
Voter Registration Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"We believe one solution is permanent voter registration."
"People are whack, please get yourself registered to vote if you're not already and let's all show up at the polls."
"Make sure you're ready to use them in our elections this year. Register to vote in less than two minutes at vote.org/nvrd."
"With a single Instagram post, Taylor Swift was able to register thousands of new disproportionately young people to vote."
"When I saw that we had 800 thousand unregistered people of color in the state of Georgia, I started an organization."
"Let's register some more Democrats and swing States and districts and save the world in 2024."
"We have the power to make change collectively, as shown by our efforts to increase voter registration in the NBA."
"I love that Taylor's first comment on politics was that everyone should register to vote and just to research her candidates."
"We only have enough time to make sure that we engage every last one of the 1.4 million returning citizens."
"2018 has seen huge growth in the amount of people getting registered and voting."
"That's why again voting in 2024 ensuring that you're properly registered and so will your neighbors and your family members."
"Pennsylvania voter registration Trends are suggesting a massive shift over to the Republicans."
"We can... check out Fair Fight which is Stacey Abrams' organization. Stacey Abrams, in the time that she ran for governor and had that governorship stolen from her... she was able to register 800,000 voters."
"Voter registration is going to be opened until December 5th. It's November 6 right now, so we have a month to go back in hit the ground running and start registering voters."
"I'd be interested to find out... what the percentage increase of young people is... and how much of that population still has yet to register to vote or cast ballots."
"And it ought to be possible for American citizens of any color to register and to vote in a free election."
"Make sure you register to vote, get a voting plan, go to iwillvote.com."
"Legislation should be considered that links voter roll registration to changes in driver's license."
"Judicial Watch is responsible for cleaning up two million names from the voting rolls in the last year."
"It is shocking that not a single Republican would vote to even hear a bill that does things like make voter registration easier."
"If every one of the people watching this stream were to knock on a couple of doors, that'd be 5,000 new voters potentially that you've registered. That doesn't even take an hour's effort."
"Can we not have a disagreement that same-day voter registration may be a bad idea when even the state of New York and the people of New York think it's a bad idea?"
"Good versus evil. Humanity is at stake. Drop the memes. Silent majority, no more. Be loud. You have a voice. Are you registered? Vote them all out!"
"Vote, sign up to vote. I see there's a lot of people here trying to get you guys to register."
"There is no legitimate reason to keep ineligible voters on the rolls."
"Biden directed 600 federal agencies... to expand citizens' opportunities to register to vote."
"Get out there and make sure that you're registered."
"We need you to vote. If you aren't registered, you can't vote."
"We must ensure that every single person that is watching this and everyone that you know is registered to vote for the election in 2024."
"Please register to vote... make sure you're double-checking to make sure you are ready."
"I hope everybody will register in this country; I hope they will vote."
"Vote the states where you can still register and vote. Take advantage of it. Our ancestors died for it. You bet not waste your vote and your opportunity."
"There are always opportunities to help register voters and to start making sure that we've done everything we need to do before the kind of final push."
"If all of you just helped register voters... it's a freaking Game Changer."
"Think about this for a second: if you are not registered to vote, the first thing you should do after this show is to go onto the site and register yourself."
"You gotta ensure that you are registered to vote all right."
"Federal law requires states to take reasonable steps to clean up the roles."
"The voter registration for Republicans is up across the board."
"Register to vote, help others register to vote, then go vote and help others go vote."
"Having more states adopt automatic voter registration is a step in the right direction."
"Just think about going to a courthouse and just wanting to register to vote, so that your name means something more than just having yourself being counted in the census."
"There's nothing more important than voter registration and voter participation."
"From the voter registration to voter engagement, this chapter runs a powerhouse social action agenda and we thank them for keeping our political awareness and involvement alive in a city that seems to need that."
"Single-handedly got tens of thousands of people to register to vote in like a single day just cuz from an Instagram post."
"We're working urgently with them to do just that and to make sure those who registered today and who registered last night will be able to vote in the EU referendum."
"Martin Luther King and the SCLC resumed a voter registration campaign in Selma, Alabama."
"Taylor Swift's Instagram account has helped register more than 35,000 new voters."
"We need programs, and the more programs you get, the more people you're going to get registered to vote around those programs."
"Please go register to vote if you are a US citizen and you are just striving to get your opinion out there."
"Make sure you are registered to vote."
"Don't forget to check your voter registration status and enter for a chance to win that ten thousand dollar dream vacation."