
Dramatic Revelation Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"This is about to go down [ __ ] about tell you guys some [ __ ] tea also we don't know what happened so what I'm telling you."
"Chaos magic, Wanda. But that makes you Scarlet Witch."
"Fascinating to watch her entitlement and bitterness emerge from beneath the mask of powder."
"I'd never seen the poison work before. Tell Cersei, I wanted to know it was me."
"Knowing what you know about those two characters being brother and sister boys, it's quite hellacious."
"I can't believe Grace told Malcolm Fade about Annabelle. I cannot believe that."
"Your person isn't ready to give up. They're ready to keep trying, to keep pushing through and to keep fighting for the connection."
"I want you guys to sit down for this part because this is true."
"Arya shows up with Lady Catelyn's face just there's your Lady Stoneheart right there."
"Joanne lied to Kevan Lee and she told him that she had been to prison for eight years for the murder of her father."
"The ultimate betrayal, the big reveal, the murder of Tony Stark's parents."
"Here's my answer: the one who killed Sakura, Sakura herself."
"According to Rusty at this time, his father made him kill a man with a house key when he was 10."
"In one sentence, Zola undermines everything Steve has sacrificed: 'Your death amounts to this: your life, a zero-sum.'"
"Family is the most important thing, Alex. I would do anything to protect them. That's why I sacrificed my daughter."
"He stopped and slowly turned around, unable to believe what he saw."
"So I'm done so he clearly would have chosen Amber in the end after feeding ad all those lines."
"The truth will not set you free. In fact, the truth was so horrible that Deju cut his own tongue out."
"Misfortune and despair, your parents have perished in a terrible fire. Perished means killed."
"The King hurled the mask from his face and cried, 'You are right, I am The King!'"
"Sure, it seemed like Trapp killed Pat. But maybe that was because I was withholding a key piece of evidence for dramatic effect. Maybe Mike Trapp didn't do it."
"His literal dead wife left him a letter, that's true."
"They're getting close. They are getting fucking close."
"I clicked to upload the finished video titled 'I buried the ring my husband planned to give to his mistress.' Instantly, the video's views skyrocketed, comments flooded in."
"Jesus Christ one of them said, you've been missing for 15 years."
"She's infected. I was bitten an hour ago and it's already worse. This is [ __ ] real, Joel."
"The parallels to Caleb's death were startling and obvious."
"Brenda reveals her motive in the most horrifying way possible."
"I love when he says, Russell Crowe's an actor, 'The emperor's been slain.' You know, that line, and he realizes what's going on."
"He admits that he killed Satoko's uncle in cold blood."
"Starting with thumbprint... it's one of yours."
"Jane's disappearance occurs when she is told the woman she believed was her mother isn't actually her mother."
"The most challenging for me was when Alice goes to tell FP that she had his child and that that child died. It really was hard for me to get back to that where I was supposed to be in that place."
"A shocking Revelation that shakes the entire X-Men world to its core."
"Wanda fully embracing who she is, like in other words, Agatha was warning her your destiny is to destroy the world."
"Can your heart stand the shocking facts about grave robbers from outer space?"
"Unfortunately, Mrs. Stevens indeed planned to kill her husband."
"Upon hearing this, Erden fell to his knees, he implored her to repeat what she had just said."
"She found out. She poisoned me. And now I’m going to die."
"This cannot possibly be real, like this has to be a plot of a movie. It is insanity and it's so disturbing a lot of the things that happen in this case."
"From the moment he showed up, honestly, man, do you think Dabi is Endeavor's son?"
"How does this begin to unravel because you mentioned that it got to the point of a pregnancy?"
"Who the [__] did I marry? Baby, it was juicy when I found out, I said, 'Girl, what?' Turn it into a freaking movie!"
"I'm your daughter, Nora, from the future. And I think I made a big, big mistake."
"Dr Damon is cheating on Dr Heavenly with multiple women...here okay so that's what she said now."
"I came out very sensational, I came out of the proverbial closet in a big dramatic way."
"This is the story of Reesa Teesa, the woman who didn’t know the truth behind the man she married."
"Anagnorisis is the transition from ignorance to knowledge—the lightbulb moment, the iconic 'Eureka!'"
"The confusion of it all gave way to pure fear when the truth dawned on me."
"Grab a chair and watch the fireworks. You came here for the truth, so I've got that for you."
"That's so shitty dude that is so like for real manipulative like that's gaslighting that's narcissistic abuse dead ass narcissistic abuse makes a stunning reappearance the crowd goes wild."
"Sit down," he said. "You need to be sitting down to hear this."
"Father, I have the scion... you see, I think it's time for you to learn what the inheritors are doing."
"You fools! Liliana's contract has a clause in the small print that upon the deaths of her four demon signatories it defaults to me. I own her soul now, you idiots, you absolute rubes."
"William's fate: 'It seemed as if the last life that he would take would ultimately be his own.'"
"I'm really curious what happened with the mother and in the red room."
"Lex finds out his father murdered his grandparents."
"Joe starts acting like she's nuts, but she brings up the fact that he had a hook to her throat and everything changed when she said that she was pregnant."
"Tell Cersei I want her to know that it was me."
"I put the poison on my body for weeks. If your husband just could have kept his grubby hands off of me, he never would have been poisoned."
"Truth is stranger than fiction; no one tells the truth like a pistol."
"O God! I screamed, and O God! again and again; for there before my eyes—pale and shaken, and half-fainting, and groping before him with his hands, like a man restored from death—there stood Henry Jekyll!"