it was a pretty productive afternoon."
"It's a beautiful afternoon, peaceful now."
"I'm thoroughly happy with the way that my afternoon has turned out."
"We have just been having the most wonderful afternoon."
"I've thoroughly enjoyed my afternoon."
"It's been an absolutely great surprise for the afternoon."
"What an afternoon, the sun is popping through the clouds."
"What a marvelous afternoon, it's so nice having this breeze, it really cools things down."
"It is a lovely start to the afternoon."
"Glad to have you guys tuning in on this lovely Friday afternoon."
"What a magnificent afternoon we find ourselves on."
"It's been a wonderful afternoon, I've thoroughly enjoyed it."
"Hi there, hi there, hey, what a beautiful afternoon."
"We are enjoying this awesome afternoon out here in Juma."
"We hope that everyone has a lovely afternoon."
"It's been a beautiful afternoon, thank you for joining me."
"It's a beautiful Wednesday afternoon here in Birmingham, Alabama."
"I'm excited, so I'm gonna leave you guys here. Me and Shrimpy wish you a very happy afternoon and evening."
"Right, well we have the perfect start to our afternoon."
"They're enjoying the Stillness of the afternoon and a bit of warmth that's come with it."
"It's turned out to be the most gorgeous afternoon."
"It's great to be with you on Tuesday afternoon."
"It's late afternoon, beautiful here, very quiet."
"The bright shining sun passing through a pane of glass in the afternoon."
"That's it for today and we hope you have a great afternoon; we'll see you again, bye-bye."
"Thank you for spending the afternoon with me."
"We're gonna have just a fun time this afternoon."