
Turbulence Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"It's all about gracefully and graciously going through turbulence and making it over to the other side."
"Egypt's monarchs ruled during its turbulent times."
"Turbulence isn't as scary as it feels. Yes, it can give an airplane a sudden jolt, but commercial airplanes are built to withstand much more than these jolts."
"The next few months globally are going to be extremely turbulent."
"The world in 10 years is going to be far more turbulent than it is now."
"Your person's going through a lot of turbulence because this is an extremely profound awakening."
"Amidst political turmoil, his piercing insights unveil a saga of unprecedented actions."
"The 1960s were a turbulent time in South Korea's history."
"Turbulence transports you to your true power."
"During times of turbulence, it's a smart decision to sit back and wait."
"We're entering an era that's a lot more turbulent, a lot more uncertain."
"Recognize that things are really turbulent right now."
"Turbulence can't take down a plane; it's just a quick drop."
"Boris Johnson has resigned as prime minister. It's been a messy few days and a messy few hours."
"When I'm traveling by plane, there's one thing I'm pretty sure is gonna happen, and that's turbulence."
"This has been a very, very turbulent ride."
"Please make sure that you're secure and also going into Narita, it's going to be a very bumpy ride."
"As a citizen of the world that happened to be... with Star Trek, here's all this drama going on in the 60s, great turbulence."
"There's definitely some turbulence going on and that is why this person could be acting off or strange."
"...I do agree that there's going to be a period of turbulence over the next 5 to 15 years... we're in the midst of a phase change in society."
"The flight, other than the turbulence, was totally normal."
"The 1960s are upon us, to say that this decade was turbulent would be an understatement."
"It will take away all the sharp edges of turbulence, and that's of great benefit to passengers who are very prone to air sickness."
"They still love you. This person loves you very deeply. They've got a lot of love, very deep love for you, but things have not been easy in this connection. It has been a very turbulent relationship."
"This transformation of the old chiefdom-dominated society into one centered around the city-state was a pivotal, if not turbulent, period of Greek history."
"England at that time was going through a turbulent period in its history..."
"Patience is more than just a virtue, it's a vital force in a turbulent world."
"I'm kind of in this phase in my 20s where I'm accepting that things are turbulent and that I'm figuring things out."
"In their time the world is turbulent and the spiritual Kai is hazy."
"It represents times of potential turbulence or upheaval where karma steps in, where things seem to manifest that are beyond our control."
"It will be a little bumpy on the climb, but it should settle out."
"It's like turbulence on a flight."
"The sudden turbulence is far worse than anyone in the cabin was expecting."
"Turbulence is ending. You are coming into calmer waters, more stable, consistent, and secure."
"The Bible never promises a lack of turbulence, just the opposite. We will have trouble, but the Bible always promises the presence of a loving and caring God to get us home safely."
"Turbulence is not random, a lot of people think that chaotic systems or turbulent systems are random and it's true that they have an element of randomness or stochasticity to them but they are not random."
"We're experiencing a slight turbulence in the Triassic period, but thanks to a tailwind from the Jurassic period, we should be landing five million years ahead of schedule in the Cretaceous period."
"English football hasn't it had a few very turbulent years."
"Now speaking of out altitude and autopilot and turbulence what does this do correction methods wise if you start getting really rough turbulence does it have a cut off does it it does."
"Whitman's period of calm was to prove short-lived."
"The 60s undoubtedly were the most turbulent decade of this century."
"That's a stall. That means your plane falls, okay? It'll be a more violent release off of vortex generators."
"...it's an uphill battle from then on, then on, after that point because as we know, mental dysfunction, mental illnesses, symptoms, whatever, it just makes you more turbulent..."
"These are turbulent waters indeed."
"The best organized intelligent service in the world could not help when gusts of wind at gale force flung the Machine about the sky."
"It was so bumpy. One of the more senior flight attendants was like, 'This was the bumpiest I've ever experienced.' So, it was a wild ride."
"When you decide to comply with God's requirements, he can stop the turbulence in your life that quick."
"...it's not the absence of problems it's him in the midst of it like as long as we're on this earth like this Li lied Earth this this tough earth that's not in the perfect will of God there will be there will be some turbulence."
"One of the many reasons it's a turbulent time is that other countries might think, 'No, you're not [the law in our area].'."
"Embracing emotional intelligence allows us to navigate emotional turbulence."
"No one wants a bumpy flight, but life is turbulence."
"Welcome back! So we're talking about turbulent flows and today should be a pretty fun lecture."
"Everybody strap your seat belts, there's about to be some turbulence."
"This jumped out in your most recent note. The beginning of a phase of turbulence. How concerned are you about that?"
"Growth is messy, growth is turbulent."
"...the 60s is one of the most tumultuous decades in American history."
"The system is growing, but it grows in a turbulent manner, and that is normal and natural."
"You can see that capitalism has structural patterns. It has turbulence, it has disorder, it has order produced by the disorder through disorder."
"I was on a flight, and this person started praying on the flight, and I got really annoyed until we hit turbulence and I joined him. But that's like my 'you up' text to God, right?"
"You don't want to develop anything right here that can hang that air and come all this little turbulence a little Eddies in there that can cause turbulence and resistance to the air."
"You're going to make permanent decisions over temporary turbulence if you don't understand these patterns."
"Democracy, freedom, art, literature... these are turbulent, brawling, arguing, abrasive things."
"Passengers report that in the final seconds before the crash, the plane hit what felt like turbulence."
"Spectral broadening refers to having diseased vessels with turbulent flow, resulting in thicker waveforms."
"In a high angle of attack, the burble from the wings would stream back and hit the horizontal stabilizer."
"It's starting to get a little bumpy here."
"Particularly at times that might feel a little energetically turbulent on the planet."
"When you say that you can't, I will watch you dance through this turbulence."
"The roaring forties are a part of the ocean with very rough water and powerful waves."
"What you really have got to do is to look at any kind of turbulent period of time right this does create opportunities."
"The more efficiently a soul is able to recognize itself, the less it will need this sort of melstrom of turbulence."
"Reduce turbulence and you will have a better flow of air."
"It's been very turbulent, but it's where I am now. I feel at peace."
"Societies periodically encounter end times, periods of social and political turbulence."
"I don't really mind turbulence, I actually welcome it as it helps me fall asleep."
"We are moving into a time period of turbulence on the collective level, and that's a good thing; it's meant to happen."
"The main purpose is to protect you during turbulence."
"Prepare for takeoff, this flight's going to get a little bit bumpy."
"The Red Sea has always existed within one of the most geopolitically turbulent regions in the world."
"We're experiencing some turbulence, please return to your seats and fasten your seat belts."
"The most dangerous level in the sequence, of course, is the mature stage when there's lots of turbulence near and in the storm."
"Few countries have had as interesting and as turbulent a history as has Finland."
"We are living in very turbulent times."
"I will be in a plane with you with turbulence. Here's the thing about Bill, when anything is big, the guy is who you want in a foxhole with."
"...the psyche longs for wholeness... this turbulence that we're in can be a healing moment for us if we work with it skillfully."
"Experiencing turbulence on a plane can be quite a hair-raising experience."
"Turbulence is caused by sudden changes in airflow, similar to eddies and currents in water."
"The storm had gathered strength, forming itself into a spinning top of turbulence."
"We live in a very turbulent time in my opinion."
"Equanimity in the face of all the turbulence of life."
"In astronomy, seeing refers to the degradation of the image of an astronomical object due to turbulent airflows in the atmosphere of Earth."
"The 60s were a turbulent time for the United States."
"It's just a little turbulence; there's nothing to worry about."
"Hold on. It's getting bumpy. Lean on me if you need some comfort."
"In this time of turbulence and uncertainty in our nation, we ask you to guide us by your light, protect us by your might, and unify us in your sight."
"It's like being in a plane that just suddenly drops from turbulence."
"When two rivers meet, there is some roughness before they start to flow quietly and smoothly."
"Hold on to something because it's going to get very bumpy."
"There's a lot of turbulence, ladies and gentlemen, please remain calm."
"Abnormal valves produce turbulent blood flow and turbulent blood flow causes the injury of the endothelium."
"The 1980 Labour Party conference was arguably the most turbulent in the party's recent history."
"We live in a pretty tumultuous and polarized time."
"This wing does feel like it's just eating the turbulence."
"But there's something the human body isn't built to withstand: unexpected turbulence."
"Clear air turbulence... can actually be fairly violent and sometimes quite dangerous to aircraft."
"The more you try to prevent it and not allow it to be an experience in your life, the more you're going to develop more of that experience to come through in a more turbulent manner."
"If the wind aloft forecast is more than about 30 knots for the time that you're planning on crossing, you can expect this kind of turbulence on the lee side or the eastern side of those mountain ranges."
"All turbulence in pipes comes from wall roughness and disturbances."
"The onset of turbulence depends upon the growth of perturbations because of an instability."
"At the onset of turbulence, our dye filament seems to explode and the dye is rapidly mixed across the tube."
"The MRI leads to turbulence and that turbulent State transports angular momentum outward."
"The intensity of the turbulence depends on several things, in particular, it depends on height in the disc."
"As one increases the strength of the vertical magnetic field, the intensity of the turbulence increases."
"Alpha depends on the magnetic Reynolds number; if you turn the resistivity up too high, it kills the turbulence."
"Our relationship had been stormy with a lot of ups and downs."
"Just like a wave that's washing over, it may feel a little turbulent and a little violent to begin, but if we ride that wave all the way to the end, it just ends up in a nice, calm, peaceful bay or lake or something."
"We're at a critical choice point on the planet and we're seeing so much turbulence, so much reactivity, so much fear."