
Primal Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Humans going at it is the most primal form of entertainment in the world."
"In the grips of a primitive beastly bloodlust, Grignard acted in the only manner he could perceive, giving vent to a hoarse, throat-rending battle cry."
"Dance had become primal and ubiquitous, a powerful communication tool."
"Super Saiyan 4 feels like a primal evolution of what has come before."
"Drums are like one of the most primal instruments."
"They are the violence of mother nature incarnate, they are a tempest of fangs and fur."
"The hero's journey has a primal relatability to every kind of person."
"Surviving is the Basic Instinct that the body has and the most Primal Instinct that the body has."
"...and really letting it just manifest and explode in a way that is very wild and natural and primal and primordial."
"Trust your raw instincts and unleash the animal within."
"He gave way to the madness of the music, cast aside his garments, and ran as naked as the first man after the shadows."
"I want this innate Primal retrieval Instinct"
"It's Something Primal it should be more animalistic."
"There's something magical. It goes back to our basic roots as human beings and the mystery of fire."
"That's fear on like a true Primal level."
"What's going on is just our most basic instinct, and that's survival."
"Archery hunting... it fits me better. I feel like archery is just so much more primal, so much more connected, so much more interactive, so much more skill-based."
"It was like my body knew something that my mind didn't which is why the only word I really have for it is primal."
"There's something Primal about our desire to cook meat over an open flame."
"The instinct to survive is so deeply ingrained into our animal brain."
"It kind of reconnects you to a very primal way of thinking."
"There's so much anticipation and so much joy and it was so primal."
"It's like some primeval music that wells up from the abysses of the soul."
"There's a sort of primal raw power to you."
"Running is primal. It's the most perfect exercise."
"There's something wild about you, like you've always just stepped out of a storm. Men see your beauty as primal, sexually alluring, and yet not for their benefit."
"Geometry is physical. Geometry is primal."
"If you want to be attractive to older women, women 21, 22, 25 years old, think about just being more of a primal caveman. Especially if you want to go for more of the feminine girl."
"A primal fear that reaches into the depths of the Soul."
"Man eating man is the ultimate taboo."
"Empathy is for the weak, but seriously primal is violent, yes, but it's much more than that."
"Jealousy can hide behind other emotions, but it's made of primal emotions like anger, sadness, shame, and fear."
"There's something primal about fear, a deep guttural reaction that strips away all the complexities of life until you're left with just one imperative: survive."
"I could taste bile in my mouth as fear pure and Primal gripped my heart."
"Insecticons' primal existence reminds us of the wild underbelly of Cybertronian society."
"A primal, instinctual fear - one older than engines, skyscrapers, and radios."
"Something in me was starting to take over the control, something primal was taking over me."
"It's so primitive, so animalistic, so damn good."
"Music taps into a primal part of us."
"Outdoor fire pit... there's something about sitting around a fire keeping yourself warm while the air is cold it's like good, it's a Primal."
"It's primal. Yeah, it's... And it's a visceral experience every time you go out on that water to begin with."
"Out of the frying pan, Alfino says that on the bright side, no beast tribe will dare summon a primal while such a primal-killing machine exists in Eorzea."
"What is the most primal story? What do I need? Get primal."
"We should be [ __ ] animals running around like toddy boy and his family scratching out our deeds on cave walls."
"Stay Primal, we'll catch you on the next one."
"It wasn't just an animal, this was primal fear made audible."
"I think that music is actually a human right. Music predates language. There's something very primal about music."
"The oldest emotion known to mankind is fear, and the oldest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."
"It was guttural primal, and I felt it inside me."
"I felt a primal fear take hold, the kind that grips you in the dead of night."
"There's just something so primal and fulfilling about being able to build a fire by yourself."
"The jötnar represent a primal, unpredictable aspect of the cosmos."
"I'm trying to create something that's bigger than just a story. That sort of has a primal quality to it."
"It represents a primal urge for freedom, like a spiritual yearning."
"There's nothing in this world more primal than my love for you."
"The creatures moved with a primal hunger, their movements a macabre dance of agility and savagery."
"I feel like a wild animal, like a cavewoman."
"This is actually pretty cool, you see that? That's very primal."
"That's primal bass fishing, that's real hardcore bass fishing."
"Therefore, the adepts have taught people to hold fast to the primal and to guard the one."
"A big reason why I run is the ability it allows me to tap into this more primitive, primal mode of existence."
"I've always been attracted to what is very primal, what is very visceral."
"I was instantly afraid, like a primal fear that you cannot control."
"People have basic primal instincts."
"The gods of Winterfell kept a different sort of wood; it was a dark, primal place, three acres of old forest untouched for ten thousand years."
"This experience reminded me of morel hunting; the satisfaction of finding stuff like this hits me right in the caveman brain."
"It's so primal, like it's something that people have been eating since forever."
"Primal patterns being the essential patterns we need to survive in nature."
"There's something very primal and deep about fire that people experience here at Burning Man."
"It was like a primal fear and it just took over my senses."
"We're both primitive animals; we both want to win."
"There's something so deeply primal about sports."