
Governmental Critique Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Collusion and conspiracy were over, and the observations of obstructions by the Democratic majority."
"Obviously, this isn't true. Analysis by non-government, nonpartisan groups concluded that the cost was much, much higher—like just under 5 trillion dollars."
"I thought it was a rigged election. I thought it had a lot of problems. I had every, I guess he's Secretary of State, I called."
"United we stand, divided we fall. This is how every nation gets conquered, and it seems that by our own government, we are being conquered, ladies and gentlemen."
"War is government at its worst and war is what allows governments to do the absolute most depraved things."
"What intuition tempts us to believe: 'When there's a problem, government should act.' What reality taught me: 'Individuals should act, not government.'"
"Having that option for a populace with armament to rise up and yes question and overthrow the government is a good option."
"All of our anger should be directed at the government."
"It's a writ large attempt to criminalize and deter questioning any official government narrative."
"It had successfully turned the conscience of America against its own government."
"The Republicans want this all or burn it down mentality. They just want to go everyone who's here, deport them, shut down everything. And I'm sorry, that is not the United States of America." - Representative Crockett
"The government is your biggest criminal organization on the face of the earth."
"The more you start stifling not just like one side but just anyone that doesn't agree with the government we are going to get to a dark place very quickly"
"Our goal with this show is to empower you financially, make you global citizens aware of this. How the government rips you off and how media lies to you."
"Experience has shown that even under the best forms of government, those entrusted with power have, in time and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny." - Thomas Jefferson
"Nobody wants to talk about the fact that government doesn't work."
"A nation that cannot take care of its People's Health is a nation that's in trouble."
"Judicial Watch, frankly, is the most important book because we document the coup and we document how it was stopped."
"Public damage is to show the state that you shouldn't do this. This is a penalty, say you better get your [__] together, we're going to cost more money."
"The policies of big government of handouts have been destroying the black family."
"America is great because of us, not because of our government."
"The states are realizing that the federal government... has been taken over by a dark influence."
"A Labour Party is there to essentially do the work of the Tories for them."
"We came forward because we felt it was necessary to protect the American people from the direction that the US government had evolved toward."
"Instead of doing the job you've been hired to do, get on board and start fixing Puerto Rico."
"Capitalism serves the wants and needs of people and it does so in a much more responsive way than the government."
"The best argument for anarchism is that core argument which is what happens when there's only four of us that are gonna... which is not solved by monarchism."
"Now we are in charge, now there are no governments, there's no kings, there's no systems in place, now it is life as it was intended."
"Reprobating all of the insanity that we are doing with our government, with ourselves, with our lives, with our communities, with our states, with these elections, all of this stuff that's going on."
"It's amazing how they would dare to do that when you have this history of incredible endless intelligence failures by the CIA."
"Populism is a sign that something's going profoundly wrong with the United States government worldwide governments."
"Donald Trump's administration is turning America into a government of the worst people."
"This is a story that matters not just to some but to every American citizen."
"Drain the swamp is what Donald Trump said. D.C. is a swamp, and he was right."
"There is no excuse for any hard-working American citizen to have to genuflect before an official and pay a fee and get a license in order to exercise an enumerated constitutionally protected right." - Joel Persinger
"Do you want to be part of this movement? Do you think it's time for us to fight back against the State, against the government, against these corrupt systems that want to shut us down?"
"The French sit on their hands with their own Popular Front government."
"Their cause is nothing to do with insulating Britain they're anarchists they're causing trouble they want to see the overthrow of all government that's what they are okay they we we know that we do."
"Still, many are speaking out, insisting that activism and wanting things to get better isn't and should not be deemed as terrorism, especially by a government that kills thousands of its own people."
"The function of government is to funnel public money into private hands."
"Being a patriot is loving your country all the time and your government when it deserves it."
"Every war we ever had was against y'all y'all the economy it's the government versus the people period period."
"You don't need somebody like Yellen coming in."
"The root of the problem is not the branches, but the existence of governmental authority."
"We are taking back our country. We are bringing the revolution to Washington because Washington clearly doesn't want it."
"We have basically the multiplication of deep state swamp creatures who continue to violate the fourth amendment of the constitution."
"And that's part of the problem, too many people are afraid of the government and they let the government walk all over them and nibble away at their civil rights day by day."
"They wanted to make sure nobody could come after him and use him as a weapon against his father and again his dealings were connected to deep State operations to other Democratic families."
"It's just thinking is okay I'm just going to ignore the insults because I don't think it really gets us anywhere and it's not about you it's about actually having journalism back on TV..."
"The job gets bigger the more they do for us before the more they pretend to do it."
"If you truly believe in protecting the soul of America, if you truly believe in saving democracy, you can't allow elements of our government to suppress speech of the American people."
"The right way to go is to assume first that there's government failure before you look at market failure."
"We need a house cleansing... very few elements of government that are not guilty."