
Legal Challenge Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"Fundraiser sues Connecticut over burdensome and invasive regulations."
"Britney will not be bullied. She will not sit down and she is going to go after everyone involved in this."
"This is a choice between right and wrong, justice and injustice."
"This is a very big moment. This is a major fraud in our nation. We want the law to be used in a proper manner, so we'll be going to the U.S. Supreme Court."
"Keane felt it was unfair that he didn't have a case."
"This is unconstitutional and I won't enforce it."
"The gag order violates the First Amendment because it is vague, overbroad, unduly restrictive, and not narrowly drawn."
"Epic has defied the app store monopoly. In retaliation, Apple is blocking Fortnite from a billion devices."
"Apple unlawfully maintains its monopoly in the iOS app distribution market."
"Failing to challenge a presidential self-pardon is as good as an endorsement of Donald Trump."
"I would like to see the publishers take on and pick a fight with big Tech... some of the value... suing Google right now... there's a lot of litigation going on with news publishers and tech."
"The act is a breathtaking act of defiance of the constitution of this court's presidents and of the rights of women seeking abortions throughout Texas."
"No more deference to the executive branch... no more expansion of second amendment rights."
"The state of Texas sued... most of Biden's orders don't have to be enforced."
"There's nothing that stops this court from ruling on the facial validity of this policy because it plainly lacks a legitimate sweep."
"We will win this case, but this case should have never been brought. It is a political prosecution."
"What Donald Trump's team needs to do is they need to show significant harm, something that is massive collusion, that's multiple parties, multiple people involved."
"A conservative majority court is going to decide on Biden's private employer vaccine mandate."
"13 states are now suing to block Biden's vaccine mandate for health care workers."
"I was ready to take this arrest because it's absurd to be charged with obstruction of justice for engaging in a constitutionally protected activity."
"The justice system is supposed to be the guardrail, and he continues to challenge it all."
"What Pennsylvania has done is provide a case study into how to tip the scales of an election."
"The United States Supreme Court has the opportunity to rid America of an insurrectionist president... by showing allegiance to the Constitution."
"It's very difficult to challenge it... but there are still many cases where we are successful in challenging them."
"The entire case is bogus. This is an attempt of the deep state to overturn our constitutional democracy."
"You're basically trying to tee up a constitutional crisis."
"Felony disenfranchisement is something that we must challenge."
"It's David against Goliath, but I'm confident that we'll win because the facts and law are on our side."
"If the University of California system loses the suit, the higher education landscape could change forever."
"This was a case that was very interesting to me as a trial lawyer... having your conviction in jeopardy is a gut-wrenching thing."
"Dbrand expressed interest in launching their own PS5 faceplates, daring Sony to sue."
"Like I said, it's a very frustrating case, but it is one that really needs attention."
"For a president who has gotten away with so much, E. Jean Carroll is someone who's not going to back down."
"I sort of pinned this to my future to-do list to talk about, and then I thought with Leah Remini suing the church and David Miscavige, I thought this would be a good opportunity to dive into Scientology."
"The burden on the plaintiff: prove what was said was false and caused damage."
"The conservative Legal Group announced that it filed a federal civil rights complaint with the U.S EEOC, calling on them to investigate Kellogg's policies infused with 'woke ideology'."
"A federal appeals court shoots down the FAA's drone registry requirement."
"Drone hobbyist John Taylor argued that the Federal Aviation Administration doesn't have jurisdiction over what the law classifies as model aircraft."
"The Supreme Court has blocked a mandate from President Joe Biden that would have forced large private companies to have their employees vaccinated or take a weekly COVID test."
"The scheme was so impossible to justify, three courts ruled against it and finally the administration lost in front of the Supreme Court and the question was dropped."
"The trickier question is the media and media has a First Amendment right to access this information."
"When I'm telling the truth, it's hard enough to be cross-examined. If I was lying with all these details, it's impossible."
"Judge McWhorter could not instruct the jury to ignore the testimony about the ghost because it had been brought up by the defense, not the prosecution."
"I think it was unfair in the prosecutors put me in the position that they did."
"What are you going to take us to court over $296.47? I don't think so, but go ahead and sue."
"Our case will prove this censorship as unlawful, it's unconstitutional, and it's completely un-American." - Trump
"Shout out to Ripple for standing up to the SEC. They could've given that money to help underserved communities."
"The parents decided to sue Disney... failed in their duty of care."
"This is not a constitutional challenge, it's a challenge on the other basis."
"His number one fight in Colombia was he did not want to get extradited to the United States."
"Well, that's a blatant Fourth Amendment violation on the threat of arrest under threat of violence. That's a lawsuit."
"This is a challenge to that law because the plaintiffs say they want to be able to buy AR-15s like every other American can across this great country."
"I have the right to challenge within the mechanisms if I'm able to work to change it. I have the right to work to change it."
"I think you're going to run square into a fifth amendment issue."
"Your cash or property can disappear in minutes but it will take you years to get it back."
"My prayer is that the good and wise will rise up... unjust gag orders cannot go unchallenged otherwise we risk Free Speech being eroded for everyone."
"Judge said that Trump is essentially asking the country to invalidate more than 6.8 million votes thereby disenfranchising every single voter."
"I'm gonna make a motion to disqualify you because of your unconstitutional ruling."
"The lawyers are like, 'I don't think we can legally enforce that,' but the CEO is like, 'You know it's fine.'"
"Jodie communicated to the Gen 6 committee that his client is facing witness tampering and witness interference."
"If the SEC does indeed lose this lawsuit against Ripple, they will probably lose about a good 99% of their prominence within the cryptocurrency space."
"The only way they can challenge it is if they're prosecuted and they may well wind up dispossessed of guns all guns in the future as well as a lot of other civil rights including the right to vote."
"This is gonna be a tough case to for right you know for your son you know they're gonna have to find an unbiased jury they might even have to move it somewhere else."
"Jesus makes it impossible to fulfill unjust laws by rewriting the hearts of the people."
"Nike's challenge has no merit and clearly demonstrates their lack of understanding."
"He had a bit of a head on his shoulders and he decided to kind of treat Jeremy as presumptively guilty of records keeping violations and other kinds of violations until Jeremy could prove himself innocent."
"This case is about preventing the State of Tennessee from erecting a financial barrier on the right to vote."
"The issue before the court is whether individual Catholics who have been told that their religious beliefs are absolutely unacceptable to their peers within the community of San Francisco have standing to challenge this official policy of their government."
"it was just one massive messy situation most likely not much will come from these accusations due to a lack of evidence against academics and it's extremely difficult to fight any awarders in court especially with little amounts of evidence."
"This lawsuit threatens who we are and the principles that set Apple products apart."
"We can't give up. If he wins this case, this goes on my permanent record."
"The U.S. is trying to lock him up for 175 years because of what he did."
"It's really difficult to establish like actual malice in those pleadings."
"It's a process that also has to be tested and challenged through cross-examination."
"It's a difficult case because it requires us to really explore legality and morality."
"The common theme of this organization is the challenge in the courts the use of racial classifications and preference in our nation's policy."