
Airports Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"It's like one of the busiest airports in the United States was like Atlanta."
"Regional airports are a vital part of our economic growth."
"So don't mess around with O'Hare if you're flying in international and you're transferring through Chicago."
"As you approach the Funafuti Airport based on a small strip of land that looks like wisps of hair floating in the sea, you can't help but be amazed."
"There's always a sense of excitement in the air when you're entering an airport."
"Equally complicated are the airport buildings themselves, split into nine terminals, each with their own check-in and luggage claim."
"Security has been ramped up a lot at airports and on planes."
"Could this become even bigger? Tesla rentals at airports. Could this become a whole new business?"
"A layover means your connecting flight doesn't leave right away. You'll be at the airport for a few hours waiting for your next flight."
"Some of the coolest flights yet, several of the most awesome airports I've ever been to."
"Until that time, just take advantage because, Jesus, airports are the worst."
"Al Makum Airport also known as Dubai World Central."
"Avoid exchanging money at the airport and instead use ATMs for the best exchange rates."
"Airports are like shopping malls for super rich people."
"Whilst airports are places that we associate with transit, it seems some spirits are tethered to these bustling transportation hubs."
"The funny thing about airports is that it's often the same things that go wrong, but never in quite the same way."
"People land at the wrong airports all the time."
"But sometimes airports have hidden secrets, dark tales from the past, and travelers and employees who never seem to leave."
"I love those little small airports, man. Quick in and out."
"I love airports... it's like people watching."
"JFK ranks 16th on the list of most internationally connected airports."
"Eight airports, 14 flights, eight cities."
"Airport beer is awesome. It's not a perk you can get at any airport. It's not, not a perk though."
"If you ever want to just like be an [__] and like talk mad [__] to people, do it at airports. Because if you get into a physical altercation in an airport, you most likely will be added to a no fly list."
"US airports in general didn't fare particularly well with the highest-rated US airport being Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport."
"The best airports are those that offer a well-run shopping mall experience with local flavor."
"Safety is my mandate, and we are focused on safety at airports, particularly on the ramp."
"This has one of the best views of any airport around the world."
"Airports are the first contact point, the very first impression our visitors have about our standards as a nation."
"We've landed at Nia airport and this is the single best Nia airport experience we've ever had."
"London Heathrow has got to be my favorite airport in the world for plane spotting."
"I don't mind flying; I just don't like the airport stuff."
"I really love airports and flying, not for the liminal ambience and definitely not for the cramped spaces, but for the total release of responsibility."
"I find immense peace in airports and traveling."
"Local airports are typically located in relatively open and flat areas."
"I always check surrounding airports when I'm booking flights because sometimes they have deals like that; they're so much cheaper if you just fly to a different airport."
"I'm obsessed, I love airports. I like to get here three hours early... I just love the atmosphere at the airports."
"It's the prettiest out of all the airports around the world."
"It's crazy how Atlanta airport really be booming like both airports be booming like non-stop."
"Why is anything at an airport? It's going somewhere; it's all coming in from somewhere."
"It's a clear and beautiful afternoon at the VC Bird International Airport."
"We love airports and the whole journey so much."
"It's my favorite airport I think I've ever been to."
"Did you know now when you go to the airport, they don't have the things, I mean, you don't have to take your stuff out of your bag anymore, which is very iconic."
"Airports are so stressful, so chaotic, and you really can see who people are at the airport."
"I've made a vow to myself, I will never be a person who runs in the airport."
"Airports busy places ultimately they can be very exciting places but also quite draining."
"Subways in large cities like Seoul, Busan, and Incheon; several international airports and ferries."
"Greetings from Orlando International Airport."
"Orlando International Airport is really pretty; it's really full of light."
"It's always happy hour in the airport."
"An airport is a place which could and should be the means of transporting us up into the blue sky to adventure, opportunity, fulfillment."
"Always interesting to me how each airport is a little bit different on their screening process."