
Personal Storytelling Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"This is a hundred percent the craziest story I'll ever put up on my youtube channel."
"By completing the composition and playing it a final time at the series's conclusion, Jeremy finally makes peace with the past and is able to at least talk about what happened with his best friend Ashley."
"I think it's your story and I think that it will resonate with other people's stories in a way that it just kinda, it sprouts wings."
"Once Upon a Time in Hollywood was the director's most personal film."
"Try to be brave enough to tell your own story but kind enough not to tell anyone else’s."
"You're telling your own story in this amazing world."
"Just trying to immortalize my story on a beat."
"I've read the story, I've seen the interviews, I academically know what happened, I've done the research, but to hear you tell it, makes me profoundly emotional for a very good reason because you chose not to take no for an answer."
"That's all I can say, what we're gonna do today is probably head to the Defiled Lands."
"I want to show my mom me, me, I travel and I film my life."
"For LeBron James to sit and watch a series about my life there's no I I mean that guy."
"I have this trove of ridiculous weird stories."
"If this little girl had not appeared, I would most likely have been a corpse."
"This is me and your new inspirational role model. Are you ready? Because we got a lot to talk about."
"There's certain life experiences that transcend Compton that transcend Beverly Hills there's just universal life experiences and somehow Kendrick has the ability to convey that through his personal experiences."
"You don't begin to heal until you start speaking your story."
"We want to tell our story in hopes of raising awareness about cyber bullying and how it affects."
"The adventure that ensued in my attempt was exceedingly memorable."
"It's about people creating their own legends rather than that and it's however the is how the journey to that poem."
"I've seen many freaky ring camera footages online, but nothing beats what I'm about to tell you."
"Telling a sincere story about finding your own happily ever after is one that I think will continue to resonate for a long time to come."
"Let me tell people, let me tell people hard palpitate oh your hero was about to have disappointed you but he came through in the end."
"SES is my favorite well let me tell you a little story about SES."
"He made up a story of the great life he thought he wanted to live, which only made him forget the great life he already had."
"That's a wrap on old Jakey... but fortunately for him, it was not a wrap."
"You've got to be willing to show your scars and show the challenges you've gone through."
"My stories were very personal gifts to my players."
"It's easily the most personal story we've seen for Tom Holland's Peter."
"A real story of what could have been last weekend."
"Harriet Tubman couldn't save everybody but I dare say it's time for this generation to save the next generation for black people."
"I feel like I'm seeing a guy who lives in that space where he doesn't have to nail down facts, where he's going to use hearsay, where he can use gossip and be able to validate that because of his presence."
"Never let somebody else tell you how to tell your story."
"That's what's so great about Pokemon series - you get to tell your own story."
"The real talk during her let go and under my skin days, I was really drawn by how honestly she communicated her personal stories through song."
"You got a story to tell, obviously you're hurt, I mean like I said you can you can play it off with humor but you're hurt and I get it."
"Every hero can be the hero of their own story."
"He's telling a true story in his life, and people are mad at him. Everybody got to be woke but this kid was just literally telling the story."
"I actually loved the first Kelly Kids blog. I thought the first Kelly Kids blog was very personal."
"Nobody's going to tell your story the way you want to tell it."
"I think if I actually told you what he did, you'd think that I was making this all up."
"You know, a little bit of backstory never hurt anyone, and I am actually running out of money as you can quite clearly tell."
"Wearing the mask, Ryan, want to tell everybody what you've gone through this weekend?"
"Your Story, Your Voice, and Your Mental Health Matter."
"It is the most important story I've ever told."
"This is the book about my mother and AD life advice from her."
"That is the story of how I survived for 200 days."
"Johnny laid it all out there like only Johnny could."
"It's meant to feel really personal and not only from a story perspective but the way the camera reinforces that."
"There's so much to tell you, how did it all start?"
"I'm a grenade, you, we're here with JC who wants to share their story with the group."
"She's telling her truth, she's telling stories that she knows that she was a part of."
"I saw your video about coming out after growing up Mormon... and I was really taken by your vulnerability and by your story."
"Adding keyframes allows us to give the impression that we have our own personal camera operator following us around capturing dynamic movements."
"It's called Cardboard Castles because when I was building it, I mean here's the deal, it looks like a castle."
"We were forced to share our side of the story because other people try to create a narrative for our life."
"You have to say your story and speak to others."
"Thank you so much for sending me this book because that just sparked me to tell you all that."
"One of the chapters in my book is going to be called 'Ghosts of Children Past.'"
"I tell anybody story you know when I told my daughter what happened the first thing and I got me my kids clothes first thing my daughter was there was but there who told on you hmm like that's how much she loves her dad."
"Play with us, be the star of your own story."
"I'm not a professional videographer, I'm just a girl who started a YouTube channel with a little vlogging camera."
"Every detail tells a story of love and blessings."
"You need to tell your own side of the story."
"Yo, I got a story on my heart... in true Britney fashion I'ma tell it anyway."
"It humanizes Ahsoka in a way that you hadn't really seen before."
"That has to be one of the best stories, if not the best story, I think I've ever read on my channel."
"The best comedies get real. That's why I shared my story."
"It's so important for you to share your story."
"Courtney's personal life was also really nice to read about, too, and I really identified with her struggling with a blended family and her big imagination."
"All victims of abuse should get to share their own stories of abuse on their own timelines and terms."
"I deserve to tell my story without the fear of hurting anyone, without shame."
"Know that you have a story to tell that will touch someone's heart."
"Rewrite a calm, easy, soothing, believable story for yourself."
"Sharing your story and opening up helps other people."
"You never gave up on your dreams... even at 60, that is how 60 by V came to be."
"This is the ideal way to capture your character, to say like this is who you are, this was your story."
"Frankly, his content is original; it's about his life, his wants, his needs."
"I definitely want to do content development. I think, like, you know, the more I could share my story, the better."
"I've been beaten with an inch of my life by my stupid bacon sandwich horse."
"Thank you for letting me share this, and if you want, I can always share more of my stories as I think I'm a pretty interesting person."
"It was like a dude pulling the switch on his own electric chair uh Chris it's been a pleasure three great the book is out right now recommend if you've never read a Jericho book I recommend them all they're they're awesome."
"You have a story inside of you that needs to be shared with the world."
"Just tell it your way, and then I began to open a whole new lifestyle. Everything became fun from then on, all the pressure was off."
"I think Truth and the Real Cost would be better off showing personal, true stories about teens struggling with nicotine addiction or some other problems as a result of vaping."
"Once I made up my mind, I was going to tell my story."
"DMing is a way for me to make my own video game, essentially. It's just like, I can just write, like, Final Fantasy XX, that's me buddy."
"I wanted to be an anime girl, an anime protagonist in her own story."
"Courage...to tell the story of who you are with your whole heart honestly openly vulnerably share with others who you are with everything that you have."
"But it brings warmth to my heart to know that I can share these memories with people and that I have an audience to do that"
"You're not going into filmmaking to be the next Kubrick. You're going into filmmaking to tell your own stories."
"I think it's more important when we come out and tell our story rationally to see that we are credible and this is what happened, to make your own judgment."
"I needed to put out my story to go on with my life, that's it, it's the bottom line. I needed to share that and I used it to be uplifting and inspire people that got hurt and think that their life is over."
"Every watch has a story behind it. I just don't sell it and that's the most important part."
"I'm gonna try and tell my story without the help of MTV, you know editing and all that, and fill you in on the whole story behind my pregnancy with Lyle and my relationship with Josh and everything like that."
"It felt really good to finally get my story out, it definitely I felt freer and I felt more like I could be myself."
"Instead of living through other people's biopics, we need to create our own."
"Okay, we've taken some rads and I've taken a couple of years off my life but that actually went pretty well."
"It's time to create a new life script. It's time to tell a new story."
"So anthem is really built around trying to combine the impact of having your own personal story with the fun of playing with other players."
"It's a great time for you to start telling the story that you want to hear about yourself."
"The story you tell is the basis of your life so tell it the way you want it to be."
"An amazing tale to one day tell his grandkids."
"He makes a video called a lady gypsy about him losing his virginity when he was 18."
"I've never shared this before and I'm not sure where to begin, but I feel that I need to relay this story in a public place."
"Three sides to a story: the one you subtweet, the one the group chat gets to read, and the one you come and tell me."
"You have got to write this memoir."
"But since she has a background in comedy, hoping it's not just motivational speaking, there's a touch of humor directly like she'll tell a traumatic story from her own life and then she'll follow it up with a joke."
"It's an honor for me to tell that story."
"I am loving the tone of this film so far; it's so much more gritty and personal and dark."
"It's your time, tell your story, it's your time."
"Memory is unreliable, so even though you're writing your own story, fact check anything that can be fact checked."
"Everything in the script is something Jemima experienced or something she saw or something she knows really clearly from her own life and her own experiences."
"My goal is not to reproduce a photograph in all its likeness but rather explain a human story through my personal interpretation."
"Every song is a true story about myself."
"How to use your story to prove to voters they can trust you, even if you've never held office before."