
Piloting Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"Boy that was a hairy approach with all the AI wasn't it, she just stuck to our approach but I was worried about that MD-80."
"We're looking good right now, we'll just do our best and land the airplane."
"I miss this, Raju, the clarity of purpose in the cockpit of a battle mech."
"Harmony of control is what binds a pilot with his aircraft."
"What do you think is it that makes a good pilot? Well, what a good question."
"Airline pilot: I don't do cocaine nor am I an alcoholic, and neither are 99.9 percent of other airline pilots."
"Cooper performed one of the most extraordinary feats of piloting in space flight history."
"If you think you're a half-decent pilot, you can make a ship."
"In these situations, it is not uncommon for confusion to emerge over who is actually in charge, especially in an emergency."
"An experienced pilot knows he has to fight this urge to fly to the deck... keep your eye on the ball."
"The B-29 is everything you've been promised and the pilot who flies one has an enviable job: important, glamorous, and tough."
"Being able to fly a plane as Mario would be a great callback."
"Nothing is without risk. What I worry about most are things that will stop me from being able to get to the surface... But A Good Pilot can avoid those things."
"Overall, the aircraft behaved well in the air and Antonini found it easy to handle."
"So humans might not be the only pilots up in the sky."
"It's not the flying that's difficult, it's the landing, you know."
"If you can keep your car in lane, you are flying as good as that aircraft, except that aircraft is going into this maneuver at 400 knots!"
"Achievement being a result of incredible determination, pilot skills, and courage."
"The aircraft duly brought home many victories with pilots exploiting its exceptional lifts and graceful stalling characteristic to the fullest."
"Someday, that's gonna be me. I'm gonna pilot the black lion."
"If you are a brand new pilot and maybe the Mini 2 SE is your first drone, then you're probably feeling quite terrified to fly your drone."
"I let him go, firewalled it, get it back south, and I flew about 700 miles by myself over enemy territory."
"The stresses of being a bush pilot and having to think about timing, wind, and everything else."
"Honestly Luc, I'm a very careful pilot."
"Many times you'll enter the pattern with full flaps and start flowing down as early as the downwind lake."
"Can we please just take a moment and enjoy the fact that we are piloting a giant metal robot? Please?"
"The aircraft followed a route that only a very able pilot could have managed according to Jean-Luc Marshan."
"I'm not the best pilot right? We're all getting better but that looks really good."
"At the heart of each towering War engine is a noble pilot sitting in their throne mechanicum and controlling their mighty steed through a mixture of runic controls, aptic feedback, and neural uplinks."
"Since the whole tactic requires speed & precision, the Aegis is very hard to pilot."
"In the hands of a skilled Jedi pilot, it was basically untouchable."
"You got to fly the thing to the ground."
"I'm just over here piloting the X-Wing Fighter."
"You fly fighters not by looking inside at instruments, you fly it by feel and then you check whether you're actually doing it correctly with a glance inside."
"Only the Doctor can pilot the TARDIS."
"There's a lot of pressure when you're Landing an airplane, especially a big one that you've never landed before."
"I can fly it slow, I can do some nice touch and goes, I can roll on one wheel down the runway, and then I can punch out, go vertical, so I can do some 3D aerobatics."
"When you pull a helicopter up into a hover, we don't really think about what our fingers are doing. We've practiced it so much both in the simulator and in real life that they become instinctive."
"Slow jets are easy to land, jets that go slow look sweet."
"To think we were away for five days by ourselves lobbing on little islands with 5000 feet of runway and turning the airplane by ourselves is a testament to those that taught us to do that I think."
"You have to ease off the G's a bit if they started to lose it."
"The coordination necessary to pilot a helicopter is akin to operating a yo-yo with your left hand while spinning a pie plate on the tip of your right index finger while you're balancing full glasses of water on the top of your feet."
"You moved like they do. Can you fly that thing?"
"Nick succeeded in his goal of becoming one badass Osprey pilot."
"The tripling the wind correction gets you very close, but it's not perfect."
"As you can see, there are a lot of checks to be completed and things to continually consider, but for me, that's partly what makes flying a helicopter in scenarios like this so enjoyable and rewarding."
"We're just inside Smuggler's Run, and we are pilots. First time coming on, we are pilots, we're driving the Millennium Falcon."
"The biggest and most critical tool in your tool bag is going to be your transmitter as an RC pilot."
"This T-33 has been a ball to fly, and I'm really enjoying it."
"From a very young age, I knew that being a pilot is something that I wanted to do."
"As we enhance those skill bases, it makes us better, more well-rounded pilots, and probably a little bit safer along the way too."
"However, I like to think that over time, I became confident, content, comfortable, proficient with my landings."
"The purpose of the trim is to set the control wheel pressure so that you don't have to do as much as the pilot as far as inputs in and out to the system."
"I really felt like a real pilot at that point."
"The key is to just, you know, don't let yourself go into IMC; stay clear of those clouds."
"We just want to be patient and let the airplane tell us when she's ready to fly."
"If you are a drone pilot, you can fly this because it flies just like a drone."
"The controller is doing the right thing here, trying to get the pilot headed away from the terrain."
"Every fighter pilot must learn to manage their energy properly."
"It's blue skies above, but man, there's a lot of clouds to be able to be doing a good circuit in here."
"One of the most important pieces of information that affects pilots and flying aircraft of any kind, of course, is the weather."
"Every pilot you're always learning on every flight."
"Being a pilot's all about decision making."
"The ability to make sudden and exact movements is indispensable within the cramped confines of a fighter plane cockpit."
"Ambush tactics may be useful, but they are dishonorable. A true pilot should never use them willingly."
"This is the ship that made Luke Skywalker want to become a pilot."
"He handles the jet's controls with confidence, even at quasar velocities exceeding the speed of light."
"He's an expert pilot qualified to fly an F-5E, F-16, XP-14F, and the Ghost Striker X-16 jet."
"Piloting the Magdalena was like a combination of flying an airplane and making a scuba dive at the same time."
"It's a delightful machine; it's a pilot's aeroplane."
"It's like the pilot who points out too many landmarks on the flight, you know, just fly the plane."
"In the hands of a good pilot, a TIE can be an incredibly deadly weapon."
"The instruments help guide you, but you plot your course. You're free."
"A good pilot is always learning, always."
"Invest in yourself; become a pilot."
"I'm gonna share my experience and getting to the hotel and then landing this aircraft on a helipad on the side of the ocean in another country in 78 feet."
"To be a good ferry pilot, number one, you have to be a little crazy."
"There's one best way to fly these ships, and that's the right way."
"It is pretty easy to criticize this for being late... but the truth is I love spaceship 1 and spaceship 2 because they are the only spacecraft that are 100% manually flown by a human pilot."
"From a pilot's point of view, there is absolutely nothing like this."
"This boat is extremely easy to ride, extremely easy to pilot."
"It's just a really, really fun airplane to fly overall."
"I have more time, more passenger time, in single-engine airplanes, in single-place airplanes, than any guy living."
"I had absolutely 100% situational focus ahead, and I couldn't even imagine looking at the instruments."
"This novel follows flight school and space fighter pilot combat, it's so fascinating."
"Ignace, captain who has never failed a piloting check."
"You can really see us crabbing the aircraft now as we come in, and then as we get over the runway and we're flaring and we're reducing engine power, I'll just tap the rudder slightly to straighten the nose on the aircraft, hopefully for a nice soft touchdown."
"The instrument panels and all controls are positioned to facilitate every operation in flying the airplane."
"When it's trying to maneuver, the pilot can alter the thrusters and make it corkscrew through space."
"You fly the plane; you don't let the airplane fly you."
"Think about a pilot going through their pre-flight checklist."
"You really understand that stuff, Phil, when you're piloting a hot air balloon over crests."
"Oscar's completely new approach to piloting the Evangelion brings a totally different tone to the robot battles."
"You're going to get a longer flight time and more pilot time, which is what most of us are looking for in the long range rig."
"If you're a good heli pilot, and I am not, you will love this thing, it is insane."
"You just become a better pilot when you get an instrument rating."
"It's more about who is flying the ship than the ship itself."
"I'm taking a closer look at the Hondo Anako, which actually goes with the ride where you pilot the Millennium Falcon."
"If you can fly a plane this size in windy weather like I'm doing now and it flies as well as it does, that means it's a really good plane."
"It's one of the challenging things that backcountry pilots live for."
"General aviation takes so much more skill."
"So out the windshield, if you look right in the middle of the windscreen, that should be like right on the end of the runway or the numbers."
"I'm one of the two pilots who fly the helicopters used by President Eisenhower."
"It's really a very, very nice machine to fly."
"It's all about using the ship to give a pilot the best chance of getting up and down the ladder."
"Honestly, he's the only one crazy enough to let me fly the ship."
"So there I was, about 300 feet over a nasty swamp in Florida, zero viable landing sites within glide, and my motor had just died."
"Once cruising altitude is reached, the pilot will throttle the engines back."
"You know, when I was young, that's all I could think about, being a pilot."
"I'm one of the best pilots in the galaxy."
"I'm flying with Kurt, and he said, 'Okay, go ahead and land the plane.'"
"This pilot was an ace, he knew exactly what he was doing."
"Remember, landings are like farts, if you force it, it's probably crap."
"This is proper flying I can tell you, stick and rudder stuff, love it."
"He managed to land the plane on a levee."
"You became at one with the aircraft."
"I had my best landing I've ever had, as far as not having to look at my instruments too much and just feeling it, becoming one with the machine."
"The best way to think of this is to imagine yourself in the cockpit of that drone."
"This is an excellent little drone for beginner pilots who want to learn to fly."
"A very neat mech that if it were real, I would love to be the one sitting in that pilot seat and piloting."
"I'm not the world's greatest pilot, but I do a heck of a lot better when I could see."
"Some pilots, they call the office and call the boss every 10 minutes. They want every decision made for them."
"You're a pilot and we need you to land the plane."
"There's an unwritten rule in aviation when you make a change to the configuration of the plane and the plane doesn't do something you understand, you undo the change."
"As pilots, we don't like risk; we like knowing, we like control. Going without knowing can end very badly."